Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 543 The familiar ceiling

Because they had an emergency plan, it took only a short time for Harry and Moody to arrange today's patrol team.

At this moment, a noisy sound came from the foyer.

Harry and Moody walked out of the office and saw professors rushing towards the school doctor's office carrying a stretcher.

medical dividing line medical



The familiar ceiling, it was already dark, and the light of candles illuminated every corner of the room.

Zhang Xu, who was lying on the hospital bed, recognized the ceiling of the school doctor's office at a glance.

He gently moved his fingers, toes, nose and ears to make sure the limbs were intact. Then he moved his hands and feet and found that most of the muscles in his body had no strength and he could only do some small movements. Tried to make some noise, but couldn't make any sound at all. Finally, I took a few deep breaths. Fortunately, my respiratory muscles were still working normally.

At this time, Zhang Xu was lying on the bed, feeling almost like a ghost pressing on the bed. He closed his eyes and thought about what happened before he fell into coma.

After he escaped from Voldemort's pursuit, he returned to the battlefield in front of St. Mungo's Gate. After knocking down several Death Eaters behind the crowd, the Death Eaters began to choose a direction to break out.

Unfortunately, the Death Eaters' breakout direction happened to be near Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu saw that the elite Aurors wearing the iron armor and cursed vests made by the Weasley twins' shop could not stop the Death Eaters who were fighting to the death. The Aurors in front of him were fighting against the Death Eaters who were not afraid of death. Under the charge, he was constantly hit by magic spells until the iron armor spell failed and he fell down. In just one minute, Aurors and Death Eaters fell to the ground. The following Death Eaters stepped on the wizards who were not sure whether they were dead or alive and rushed out.

After the defense line formed by the Aurors was penetrated, the gap quickly widened. At first, Zhang Xu conjured up a row of ground thorns to block the Death Eaters' footsteps, but they were quickly blown to pieces by the opponent.

But he couldn't remember what happened next. He only vaguely remembered what he had done, and then he was set on fire by the Death Eaters.

Just as Zhang Xu was trying to recall the scene before coma, a figure appeared beside the hospital bed.

Madam Pomfrey took out her wand, made the top of the wand glow like a light bulb, then stretched it out in front of Zhang Xu's eyes to check the pupil reaction.

Seeing Zhang Xu blinking due to the dazzling light, Madam Pomfrey breathed a sigh of relief. It would be nice if you reacted. I was really shocked when I saw him looking at the ceiling motionless with his eyes blank, like a man with a dead eye.

"Can you hear me?" Madam Pomfrey asked Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu blinked hard.

"Can you speak? If not, blink." Madam Pomfrey continued.


"Can your body move? If you can move, blink once. If you can't, blink twice."


"If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, just blink a few times when I point to the uncomfortable place."

Five minutes later, Madam Pomfrey completed the physical examination with Zhang Xu's blinking eyes, and then left the ward while sighing and shaking her head.

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhang Xu, who was so bored that he fell asleep because he couldn’t move, felt someone talking next to him. Then he found that he was being helped up. After a vibration in the hospital bed, half of the bed boards tilted up. Let him lean on the hospital bed, half lying and half sitting.

After he opened his eyes, he saw that besides Madam Pomfrey holding a bottle of potion with a strange smell, there were also Harry, Anthony, Professor Flitwick who was standing on the chair and others beside the hospital bed. The hospital bed was surrounded.

Madam Pomfrey, who was holding the potion, said to Harry, Anthony and the other boys: "Now let's feed him the potion. You do what I just said."

"He must be in pain now." Luna frowned and said, "He has tears streaming down his face."

“Harry and Anthony are going to be out of luck.

"Ron on the side said, "Especially Harry, he is deliberately seeking revenge. "

Others around him didn't know what Ron was talking about as Harry's revenge, but those who had seen Harry before and knew the cause and effect all nodded unanimously.

At this time, Zhang Xu felt that if he was asked to act in the scene of Pan Jinlian feeding Wu Dalang medicine in the future, he would definitely be able to perform Wu Dalang at an Oscar level, because his personal experience was worse than Wu Dalang's change.


Zhang Xu, with dull eyes, leaned on the hospital bed and stared at the ceiling motionless. Luna took out a handkerchief to help him wipe the liquid from the corners of his mouth.

"Madam Pomfrey, how is he?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"It's mainly a paralysis spell." Madam Pomfrey said, "Most of the muscles in his body have been paralyzed. It will take a few days to fully recover."

"Are there any other symptoms?" Professor Flitwick continued to ask.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and said: "We don't know yet. We have to wait until he can speak tomorrow before we can conduct further inspections based on his feedback. Being hit by multiple spells, it is impossible to communicate by blinking alone. He was carefully examined. Fortunately, there were no external injuries on his body."

Zhang Xu, who was in the hospital bed, felt frightened after hearing Madam Pomfrey's words. In that chaotic scene, it would not be surprising if he fell to the ground and was trampled to death if he was unlucky.

The onlookers in the ward were quickly asked out of the ward by Madam Pomfrey.

As soon as they went out, Professor Flitwick, who had closed the ward, said to Madam Pomfrey: "It's going to be hard on you these days, Madam Pomfrey. If anyone suspicious approaches the ward recently, please report it immediately. .”

"I will." Madam Pomfrey nodded in agreement, "What's going on?"

"Today he was hunted down by a mysterious man himself." Professor Flitwick said, "So we dare not leave him in St. Mungo's for treatment."

Harry and the other students were shocked when they heard this.

"What's going on?!" Harry asked anxiously.

"No one knows." Professor Flitwick shook his head and said, "We only saw the two of them chasing and the other escaping. Later, he should have escaped the pursuit of the mysterious man, and then changed his appearance and returned to St. Mungo's Hospital, if his wand wasn't so distinctive, we almost didn't recognize him."

Professor Flitwick would naturally not say that he almost fell down after accidentally stepping on a certain rolling pin after the war, and then discovered that Xiao Zhangzi had left and returned.

At this time, Professor Flitwick took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and then said to Harry: "The time is coming, Harry. We should get ready."

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