Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 487: Hogsmeade’s 2nd Counter-Encirclement and Suppression (4)

"Let's go down."

As soon as Zhang Xugang finished speaking, he immediately activated his flying sword and flew towards the central square of the horse tribe.

The appearance of such a large green mist at this time must not be a good thing. This thing created by the Death Eaters is definitely not used to nourish the yin, nourish the kidneys, remove acne, whiten and lose weight, prevent hair loss and remove fleas.

"Elder, don't shoot the arrow! It's me!"

As soon as Zhang Xu appeared and landed on the ground, he was targeted by the centaurs in the square with bows and arrows.

The elders who had just arranged for the evacuation of the centaurs in the north of the village were overjoyed when they saw Zhang Xu's arrival and said, "That's great. You came just after I asked Hogwarts for help."

At this time, the green poisonous mist had drifted to a place not far from the village wall. The centaur warriors originally stationed here were checking from house to house to see if there were any centaurs in the house who had not evacuated.

Fortunately, the wind in the Forbidden Forest is not as strong as on the top of the mountain due to the obstruction of the trees, otherwise the poisonous mist would have entered the village by now.

The Death Eaters had already retreated, preparing to intercept the centaurs' breakout from the leeward direction.

"Let's not talk about other things first," Zhang Xu said to the centaur elder while taking out his staff that had not been used for a long time, "I want to blow back the poisonous mist to protect me from being disturbed for one minute. "

While Zhang Xu was making preparations, the centaurs elders immediately ordered the centaurs in the square to form a circle to protect Zhang Xu. Wales also stood not far behind him, alert to the movements around and above.

The horse village covers a large area, and Zhang Xu cannot create a strong wind that can cover the entire village with his own strength. If he had enough time, he could also arrange a cyclone array that would affect the entire village, but now the poisonous mist was about to touch the wooden wall beside the village.

With Zhang Xu's strength, if he did it by himself, he could blow away a poisonous mist the size of half a football field with all his strength.

The mana used to create strong winds with magic is directly proportional to the volume and speed of the flowing air created, so ordinary people need external help to create strong winds that cover the entire village. The mobilization of these external mana places high demands on the caster. The difference between using one's own mana and relying on external force is like driving a Liuzhou Wuling car and driving a modified truck overloaded to 140 tons. If you are not careful, the car will overturn. .

Think back to when Zhuge Liang built the Seven Star Altar and gathered everyone's strength to create an east wind. It was an unprecedented move. His ability and talent to mobilize and control massive amounts of mana are beyond the reach of future generations.

So what Zhang Xu has to do now is to connect himself to a bunch of mana "power banks", and then concentrate on controlling these spells to create a headwind to blow back the poisonous mist.

After placing nine large pieces of jade on the ground, Zhang Xu began to combine his magic power to cast spells.

(??ω??)つ━?The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying?

In an instant, a huge wind howled and hit the green poisonous mist that had just drifted over the wooden wall. Then the poisonous mist was swept away by the sudden strong wind.

?Dividing line?

When we started taking action today, Snape was assigned a not-so-easy job, which was to lead an attack on the centaurs tribe in the Forbidden Forest while Hogsmeade was running out of manpower, and kill the horses here. After humans, all their corpses were made into inferi.

Snape had taught at Hogwarts for many years and naturally understood the strength of the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest. Moreover, he also learned that not long before Dumbledore's death, Old Deng had sent something that should be a weapon to the centaurs. tribe there.

As a representative figure of high intelligence among Death Eaters, Snape would naturally not choose to launch a strong attack on the centaurs tribe.

Snape knew clearly that the centaurs who took advantage of the terrain in the Forbidden Forest could fight the Death Eaters at a fifty-fifty fight, but the centaurs could not use magic, and their weapons, except for bows and arrows, were cold weapons for melee combat.

"What should we do, Mr. Snape?" Faranir asked.

Faranir is a student from the Hogwarts Snake House who graduated last year. He comes from an ancient pharmaceutical family, so he has a good relationship with Snape.

When he was in school, he took the lead in establishing the Hogwarts Apothecary Association. After graduation, after hearing the speech of Mr. Malfoy, the Minister of Magic, he responded to the call of pure-blood wizards and joined the ranks of Death Eaters. After joining the Death Eaters, he was assigned to Snape's staff as an assistant.

By the way, in recent years, after the students who graduated from Hogwarts joined the Death Eaters, they were all divided up by Snape and Lao Ma.

"What would you do if it were you?" Snape asked.

"According to the SOT analysis method..."

"Stop!" Snape stopped Faranir from dropping his book bag, "Just tell me the result."

Faranir said: "The advantage of the centaurs is their mobility in the Forbidden Forest. We need to restrict them to one place to offset their advantage in this regard."

"And centaurs can't use magic. We should prepare magic of mass destruction to wipe out their living forces."

"Very well," Snape nodded and handed him a piece of parchment. "You prepare these things before setting off."

When Snape led his people to the vicinity of the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest, he began to arrange the actions of his Death Eaters.

In addition to arranging some people to attack outside the gate of the centaur village on the downwind side in order to block the door and attract the centaurs, Snape took most of the people to hide on the upwind side, preparing to wait for the poisonous mist he deployed on the spot to float into the centaurs. After the village, they followed the poisonous fog and attacked the village.

Snape and the other Death Eaters guessed the beginning correctly, but not the ending.

Although those who launched the feint attack at the beginning suffered heavy casualties, they also attracted the attention of the centaurs there.

However, just when Snape's special poisonous mist drifted into the centaur village wall, the wind suddenly turned 180°.

Seeing the green poisonous mist sweeping towards them, the Death Eaters ran away one after another.

Facing the poisonous mist blown back by strong winds that exceeded the running speed of humans, many unlucky people who did not have time to escape or cast protective spells on themselves turned green and died after inhaling the poisonous mist.

≒Separating line?

Today's wind direction is mainly northerly. If he doesn't want the poisonous mist blown away by his own wind to be blown back by the wind, Zhang Xu has to find a way to deal with the poisonous mist.


Zhang Xu mobilized the last bit of magic power, controlled the wind that carried the poisonous mist, gathered all the poisonous mist together, and then packed it into a wind dragon, and then he controlled the wind dragon to follow the north wind down the wind outlet. The Death Eaters blocking the door flew away.

Just when this poisonous wind dragon was about to give the Death Eaters a big surprise, a loud "bang" was heard in the distance, frightening Zhang Xu who was concentrating on controlling the spell. As a result, the spell went out of control. .

The wind dragon that had just flown out of the village exploded on the spot, and then the green poisonous mist floated towards the Death Eaters who had blocked the door downwind as originally planned.

At this time, the Death Eaters also panicked and fled from the place where the poisonous fog was about to cover them.

Seeing that the Death Eaters were in chaos, the centaurs elders immediately ordered all centaurs to attack immediately and launch a counterattack against the Death Eaters.

Zhang Xu, who was mentally exhausted due to controlling a large amount of mana, shivered just now and almost completed the backlash. Now that the spell casting was completed, he noticed that the other people in his eyes were shaking.

At this time, Wales, who had been guarding Zhang Xu, stepped forward to help Zhang Xu, who was swaying, and was about to take him nearby to rest, but she did not notice that there were stools around.

"Please come with me, both of you." A centaur girl walked up to Zhang Xu and the others and said.

Zhang Xu looked up at the person coming down and said hello: "Oh, it's Twilight. Thank you."

"Thank you so much for today." Twilight saluted Zhang Xu.

I'm still a little dizzy just thinking about it, so I can only nod. Twilight didn't care and led Zhang Xu and the others towards the resting place.

Just as Zhang Xu and Wales were following Twilight towards the square, Wales poked Zhang Xu and then asked quietly: "Don't horse people, regardless of gender, wear clothes?"

"This is their custom." Zhang Xu replied softly.

"Then you said you often come to play with the centaurs?" Wales continued to ask quietly.

"Yes, I come as a guest from time to time, and sometimes I just have a meal when I catch a banquet." Zhang Xu nodded and replied.

Wales continued to ask: "The fundamental reason why you came here is not to see them, right?"

After Wales finished speaking, he poked Zhang Xu's weak spots hard with his fingers several times.

At this time, Scarlet's voice sounded behind the two of them: "Harder, if you stab this kind of person to death, it will be considered as killing harm for the people."

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