With the sound of "ta... da... da", Tie Crutch Zhang walked into the screaming shack with a cane.

As soon as he arrived at the room, all the partygoers looked at him and smiled, and some shouted: "Professor Zhang, you have a new scar on your leg!"

Tie Guai Zhang did not answer, but said to everyone in the room: "Everyone is here." After saying that, he walked to an empty seat.

However, some of them did not intend to let Tieguaizhang go, and deliberately shouted loudly: "You must have stolen someone else's little girl again!"

Tie Guai opened his eyes wide and said, "Why do you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air..."

"What innocence? I heard Peeves say with my own ears the day before yesterday that you stole the Patil twins and were then hung from the ceiling and beaten by Miss Delacour."

Tieguai's face turned red, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he shouted loudly: "Avada Kedavra!"

The air inside and outside the Shrieking Shack was filled with joy.

After everyone made fun of Zhang Xu, they began to care about his injury.

Because he knew that he was being targeted by Voldemort and that he was involved in the ownership of the Elder Wand, Zhang Xu did not deliberately publicize his injury.

If Zhang Xu deliberately advertised that he had been defeated, then Voldemort would probably think that he already knew the properties of the Elder Wand, so he would use false news to divert his attention. If he doesn't do it right, it will be self-defeating, and Voldemort will still chase him and fight him the next time he has a chance.

Later, Zhang Xu simply asked Professor McGonagall to conceal his injuries, and at the same time asked the Death Eaters to arrange undercover agents in Hogwarts to spread the information that he was seriously injured, thus making Voldemort think that he was really at St. Mungo's Gate. Was injured accidentally before.

Presumably Voldemort now knows that Zhang Xu was defeated by the Death Eaters who broke out at that time, which means that Voldemort will think that the owner of the Elder Wand is among those Death Eaters.

No matter how Voldemort tries to find the Death Eater who defeated Zhang Xu after changing his appearance in the chaos, most of his energy will be consumed on this matter.

In this way, everyone can calm down for a while.

At this time, Cedric Diggory, who discovered in his daily work that the Death Eaters had temporarily subsided, began to send out invitations and organized today's party at the Shrieking Shack.

Zhang Xu, who had received the invitation two days ago, shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly after reading it.

This person, once he develops ambition, becomes like another person.

As Cedric gained a foothold in the Ministry of Magic and gained the appreciation of Scrimgeour, he began to seriously plan his future life.

Among the young people of similar age in the Ministry of Magic, the most active ones in the past two years have been Percy Weasley and Cedric Diggory.

The dazzling thing about Percy is that he has been at the forefront of the limelight for several years and has managed to escape unscathed.

In his first year of work, his boss was kidnapped by Voldemort and was finally rescued by Dumbledore and his men.

The next year, his boss had a falling out with Dumbledore, and when Umbridge's reputation was ruined, he was ordered to work as a nail in Hogwarts. As a result, his boss fell. Not only was he not implicated, but he also escaped unscathed. He still retains his position as Hogwarts' senior investigator until now.

In the third year, he gained the trust of his new boss and was directly parachuted into the Auror Office as the director. During his one-year term, he actually handed in a very good answer sheet.

In the fourth year, he simply went abroad and became the squad leader of the International Auror Organization's action team. He is currently mainly responsible for leading the anti-terrorism team in the UK.

While most of his peers in the Ministry of Magic were still struggling to gain qualifications at the grassroots level, he had already accumulated an extremely impressive resume.

Among the young people who could compete with him at the same time, the only one who was once the Assistant Minister of Magic was Cedric.

Although Cedric has not made any earth-shattering achievements in this position in the past two years,

But he has an advantage that Percy will never catch up with in his life - he is handsome!

As the Minister's assistant, Cedric often needs to travel between various departments of the Ministry of Magic on behalf of the Minister during his work, and has contact with all aspects of magical society. With his sunny and handsome face and elegant and generous demeanor, everyone who talks to him feels like a spring breeze. In the past two years, he has gradually accumulated extremely high popularity, especially among middle-aged women. And in the near future, he is expected to break Lockhart's record for the number of consecutive wins of the "Wizard Weekly" "Most Charming Smile Award".

Sometimes Mr. Zhang would complain in his mind whether the protagonist in the British wizarding world is Harry Potter or these two guys.

Not long ago, after Scrimgeour hinted that he intended to let Cedric leave his side and go out on his own, Cedric's mind began to become active.

As an ambitious young man, he would not miss the opportunity to climb up. But he knows that one of his shortcomings is that he has never worked in a pragmatic position, and it is difficult to produce enough achievements to use as his bargaining chip.

After some careful consideration, Cedric decided to use the "community joint defense system" that was fully rolled out in the summer as a ladder to climb up.

Ever since, today’s “Community Joint Defense Utilization Exchange Meeting” was held in the Screaming Shack.

As long as this system that has begun to play a huge role is improved and strengthened, and will play an increasingly important role in the days to come, then Cedric, as the only one of the founders, will hold an important position in the Ministry of Magic. As a person, he can easily obtain most of the benefits in terms of political performance.

Zhang Xu, who was called to help Cedric put up a good show, looked at Cedric who was having an in-depth exchange with his old classmates who had graduated. Then he looked at Cedric sitting on the other side and had seen through Cedric's plan, so he disguised himself. Percy, who became a telegraph pole, realized that in a few years, the Ministry of Magic would be bustling.

Especially if Hermione enters the Ministry of Magic in the future with her identity and aura as one of the members of the "Savior Harry Trio" who fight on the front line against Voldemort - Hermione has never concealed herself from Zhang in private. This ambition——If you think about it, the scene of three people competing for supremacy in the Ministry of Magic is exciting.

However, Zhang Xu felt a little strange at this time. If Cedric just wanted to talk to users about product experience, there would be no need to set up such a large battle in the screaming shack.

Unless Cedric makes other moves next, Zhang Xu thought.

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