Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 537: Encounter with St. Mungory

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries has never been as busy as it is now since its establishment. Patients are constantly being transported. Anxious family members are waiting at the front desk for staff to find information about their relatives who have been admitted. The entire hall is like a livestock market in the countryside. Generally noisy and chaotic.

Especially those Death Eaters and Aurors who were glaring angrily. The wounded among them might have been injured by each other a minute ago.

Fortunately, both parties knew the importance of St. Mungo's, and Zhang, who was in the middle of the communication, would definitely do things with care as long as he accepted the benefits. Therefore, both parties resisted the urge to take action at the request of their respective leaders.

Michael Owen, who came out of the fireplace, looked at the messy scene in front of him and didn't know what to do next for a moment.

"Follow me, don't get lost." Professor Flitwick tugged on Michael's robe and motioned for him to follow him.

It's just that in a place like this, it's very challenging to keep up with Professor Flitwick. At this time, Michael had a sense of déjà vu that football brought him extraordinary.

After finally squeezing their way to the service desk, they waited in line for more than ten minutes, and spent another two minutes waiting for the staff to search for admission records. The two finally found out the ward where Mr. Owen lived.

When Professor Flitwick brought Michael to the door of the ward, they heard a burst of laughter from the ward.

Michael heard his father's laughter and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his son walking into the ward, Mr. Owen waved his left hand and said, "Michael, this way."

"Father, how are you?" Michael jogged to his father's bedside and asked, looking at his bandaged right hand.

"It's nothing, just treat it as a wasp sting. It will be fine in a few days." Mr. Irving comforted his son and said, "Before I drove them away, a guy raised his hand and gave me a hit. Hit me in the right hand, and then they sent me here.”

"The doctors here are really good. The broken ribs healed after drinking the potion. You should learn more about how to make potion in the future, so that we don't have to spend a lot of money to go to that damn hospital."

After Mr. Owen comforted his son with a joke, Professor Flivi on the side stepped forward and introduced himself to Mr. Owen: "Hello, Mr. Owen, I am Filius Flivi, the dean of Michael's college."

"Hello, Professor Flitwick." Mr. Owen stretched out his left hand to shake hands with him. "Please bring Michael."

Jimmy Ross, who was lying on the bed next door, also saw Professor Flitwick at this time and greeted happily: "Professor Flitwick, I haven't seen him in many years."

Professor Flitwick has taught at Hogwarts for many years, and the younger wizards in the ward are all his students, so everyone quickly became familiar with them.

Michael also learned about what happened in front of his house this morning from everyone's chat.

At the last moment of the battle, Mr. Owen stepped on the accelerator and knocked the two Death Eaters away.

But at the moment before the collision, a Death Eater's curse hit Mr. Owen's right hand, causing his entire right arm to turn black and paralyzed, while another Death Eater's curse destroyed the safety air bag.

As a result, Mr. Owen, who was not wearing a seat belt, hit the steering wheel and broke several ribs.

The two Death Eaters who were knocked down were pinned down on the spot.

The car was repaired with a spell on the spot, and Mr. Owen had to be sent to St. Mungo's for treatment.

"Where's mother, hasn't she come here?" After chatting for a while, Michael discovered that his mother was not in the ward.

"Mr. Zhang sent her home to help me ask for leave from the company and get some things. They will be back later," Mr. Owen said.

At this moment, Mrs. Owen returned to the ward carrying a travel bag.

After saying hello, Mr. Owen asked strangely: "Where's Mr. Zhang? Didn't he come back with you?"

Mrs. Owen covered her mouth and smiled: "Mr. Zhang was dragged away by a beautiful woman in the corridor just now."

At this time, Zhang was being pulled through the corridor by an acquaintance he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Where are you taking me? I have to go back to school later." Zhang Xu said.

Michael was in class this morning when news of Mr. Owen's admission reached Hogwarts.

The class at Hogwarts is the largest in the world, and the class will not stop even if the students are in trouble.

So Professor McGonagall asked Zhang Xu, who had met the Owens and his wife and had no classes, to go and inquire about the situation first. Because the news from St. Mungo's is not detailed, if the worst happens, you can come back and inform the family first to be mentally prepared.

It's just that he just took Mrs. Owen home and came back after finishing some things. As a result, he was pulled away by Wales in the corridor.

"I will take you to meet someone and cooperate with me then." Wales said to Zhang Xu.

"Who?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Enemy!" the other party said through gritted teeth.

Out of comprehensive considerations, St. Mungo arranged the Aurors and Death Eaters on different floors to prevent them from fighting again if they couldn't control themselves.

Aurors and Death Eaters also have a tacit understanding of the policy of not causing trouble, rather than causing trouble on each other's territory.

Zhang Xu, who also didn't want to cause trouble, took out the black skull sign given to him by Voldemort when he arrived at the floor where the Death Eaters were. Seeing the sign was like seeing the Dark Lord, and the Death Eaters in the corridor stepped aside and gave it to him. The two of them stepped out of the way.

After entering a single ward, Wales stared at the Death Eater on the bed with his good eyes, and the Death Eater froze after seeing her.

"Is that you, Kim Bailey?" The Death Eater on the hospital bed suddenly sat up.

"It's me, Hayne Severo. I haven't seen you for many years." The woman codenamed "Welsh" and whose real name is Kimberly Taylor said.

"I didn't expect you would still remember me after so many years." Hain said happily.

"Of course I remember you." Kim Baili gritted her teeth and said, "How could I forget the murderer who killed my grandmother's family?"

The excited expression on Hain's face immediately froze. Back then, he went on a killing spree in the village where he lived as a child for revenge. When he regained his senses, he found that there was no one alive in the village. What he didn't realize at the time was that among the people he killed were the family members of his childhood dream lover.

At this time, Zhang Xu, who was standing aside, felt the trembling and pressure coming from the little hand holding him.

"Who is he?" At this time, Hai En spotted Zhang Xu next to his current childhood dream lover.

The above two people spoke German, but Zhang only learned a little bit of German in a simple way when he was traveling with a tour guide in Germany, so he couldn't understand anything other than the name of the other person.

"Remember this face." Jin Baili ignored the other party's question and just pointed to the Death Eater on the bed and said to Zhang Xu in English, "If you see him outside in the future, please capture him alive and give him to me. I can agree to any of your conditions and do anything for you.”

As if to stimulate the other party, or possibly to offer Zhang Xu a higher price, she emphasized the pronunciation of the word "any".

Zhang Xu understood instantly, and he put his arms around the other person's waist in a cooperative manner. He stared at the peaks on her chest and said in the few German words he knew: "No problem, baby."

Hain on the hospital bed was so angry that his eyes were on fire. If he hadn't been temporarily paralyzed from the legs down, he would have hit someone with a wand.

But Zhang Xu didn't even look at him. He hugged the beautiful woman next to him and said intimately: "Go out and close the door first and give me three minutes."

Five minutes later, the two left the ward on this floor.

"What did you do to him?" Wales asked, regaining his composure.

"I gave him something to eat and did some manipulation in his memory." Zhang Xu said in a low voice, "When he is discharged from the hospital, he will throw himself into a trap."

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