An owl fluttered into the Three Broomsticks bar. After setting its sights on its target, it spread its wings and prepared to land on the table. Then it was hit by a magic spell and stopped in mid-air.

Zhang Xu, who kept the wine and snacks on the table, reached out and grabbed the owl that was about to fall to the ground, and then untied the letter from its leg.

Percy, who had been bragging just now, raised his eyebrows after seeing the owl clearly, and realized that things were not simple.

"This is the owl from the Ministry of Magic in London." Cedric, who was at the same table, also recognized the owl.

"I wrote to Minister Malfoy yesterday, asking if I could buy a position in the Ministry of Magic that offers high pay, little work, or even no work." Zhang Xu said while opening the parchment letter, "It seems that there is news now ”

"How about we capture him and collect the reward."

"I think we can just dig a hole a hundred feet deep and bury him."

"That's a good idea. Do you think it's better to dig a round pit or a square pit?"

"It's easier to make it round."

Zhang Xu opened the letter and spread it flat on the table, ignoring Percy and Cedric who were speaking ill of him with dark faces.

"Handwritten by Mr. Zhang:

No, get out!

Signed: Lucius Malfoy, Minister for Magic..."

This is the only thing on the parchment.

Percy and Cedric looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Zhang Xu put away the parchment and said helplessly: "Look, the Minister of Magic over there really doesn't know how to do business and has no sense of service. How can there be such a practice of driving away distinguished guests? It's not like I can't afford it. Money. If I were him, I would definitely set up a few positions that look glamorous but actually have no rights for guests to choose from. I have to get the money first before doing anything."

"Then which position do you want to buy?" Percy asked dumbfounded.

"Actually, I didn't think about it." Zhang Xu said after picking up his wine glass, "It turns out that I was planning to wait for the other party's consent and ask you two which department in the Ministry of Magic has the most oil and water."

"As far as I know, the most profitable department has been sold," Cedric said. "I heard that it was auctioned by several people, and the one with the highest bid finally bought it."

"Oh, what's the position?" Zhang Xu asked.

Cedric pointed at Percy and said, "Head of the Auror Office."

"Hiss..." Zhang Xu's eyes widened in surprise, "No way, this location will actually be sold?"

"Actually, their position is of no use." Cedric said, "You expect those Death Eaters who pay money to become Aurors in order to have some face when bragging, will obey another one who also does it to gain face? But is it just the command of a wizard who has more money than them?"

"That's right. How about I write another letter and ask if you can sell me an Auror position." Zhang Xu knocked on the table and said to Cedric seriously, "Look, even Percy is like this Anyone can become the director of the Auror Office, so I should have no problem being an Auror."

"Hey, do you want to be an Auror, Zhang?" At this time, a female voice sounded from the side, "Long time no see, Weasley, Diggory."

"Hey, Mag, do you know Zhang Xu?" Percy's eyes kept scanning between Maggie Mag and Zhang Xu.

Cedric was equally surprised, and both he and Percy had weird smiles on their faces.

After Maggie pulled an empty stool and sat down next to Zhang Xu, she said to Percy: "Zhang and I just met not long ago, and I made an appointment with him today to discuss some of the contents of my works. .”

Zhang Xu counted on his fingers. Considering the age difference between him and Maggie, it was not surprising that Maggie knew Percy and Cedric before graduating from Hogwarts, especially since Percy and she were both Lions. Of the hospital.

"Actually, you can also talk to Percy." Cedric said, "The stories he has experienced now are also very exciting."


"Zhang Xu agreed from the side, "He participated in the rescue of Professor Bubbaji who was kidnapped by the Death Eaters. After being rescued, Professor Bubbaji is still receiving treatment at St. Mungo's. Not long ago, he participated in the operation to rescue Ollivander. Later, when Ollivander was rescued, he suffered more than 30 fractures in his body. "

If Percy hadn't felt that he was not sure he could beat the guy in front of him, he would have sneaked back to Hogwarts in the middle of the night and sacked him.

"Hey, Ollivander was rescued by you?" Maggie asked in surprise, "Then you should tell me when you are free."

"Let him continue talking now." Zhang Xu said, "He has been bragging to us about this just now."

The biggest news in the Daily Prophet today is the news that Ollivander has reappeared and is receiving treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Zhang Xu took advantage of today being Hogsmeade Week to invite Percy and Cedric out for a drink and brag. During this period, Percy had been bragging that he played an extremely important role in this operation.

After Majiazhuang was burned, the basement of Voldemort's new address was not suitable for holding prisoners, so he dispersed the captured wizards to other places.

After fully knowing the secret of the Elder Wand, Voldemort lost interest in Ollivander, so he randomly found a stronghold to imprison him.

And Ollivander is worthy of being one of the world's most famous wand-making masters in Europe. When he was imprisoned and without a wand, he just used the bed legs in the cell and his own hair to make a barely usable wand, and then A distress signal was sent against it.

Then the Ministry of Magic, which was short of manpower for a while, asked the "Rainbow Team" for support.

According to Percy's description, the entire rescue process was very thrilling. At the last moment, several Death Eaters took Ollivander and several other hostages and resisted in a room. Percy and the others had to blow open the wall of the room and break into the room to rescue them. people.

It was just the unlucky Ollivander who happened to be sitting against that wall at the time.

After Percy finished bragging, Zhang Xu asked Maggie, "Didn't we agree to meet in the afternoon? Why did you come so early?"

"Our family moved to Hogsmeade not long ago." Maggie replied.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xu asked strangely.

"There are too few wizards in the area where our family lives, and there is no way to stop the harassment of Death Eaters, so we temporarily moved here." Maggie said, "Fortunately, my aunt knows a lot of acquaintances here, so she allowed us to rent Arrive at the house.”

Zhang Xu looked at Cedric. Cedric knew what Zhang Xu wanted to ask, so he said: "Things are exactly as you expected, and the situation is worse than you expected."


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