Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 518 Blow, you keep blowing

Harry thought that no one else knew about his sneaking out of Hogwarts, but his move could not be hidden from the eyes of some people who had been paying attention to him.

After learning of Harry's movements, his bodyguards lurked around him immediately.

Zhang Xu first made a calm gesture to Moody, Lupine and Black, who had been hiding aside to protect Harry, then scratched his head and asked Harry: "Hey, you haven't done that before?" Have you ever seen me like this?"

Harry shook his head, indeed he hadn't seen it before.

"I remember last year, Dumbledore told you about dark wizards." Zhang Xu said to Harry.

Hearing Zhang Xu mention Dumbledore, Harry nodded sadly.

"Then you should know the most essential difference between the black wizard and the white wizard." Zhang Xu asked.

"Malevolence deep in the soul," Harry replied.

"This is it," Zhang Xu said, "It's like the 'Avada Kedavra'. Do you still remember what Barty Crouch Jr. said back then? The effect of students using this Unforgivable Curse is just to make them Nosebleeds. That's because the caster has the malice to take other people's lives, and it is a spell that can take people's lives. If the caster doesn't have that malice in his heart, then the spell can only be a 'forgiveness spell' '."

"The standards for dark wizards are the same. The key to whether a person is a dark wizard is whether he has any malice towards the world in his heart."

"And your definition of dark wizards is too narrow. It is difficult to define all wizards in the world based on this alone."

"Treat your comrades with the warmth of spring, and treat your enemies with the cruelty and ruthlessness of winter. In fact, many people can do such things."

"Mrs. Weasley, for example, is as warm as spring to us. But if you, Ron, and Ginny face death threats from Death Eaters, I believe she will kill the Death Eaters without hesitation. So was Mrs. Weasley a dark wizard at that time, and what about after that?"

Harry thought "uh" for a long time but couldn't come to the conclusion that he knew his future mother-in-law. If his child was threatened, she would definitely be able to kill someone. But in that case, would the mother-in-law who killed someone for the sake of her child be considered a dark wizard?

"So, you must stick to your original intention." Zhang Xu continued to preach, "Killing is just a means, not an end. You must know why you are killing, not just for the sake of killing."

"Although I killed people, set fires, and poisoned people, I knew I was a good person."

"Then what you look like now..." Harry asked in an uncertain tone.

"It's nothing, it can only be regarded as some pollution. You heard what I said just now. After all, the scenes I encountered back then were much greater than now." Zhang Xu returned to his usual good student appearance and replied nonchalantly, "That The appearance is just a part of my life, it is not important to my current life and has no impact on my daily life."

At this time, Zhang Xu and Harry had already walked to the campus.

"Well, how did you do it at that time?" Harry continued to ask, "During the war, your mind was not completely eroded by that kind of power?"

"Because at that time we were soldiers of the People's Army." Zhang Xu solemnly replied, "We served the people wholeheartedly, fought for the interests of the broad masses of the people, always maintained contact with the people, and always shared weal and woe with the people. , serve the people wholeheartedly.”

"We have revolutionary discipline that is subordinate to the fundamental interests of the people. This discipline is based on safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people and is based on the political consciousness of all military personnel. It is an important guarantee for uniting ourselves, defeating the enemy and completing all tasks. .”

"We are the Great Steel Wall that defends the socialist motherland, and we are also an important force in building socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization."

"In our hearts, we have a greater and more ambitious goal than killing.

Under this goal, that negative desire is so small. "

Harry nodded as if he understood. Anyway, there were so many things that Zhang Xu said that he didn't understand, and he didn't care if there were any more.

Harry's incident tonight sounded the alarm for Zhang Xu from the very beginning. His situation of falling into self-blame for killing people should not be isolated. Under the current situation, other students' thoughts are likely to appear. question.

If the minds of Hogwarts students decline on a large scale, this will be an extremely terrible disaster for Hogwarts.

It seems that I have to find a time to talk to Professor McGonagall about the students' ideological work.

When Zhang Xu and Harry walked to the foyer, they saw Colin running out of the stairs leading to the basement.

As soon as Colin saw Zhang Xu, he immediately rushed over and pulled him towards the basement.

"It's great to have you back!" Colin said excitedly, "Everyone is waiting for you in the kitchen!"

"What are you waiting for me to do?" Zhang Xu asked strangely.

Colin explained: "We had a busy night tonight and everyone was hungry, so we all went to the cafeteria for dinner."

"Oh." Zhang Xu said, "You can just add extra food. Why are you waiting for me?"

"No one dares to start without you!" Colin continued to say excitedly, "Everyone is arguing about how to eat, and they are all waiting for you to come back and make a decision."

Zhang Xu continued with a question mark on his face and asked: "What? You have to ask me to approve everything you eat? Usually you two do it yourself."

"After all, you prepared the ingredients this time." Colin replied, "Some people want to grill it, and some people want to make hot pot. Everyone can't argue, so it depends on what you plan."

"Uh... what do you want to eat?" Zhang Xu had a bad feeling.

"Of course it's the sheep you caught!" Colin said excitedly.

Zhang Xu threw away the confused Colin and Harry with a "fuck" and hurriedly rushed to the kitchen.

When Zhang Xu came to the kitchen, the place was bustling with people, with several people standing on the table and bragging loudly.

"Ah, Zhang is back!"

"Zhang, hurry up and bake tonight's main dish!"

"Nonsense, let's use it to make hot pot!"

"If you don't come back, we're going to help you take care of the sheep first."

When Zhang Xu came to the fireplace, he found a huge blazing barbecue grill on both sides of the fireplace, and an extra-large copper crucible on the stove that was steaming.

The tied-up Sneezy was lying on the floor in front of the fireplace with a lifeless look on his face. Someone next to him was explaining to other friends how he killed sheep at home.

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