Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 527 Fuling Soft Capsule

At Hogwarts, each headmaster has his own management style.

The former principal, Dumbledore, was not so tight-minded in the detailed management of Hogwarts due to his long-term commitment to the cause of rebellion. So in recent years, Mr. Zhang has had a lot of room to make trouble.

Now that Professor McGonagall is in power, students have begun to find that the shackles on their heads are getting tighter and tighter. At least students who go out at night are not so relaxed now. Maimiao, who used to turn a blind eye to this when he was not the principal, will suddenly jump out of nowhere and buckle the students who are caught. point.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall strictly adheres to the bottom line of Hogwarts that "women will not give birth and men will not die". Recently, she has caught several pairs of students who almost had conflicts with each other.

So when she received news from a ghost about a girl entering Professor Zhang's dormitory before going to bed, she immediately went to the dormitory where she was the target of surveillance to arrest her.

Professor McGonagall's face was a little gloomy along the way. She told Astoria herself about Zhang Xu's help in solving the sisters' curse, in order to make her feel at ease.

Astoria wants to thank Zhang Xu and Professor McGonagall is also prepared, but now in the middle of the night + alone in the dormitory + a man and a woman alone, what will happen in this kind of favorable time, place and people? What will happen to her? This is not uncommon in my ten-year education career.

Especially for a restless guy like Zhang Xu, Professor McGonagall has almost no trust in him. When he, Zhang, met Fleur at Beauxbatons, it was she who brought her there. It was not like she had not heard of the gossip among the students. The number of girls who wanted to have something happen with Zhang over the years was enough to play a Quidditch match. , although those girls didn't succeed. But this does not mean that Zhang can be taken lightly. Three years ago, he dared to bring his girlfriend back to the dormitory with the tacit approval of the two principals. In the past two years, he has attacked other professors, and he hooked up again this year. The tenants at home, even my own niece, almost got involved...

As she was walking and thinking about it, Professor McGonagall's wand appeared in her hand at some point.

Originally, Professor McGonagall wanted to open the door directly and enter Zhang Xu's dormitory, but at the last moment, she suddenly thought of what happened to Sneezy, so she had to knock on the door instead.

The door to the room was opened in the next second, and Professor McGonagall walked in. After seeing clearly the situation in the living room, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At least the three people in the living room were all neatly dressed.

Um? three people?

Professor McGonagall looked at the extra professor in the living room with some surprise.

"What's the matter, Professor McGonagall?" Zhang Xu was also confused.

"I heard that some students left the common room when it was time to go to bed, so I came to take a look," Professor McGonagall said in her business-like tone.

Astoria squirmed on the sofa a little uneasily. Her actions tonight indeed violated school rules. The most important thing was that she was caught on the spot by the principal.

Zhang Xu was not very good at excusing Astoria at this time, although it was true that she had nothing to do when she came over tonight, she just wanted to simply thank him. Moreover, he called a girl to his dormitory late at night. If this matter spread, he would have to kneel down the durian and turn it into a watermelon.

"I called Miss Greengrass here." The mature Slughorn saw the current situation and immediately defended the students of his college.

Slughorn pointed to the pile of papers on Zhang Xu's coffee table and said to Professor McGonagall: "I just got some inspiration after studying these papers, so I called Miss Greengrass to ask some questions. .”

"You also know that sometimes if the inspiration in your mind is not caught in time, it is easy for them to run away.


Since Slughorn said this, Professor McGonagall had to give him some face. She had not been the principal for long, and her prestige was not yet high enough to ignore other colleagues.

After Astoria was driven back by Professor McGonagall, Zhang Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Slughorn hadn't come to him just now, this level would have been difficult tonight. This guy has to use veritaserum to prove his innocence. It's just that when Slughorn came in just now, the scene was not much better.

"What's the matter with you two?" After Professor McGonagall left Zhang Xu's dormitory, she found that Zhang Xu and Slughorn had also walked out.

Slughorn took out a pocket watch and took a look at it, and then said: "Zhang is refining the elixir at my place, and there are still twenty-three minutes and thirty-three seconds before the next step, so I'm here to remind you. Give him a moment."

Professor McGonagall frowned. She knew that there were several steps in refining the elixir that took a long time, and the start time of the next step must be strictly adhered to, otherwise the Potions professor's office would have to be renovated. .

So when Zhang Xu came to the crucible, he looked nervously at the crucible placed on the stove. The emerald green liquid inside was rolling continuously, and the steam coming out of the pot was rising continuously.

"It's almost time." Slughorn said to Zhang Xu while holding his pocket watch.

Zhang Xu nodded, and then checked the raw materials to be used next.

Now is the last step of refining the elixir. He only needs to add the golden lotus into the crucible later, and the crystal bottle used to hold the elixir is also ready.

"Ten, nine...three, two, one!"

As the countdown ended for Slughorn, who was standing next to the office door, the potion in the crucible suddenly turned bright yellow.

Zhang Xu seized the few seconds before the potion exploded and threw the Golden Lotus into the crucible without hesitation.

Then Zhang Xu tapped the potion with his wand.

Some steps of potion refining require magic to be involved, even if it is mechanized and fully automatic medicine, a wizard needs to cast spells on the potion being refined at a specific time. If it was done by Muggles, it would definitely fail in the end.

After Zhang Xu cast a spell on the potion, the color of the potion in the crucible immediately changed from bright yellow to gold. At the same time, the potion that was just boiling suddenly became "cheerful". Just a little at first, then more and more water droplets jumping like fish out of the water.

Half an hour later, Slughorn, who had just walked out of the office after the countdown was completed, carefully returned to the office after seeing that the explosion that failed to refine the elixir did not occur.

"It's done!" Zhang Xu said to Slughorn.

Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart was finally relieved.

At this point, as long as it doesn't explode, it's a success.

After filling a large pot of Fortune Elixir with several crystal bottles, Zhang Xu said goodbye to Slughorn and returned to the dormitory with a yawn.

The ideal dosage of Fulingji is one drop at a time, but it is not easy to take it accurately as it is packaged in small bottles in the past, and it may end up being boring.

So Zhang Xu first thought of packaging the elixir like cod liver oil soft capsules. When needed, he only needs to take one and throw it into his mouth, bite it and swallow it.

It's just that the quantity of Fuling soft capsules is too large, and the production process is a bit cumbersome and boring. He decided to find some free labor to help him.

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