Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 485: Hogsmeade’s 2nd Counter-Encirclement and Suppression (2)

Different from the hastily organized first siege of Hogsmeade, this time the Death Eaters were obviously well prepared. Therefore, the Death Eaters will naturally not let go of the hills in the north of Hogsmeade that offer a panoramic view.

When it comes to opening maps, wizards and Muggles both agree.

It's just that there are so many hills here, and the Ministry of Magic cannot arrange personnel to garrison them all. Except for a few observation posts, the other hills are empty.

However, today the Death Eaters happened to choose the hilltop where this observation post was located.

Zhang Xu looked at the people inside the observation post. There were three new Aurors, three Muggle SAS members, plus him and Wales, a total of eight people.

There are currently at least ten known Death Eaters coming, and it is estimated that the opponent's individual combat capabilities are not weak. Because there is a high chance that the person who came up to open the map is the commander-in-chief of this operation, and the Death Eaters who follow and protect the commander-in-chief are naturally not weak hands.

What troubles Zhang Xu the most is that the eight people here belong to four systems: the Ministry of Magic, the government and military, the intelligence department, and the general public. They are not subordinate to each other. It is necessary to straighten out the command relationships among them. This is an extremely troublesome matter. After all, all parties have reasons for not listening to other people's orders, and reasons for letting others listen to their own orders.

In this case it is easy to take pills.

So Zhang Xu could only look at the Auror he knew next to him and asked, "How are you going to deal with such a situation?"

"If there are not many people on the other side, we will eliminate them. If there are too many people, then we will retreat after a little resistance." The Auror replied.

Hearing that they were about to run away, Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief. He thought they were going to prepare to fight to the end in a bloody battle on the top of the mountain. When it comes to running away, he thinks he is no better than others.

"Well, you all act according to your own plan." Zhang Xu said to them, "I will leave some gifts for them and then retreat."

The people in the original observation post walked to the other side, preparing for a surprise attack by the Death Eaters who climbed up. Zhang Xu took out his magic wand and started digging a hole in the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Wales asked on the side.

Zhang Xu did not answer, but asked: "Have you heard of Messines in Belgium?"

Wales didn't react. Instead, an SAS soldier shook his head. Then he turned around and said, "Are you going to blow up this mountain, sir?"

Charles Harrington, Chief of Staff of the British Second Army during World War I, said to reporters, "Gentlemen, we may not leave our name in history, but we will definitely change the geography." It is quite famous. The British troops dug nearly twenty holes beneath the German positions and then buried anywhere from nine to more than 40 tons of explosives. After these explosives were detonated, 10,000 German troops were killed on the spot, and the 3rd Royal Bavarian Division was nearly wiped out. The explosions at that time left a large number of deep craters more than 100 to 200 feet wide, some of which remain into the 21st century.

So this soldier who knew this period of history was a little shaky now. If they were fighting in the front and there was an explosion in the back, he would be buried directly on the spot.

"It's not that exaggerated." Zhang Xu said while digging a hole, "I'm just making an analogy. Besides, how can I carry tons of explosives with me."

Then Zhang Xu began to put something into the pit that was half a meter wide and more than one meter deep that made Wales on the side have a toothache.

"Don't worry, I won't use these things other than fighting Death Eaters." Zhang Xu said to Wales while installing the timed detonator, "Ordinary Death Eaters will not come here at this time. Come here, so there is probably an important target among these Death Eaters. Then try to blow it up, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xu had a pityful thought in his heart. Many years ago, he had made a plan to dig a tunnel under their house and bury explosives when Voldemort lived in the Malfoy family. Even if Voldemort took a ground plane, You can kill a large number of Death Eaters without killing Voldemort.

As a result, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Their house was burned down before that, and now Voldemort's office is unknown where.

Zhang Xu installed two detonators in the pile of gifts, one with a timed detonation and one with a mechanical detonation. If the explosives are set off, the fuse on the detonator will be activated.

When Zhang Xu filled in the hole and disguised himself, the sound of several "FRONT TOARDENEMY" explosions sounded in the open space outside, and then all the people in the observation post rushed out.

"Where are we going next?" Wales asked.

Zhang Xu glanced at the direction of the Forbidden Forest, then stretched out his hand to Wales and said, "Let's go to the Forbidden Forest and have a look. I'm a little worried about it."

In such a big scene, the unplanned role of Zhang Xu and the two of them is not that big, and it might even be a disservice, so Zhang Xu plans to look around first. For Zhang Xu, the most important thing is to understand the current situation and the strength of both parties.

As for Hogwarts, Zhang Xu is not too worried. As long as the news that Harley is hiding there is not leaked and Voldemort does not go there in person, then there will not be a big problem.

After saying "biu", Zhang Xu and the others appeared on a grassland in the Forbidden Forest.

"Have you been here before?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Been here a few times," Wales replied.

"Have you ever dealt with the centaurs tribe?" Zhang Xu continued to ask while leading her forward.

"No, we stayed away from them and avoided them." Wales said, "Are we going to find the centaurs now?"

"That's right," Zhang Xu said, "The prophecy of the horse people showed that they would also be involved in this war, so they started preparing for the war very early. Now I am going there to see if there is anything I can do to help. Gotta be busy."

Zhang Xu then told her: "When communicating with horse people, be careful not to show curiosity or contempt. Don't treat them as animals, but treat them as humans like yourself."

Just when they were not far from the centaur tribe, a low and short horn sound suddenly sounded.

Zhang Xu was shocked and said: "No, this is the signal for the horsemen to start fighting!"

"Are we going to help now?" Wales asked.

"Let's take a look outside first and figure out the size of the enemy. Then we can decide whether to help directly or find reinforcements." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took out the flying sword.

After applying the illusion spell, the invisible two people arrived in the sky near the centaurs tribe.

At this time, a group of Death Eaters gathered in front of the gate of the centaurs tribe. They obviously had no intention of coexisting peacefully with the centaurs. At this moment, under the cover of several clay giants transformed by the magic of transformation, they braved the centaurs to shoot them out. A hail of arrows launched an attack on the centaurs' village.

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