Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 57 Don't leave after school, see you on the rooftop

After coming out of the Response Room, Zhang Xu and four seventh graders chatted and laughed, left the tower and walked towards the kitchen.

These students are comrades who brushed the Qiluo dungeon together last semester, and they got to know Zhang Xu very well this semester.

Originally, these students planned to become Aurors after graduation, but this year they got news that they could go to Huaxia to study after graduation, so they all started thinking about studying abroad. Recently, they have been inquiring about the situation with Zhang Xu.

When these guys decided to become Aurors after graduation, they often discussed with other students, and they also found Zhang Xu.

That day Zhang Xu was writing a study report for the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the reading room. After the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, the staff in the compound in the capital distributed study materials on the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and each staff member had to write a study report. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but in the end even Zhang Xu was included.

Zhang Xu was very entangled by these brothers, so he followed them.

That night, on the roof above the reading room, Zhang Xu and the four brothers stood face to face, a bit like a decisive battle at the top of Hogwarts, but it was a pity that the moon in the sky was not round enough.

"If you accidentally get hurt, don't blame me." Zhang Xu said to the five people in front.

The four people on the opposite side nodded solemnly.

The first player on the opposite side was Jesse Lingard of the Lions.

The two sides saluted, and then took a posture.

"Disarm you!"

Jesse Lingard cast the spell first.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xu was recruited.

Because it was a discussion among classmates, no one used protective equipment such as amulets, so the spell immediately worked on Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu, who was hit by Jesse Lingard's disarming spell, felt a huge force coming from the wand in his hand, trying to pull the wand away from Zhang Xu's hand.

Jesse Lingard saw the wand in Zhang Xu's hand tilted upwards, then slipped out of Zhang Xu's hand, and then Jesse Lingard stiffened.

Jesse Lingard didn't harden locally, but hardened all over his body, because just when he thought victory was in sight, Zhang Xu cast a petrification spell on him.

The other four students who watched the battle between the two vomited blood collectively after seeing Zhang Xu's method of breaking the disarming spell.

Because after Zhang Xu was hit by the disarming spell of Dobby, the house elf of the Malfoy family, he was constantly thinking about how to break the disarming spell. The previously conceived flying charm on the wand cuff to recall the wand is not very practical in the battle against the clock.

In the end Zhang Xu came up with a very unmagical method, tying a string to the wand. He attached a brass cap with a ring to the end of the wand with 502 glue, then tied the wand with a piece of string that was tied into the wand cuff.

Just now, Jesse Lingard's disarming spell caused Zhang Xu's wand to slip out of Zhang Xu's hand. As a result, just halfway through the slide, the wand was caught by the rope. Then Zhang Xu, who regained control of the wand, sent Jesse Lingard a shot of "All petrification".

After breaking the spell, Jesse Lingard knew that he had lost on a rope, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

The production of wands in the UK has basically been monopolized by the Ollivander family for more than two thousand years, so few wizards have thought about making changes to their wands. So Jesse Lingard, who had a rigid mind, lost to Zhang Xu's brain.

The second player to play was Jose Tasend of the Eagle Academy.

Jose Tasende is a very cautious person. He knew that Zhang Xu had a lot of weird tricks, so he put an iron armor curse on himself from the very beginning.

But in the face of Zhang Xu who didn't follow the routine, his approach was doomed to fail.

Zhang Xu didn't use any other magic, just a lighting technique to blur his face. His wand was like a strong searchlight, shooting a strong light towards Jose Tasend.

On the top of the tower at night, the not-so-round moon provided enough moonlight, so the pupils of several people were dilated, and as a result, Jose Tasend's eyes were blurred and he was hit. The four onlookers also felt that their eyes were a little shaken.

When their eyesight recovered, they saw that Jose Tasend had been tied into rice dumplings by Zhang Xu with the conjured rope.

Jose Tasende felt that the loss was not wronged. After all, the Iron Armor Curse can prevent magic spells and physical damage, but not light. When he was reading Muggle military books in the reading room, he had read about asymmetrical strikes, but he hadn't expected it to be used in magic.

The third player to play is Patrick Roberts, also from the Eagle Academy.

Patrick Roberts took the lead in attacking at the beginning, and immediately cast several fainting grounds in a row, making Zhang Xu tired of parrying.

Next, Patrick Roberts and Zhang Xu fast-break against fast-break, you give me a "drowsy ground", and I return you a "total petrification", the two cast spells while dodging, even adding an iron armor curse to themselves None of the time.

After the two sides fought back and forth for more than 20 rounds, Zhang Xu accidentally hit the ground with a spell.

Seeing this, Patrick Roberts prepared to give Zhang Xu a powerful counterattack while dodging.

As a result, just as Patrick Roberts wanted to stop, he felt his feet slip and fell to the ground in various ways.

Only then did everyone realize that the magic spell that Zhang Xu hit the ground just now formed a smooth layer of ice on the ground.

The fourth player to play was Troy Deeney of the Badger Yard.

Seeing what happened to the first three companions, Troy Deeney became more cautious.

From the very beginning, Troy Deeney used transfiguration to erect a two-meter-high stone wall between himself and Zhang Xu, which almost cut off the entire rooftop.

Then there were stone men coming out of the stone wall and attacking Zhang Xu.

As a result, Zhang Xu was at a loss for what to do. He could only turn the ground into a swamp with the mire technique, slow down the movement speed of the stone men, and then slowly clean them up.

After a few minutes like this, Troy Dini and others on the other side of the stone wall could not see Zhang Xu's situation on the other side of the stone wall, and could only tell from the sound that Zhang Xu was constantly destroying the stone man. They also noticed that the interval between the sound of the stone man breaking was getting longer and longer.

Just when Troy Deeney thought he could defeat Zhang Xu through a war of attrition, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind and knocked him into the air.

Several onlookers standing near Troy Deeney were surprised to see that Zhang Xu appeared behind Troy Deeney at some point, kicked him on the ass and kicked him away, and then used The Disarming Charm confiscated his wand.

Facing the surprised eyes of several people, Zhang Xu, who had consumed a lot of mana, sat on the ground to rest, threw his wand back to Troy Dini, and pointed to the direction where he appeared outside the rooftop.

After a few people passed by, they saw a row of stairs outside the roof, and Zhang Xu walked out of the roof and walked around to the back of Troy Dini by relying on it.

Troy Dini cast a spell to undo the stone wall, and saw a stone tower more than one meter high standing where Zhang Xu was originally standing. The tower continuously released spells to attack the last stone man.

The discussion is over, Zhang Xu's four wins today are almost all out of bounds. If he had chosen a normal fight, Zhang Xu probably would have won half of it. Especially the last game, if there is a field restriction, it must be lost because of leaving the field.

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