Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 520: August 15 talks about the moon



Soft as snow and frost

From the Milky Way through the screen window

Gently seeping in the vast breeze

It’s that clear lotus scent

????Dividing line???

Tonight, half a month has passed since the thrilling opening night of school. The time has come to August 15th in the Year of the Ox, which is September 16th, 1997 AD.

During this half month, Hogwarts and Hogsmeade were peaceful and calm. Voldemort did not send any Death Eaters to cause trouble, as if he had forgotten that this place existed in the world.

Without external threats, this year's new students quickly integrated into the life of Hogwarts.

But the threat of war still exists. Last weekend, Hogwarts held a school-wide evacuation drill.

According to the requirements of the exercise director, the lower-grade students of Hogwarts must assemble within fifteen minutes, and then be led by a dedicated person through a newly built secret passage into the mountains north of Hogwarts Castle to park their weapons. space shuttle, and finally evacuated to other places on the Dumbledore space shuttle.

The task assigned to Zhang Xu was to lead the lower-grade students to board the plane and then he would fly the space shuttle, which was in line with his plan to run away if he disagreed.

However, many problems arose during the exercise. For example, the planning of evacuation routes within the castle, and the ever-changing staircases in Hogwarts Castle have become the biggest unsettling factor that delays the evacuation of students. During the drill, students from the first-year Snake Academy and second-year Eagle Academy students were blocked on a staircase, almost causing a stampede.

At the transfer drill summary meeting held that night, everyone from professors to prefects were at a loss to solve this problem. Finally, Zhang made a suggestion to jump out of the window, but was later given a "haha" look by Professor Aurora Sinister in the astronomy class. Professor Sinister's class was at the highest point of Hogwarts, and she didn't mind Zhang Xu trying to dance first.

In short, as long as the thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Problems that cannot be solved on the spot are recorded first, and everyone can slowly think of solutions in the future.

The time has come on the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and tonight's astronomy class has ended. Professor Sinister came to the top of the observatory before get off work to do a final inspection.

"Are you really going to try to jump from here later?" Professor Sinister looked at Zhang Xu who ran up at some point in surprise.

"Come, Professor, have a piece of cake." Zhang Xu called Professor Sinistra to come over and eat mooncakes together.

The last time Zhang Xu was admiring the moon on the roof of the observatory, there was a large pressure cooker. Next to the pressure cooker was Lu Ping, who was about to accept his fate and drink a cup of green fluorescent liquid.

Now, Zhang Xu has placed a coffee table here, with several months of cakes and a tea set on it.

"Oh, I remember today is your holiday." Professor Sinister said after sitting across from the coffee table, "Today should be a day for you to reunite with your family."

As a professor of astronomy, Professor Sinister is very familiar with astronomy-related festivals around the world.

"Why aren't you with your family today?" Professor Sinista said after taking a plate with mooncakes cut into quarters from Zhang Xu's hand.

"My family is not in the UK." Zhang Xu said while pouring tea for Professor Sinistra.

(→?→): “Really?”

Professor Sinister gave Zhang Xu a funny face.

"Do you really think that we people don't know anything?" Professor Sinistra said.

Zhang Xu said "haha" without saying a word.

Seeing Zhang Xu's embarrassed look, Professor Sinistra did not continue the gossip. Instead, he pointed at a big dark guy standing in the center of the platform under the bright moonlight and asked: "Do you use such a big one to enjoy the moon?" Did you come to see it through an astronomical telescope?”

What Professor Sinistra was referring to was a tripod,

An astronomical telescope the size of a bucket facing the moon. At the eyepiece of the astronomical telescope, a magically modified camera system is installed, which transmits the image seen from the telescope to a large monitor next to Zhang Xu in real time.

It’s rare to see people admiring the moon like this.

"I'm waiting to take a photo." Zhang Xu replied, "Tonight, an unmanned spacecraft will fly right between us and the moon. Such photos will be extremely valuable."

After experiencing the Mir space station incident, Professor Sinistra went to Zhang Xu's reading room to refresh her knowledge on man-made spacecraft, so she was not surprised by Zhang Xu's words.

"Is this another newly launched space station?" Professor Sinistra asked.

"No." Zhang Xu shook his head and replied, "That is the Shenzhou-1 unmanned spacecraft that our country just launched two days ago."

When he saw the front page headline of the "People's Daily" (overseas edition) delivered by owl that day, it was that the "Shenzhou One" was successfully launched. Zhang Xu was confused. Why did the "Shenzhou One" launch one day ahead of schedule? Was it launched in 2016? Although the country is following the path of "technological deficiencies are supplemented by magic," and the aerospace industry is no exception, but whenever such news comes out, he feels that the world is too magical.

As for the manned space project plan mentioned on the second page of the newspaper, manned space technology matured in the first decade of the 21st century, a long-term manned space station was established in the late 10s, and the "Guanghan Palace" base was established on the moon in the late 2000s. Zhang Xu knew about the plan to land on Mars in the late 1930s when he visited the "Guanghan Palace No. 1" in Dunhuang many years ago.

Now it seems that these plans may be completed on time.

At this moment, Zhang's heart was extremely uneasy, because starting from when he was reading the newspaper that day, a bold idea came into his mind.

"The moon, it would be great if I could go up there once." Professor Sinista looked at the full moon in the night sky and sighed, "Zhang, if you can go up there, remember to bring me some moon soil back."

Professor Sinister's last words were a joke to Zhang Xu.

"No problem, it's all on me." Zhang Xu promised, "When the base on the moon is built, I will spend money to go there."

Zhang has a certain degree of confidence in saying this. In terms of economics, as long as he doesn't commit suicide and go into trouble, it will basically not be a problem in thirty years. By then, problems that can be solved with money will not be a problem. In terms of politics, it may be possible to establish the profile of revolutionary veterans at that time. In terms of technology, as long as the line of "spells to make up for the lack of technology" remains unchanged, he will have a chance.

When he thought about it, it seemed that this matter might actually be accomplished by then. The first batch of people who settled in will definitely not be able to get it, so they will always need to be rotated later. There are many scientists from all walks of life on the International Space Station.

Someone stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Zhang Xu's eyes, pulling Zhang out of his fantasy.

"Ah, Professor Lu Ping, why are you here too?" Zhang Xu greeted, "Come and sit together for a while. This time you don't have to drink the scalding potion. Come and eat moon cakes."

"I can't sleep tonight, so I brought Sirius up to have a chat." Lupine took the somewhat reluctant Black and sat beside the coffee table.

"Are you worried about your werewolf treatment?" Professor Sinistra asked, "It's been fine for so many years, so you don't have to worry about it in the future."

"He's worried about his child," Black told Professor Sinistra.



Zhang Xu and Professor Sinister exclaimed at the same time.

"I just received a letter from an owl." Lupine said a little embarrassed.

Several people present could see the happiness and less than uneasiness on his face.

After some congratulations, Lu Ping said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang, I know you are talented in divination. Could you please help my child do a divination?"

Zhang Xu had "divined" his marriage back then, so Lu Ping still recognized Zhang Xu's divination skills.

Fortunately, Zhang Xu has learned a skill in this aspect now, and there is no need to rely on "spoilers" to "divide".

"Let me see if it's a boy or a girl first."

After asking Lu Ping and his wife about their birth dates and the child's expected date of birth and estimating their birth dates, Zhang Xu took out a turtle shell with copper coins, shook it a few times with a special technique, and put the The copper coins inside fell onto the coffee table.

"Hey, it's a girl." Zhang Xu was a little surprised.

"Girls are good." Lu Ping didn't know when he entered the silly and cheerful mode.

"I'll look at the others."

After Zhang Xu put the copper coins on the table into the turtle shell, he shook the turtle shell using a fortune-telling technique.

When Zhang Xu poured the copper coins on the table again, Lu Ping looked nervously at Zhang Xu, who was interpreting the coins on the table, and did not dare to express his anger. His nervousness infected Black and Professor Sinistra, and they almost held their breath for fear of disturbing Zhang Xu.

"This line seems to be very average." Zhang Xu said to Lu Ping, "Your children's life has not had any ups and downs. Basically, it has been peaceful."

"It's good to be safe, it's good to be safe." Lu Ping continued to be silly and cheerful.

Next, Lu Ping also wanted Zhang Xu to be his child's godfather, because Zhang Xu was also his matchmaker and played a big role in curing his werewolf.

As a result, Lu Ping's proposal was declined by Zhang Xu, and then the blame was put back on Harry's head.

There is no one who can be a professor at Hogwarts who is not smart.

The godfather is also the child's guardian, not much different from his biological father.

The current situation in the British wizarding world is very pessimistic. Maybe one day he, Lupine, will be in trouble. If the child can recognize Zhang Xu as his godfather, then at least when the situation is at its most dangerous and Zhang Xu wants to run away, his child will have no one to take him with him.

And if he does run back with Lu Ping's daughter, the child will be raised in his hometown village. What if she and Voldemort's son, their childhood sweethearts, get along?

Should this sequel switch from the second dimension to romance or to a female channel?

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