Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 512 The Battle of Hogwarts (1)

When the reinforcements went to the scene to watch, many students vomited on the spot, and Lu Ping and the others also looked bitter.

It wasn't that the Death Eater corpses at the scene were torn apart or something too tragic, but it was the first time they saw some incomplete corpses and smelled the smell of blood that filled the air. In this case, the visual sense is fine, but when the olfactory sense is added, the stimulation becomes even greater.

The most calm person among the visitors was Moody. After so many years of arresting dark wizards, he had seen a lot, and he had seen even worse things.

And he soon discovered strange things about these corpses, such as traces of various spells that were not commonly used by British wizards.

After noticing Moody's strange look, Zhang Xu briefly told him alone about the fact that these Death Eaters were divided up by multinational forces.

After recording the corpses of the Death Eaters whose faces were still visible and taking away their wands, they were burned to death.

After the incident in the Forbidden Forest came to an end, Moody led his men back to defend Hogwarts, while Zhang Xu volunteered to patrol in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.


It's called patrolling, but it's actually fishing.

Today should be the day when "Savior" Harry Potter stands on the stage of Hogwarts to perform, and Zhang Xu doesn't intend to steal his limelight. As long as he takes care of things in the Forbidden Forest, Harry can leave the frontal battlefield to Harry.

Although the current defense of Hogwarts seems a bit childish, its lethality is still very impressive.

Due to the presence of Snape, the "traitor", the door of Hogwarts was quickly blown open.

In the cafeteria, the wall behind the professor's chair was replaced by a curtain usually used when showing movies, showing a picture of someone looking down at the door from above.

In front of the professor's chair, there is now a huge Hogwarts sand table.

Harry, Professor McGonagall and other members of the command staff stood by the sand table, watching attentively the every move of the Death Eaters on the curtain.

"Neville, is everything okay near the gate?" Harry asked Neville, who was standing not far from him, after seeing the Death Eaters rushing into the gate.

"Everything is under control." Neville replied confidently.

Neville's confidence is not without origin, because he has put a lot of effort into the first line of defense of Hogwarts now, and he knows the power of this line of defense better than anyone else.

When the Death Eaters opened the door, they encountered a counterattack from inside the wall.

Countless black shadows in the sky soared down like raindrops, and then crashed into the crowd.

The huge and freezing-hard ice watermelon hit the Death Eaters who were caught off guard. Many of the unprepared Death Eaters were hit with bloody heads and broken bones.

Some of the Death Eaters who reacted quickly immediately put the Iron Armor Curse on themselves. However, although the Iron Armor Curse prevented them from being injured, it could not stop the law of conservation of momentum. Many Death Eaters were knocked to the ground by the ice watermelon.

When these ice watermelons hit people or the ground, they immediately exploded, and the cold air gushing out from them froze the people around them.

In addition to iced watermelon, chunks of gooey corn butter also fell from the sky.

The butter didn't do much harm to Death Eaters, but it just stuck to the body and made people uncomfortable.

The Death Eater who was hit with a piece of butter had to stop what he was doing and clean the butter on his face first, while the butter on his clothes would be dealt with later when he had time.

The Death Eaters responsible for breaking the door finally broke the spell after being smeared in the face with spores by the giant mushroom behind the door. However, many of them were poisoned and fell down before they could be happy.

Seeing that the gate was blown open, the Death Eaters who had been waiting for a long time immediately entered the campus. At the same time, they did not forget to put a defensive spell such as the Iron Armor Curse on themselves. Although it could not prevent them from being smeared with corn butter, the damage caused by the ice watermelon to them was greatly reduced and could only make them slightly frozen.

The Death Eaters who rushed into the campus couldn't even take two steps before fires lit up with a "boom" on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, burning fireballs were shot out from behind the burning tree stumps, and the cross firepower formed by the fireballs immediately knocked the Death Eaters who had just burst in onto their backs.

The worst offenders were the Death Eaters who still had corn butter on them, which immediately burned when the sparks from the burning peas fell on them. Although there is magic that can make wizards not afraid of ordinary flames, the flames on these peas are obviously not ordinary. Many Death Eaters turned into torches before they knew it.

In less than two minutes, the first batch of Death Eaters who rushed into the campus were driven out.


In the cafeteria, Neville looked proudly at the classmates and professors around him who were shocked and speechless by the scene in front of them.

Harry and the others were a little panicked now, because although they had seen the power of these immature plants last semester, no one could have imagined that mature plants would have such great power. And many of them often sit on the edge of the flowerbed where these plants are planted and talk about love.

But no matter what, easily repelling the Death Eaters' first attack is something worth celebrating.

Facing the cheering classmates, Neville remained calm.

"This is actually just the first line of defense, and it is not difficult for Death Eaters to break through if they are prepared." Neville said to Harry and Professor McGonagall.

"If the Death Eaters are well prepared for the next attack, it will only be a matter of time before this line of defense is breached."

"So what can be done?" Harry asked worriedly.

"There is a way to kill Death Eaters on a large scale, but the plants will also suffer great losses after using it, so this method can only be used at the last moment." Neville replied confidently, "But I have improved the function of the mushrooms layout so that this method can be used outside the school walls.”

After listening to Neville's detailed arrangements, Harry held his chin in his hand, thought for a moment and then made up his mind and said, "I think this method can be used, and if this method is successful, we can take the opportunity to launch a counterattack."

Professor McGonagall was not good at directing battles. She just thought Harry's plan sounded reasonable, so she approved his plan.

Outside the gate of Hogwarts, Snape listened to the report of the Death Eaters who had just ran out of the campus with a cold face. There was no expression on his cold face.

At this moment, he was also thinking of a group of alpacas pole vaulting. He knew that the newly planted plants in Hogwarts had a defensive effect, but he did not expect that their power should not be underestimated.

However, he soon discovered some shortcomings of these plants.

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