Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 558 Disappearance

After dinner, Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts.

It was getting late at this time, and there were no students wandering around in the castle. If you wanted to go out for a walk at this time, you had to fight Filch's wits and courage.

Not long after Zhang Xu just walked up the stairs, he saw two students hurriedly passed him and ran upstairs. The two students seemed to be in a hurry. They didn't notice Zhang Xu at all when they passed by him. Soon after, in the distance Filch's shout came.

As Filch's shout faded away, the castle fell into silence again.

After leaving the stairs, Zhang Xu walked to a corridor. The moment he stepped onto the corridor, the originally dark corridor was suddenly illuminated by candlelight from the candlesticks on the wall.

Shortly after the start of the year, a group of students submitted a proposal to Professor McGonagall to upgrade the lighting system at Hogwarts Castle. In the plan, the candles used for lighting in the castle were first replaced with special candles with higher brightness, and then the magic was set so that the candles in the candlesticks would automatically light up only when people walked by.

Professor McGonagall approved the plan without much thought, and it took the students a month to modify the lighting systems in all the corridors and stairs in the castle.

As a result, the students are usually happy, but those who hide and seek with Filch at night are in tragedy.

Over the years, students at Hogwarts have made various renovations to the castle.

An originally empty classroom on the fifth floor has now been turned into a small but well-equipped gym. The gym was established by a student from a Muggle family whose family sold sports equipment. His ambition was to sell the unsold fitness equipment at home to wizarding families.

There are many Muggle-born students with the same ambition, but because electronic products are not allowed in Hogwarts, most students who want to start a business in Hogwarts are crying.

But not all plans for renovations, renovations and stealth startups are approved by the principal.

For example, the most ambitious student was a student named Rouse. He originally planned to open a car experience center on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He promised to provide huge sponsorship to Hogwarts every year and hire Hogwarts professors with high salaries. They formed a team to participate in the research and development of the car. After Dumbledore considered this plan carefully, he withdrew it on the grounds that the time had not come yet.

For another example, a student planned to build a standard-sized swimming pool behind the castle. This plan was killed immediately in both the Dumbledore and McGonagall eras, even if the student proposed that the profit from selling the swimsuits would be enough. Not even half a cent.

The person who was pressed to death the next time was Zhang's plan to install an escalator in the castle, which Zhang expressed disbelief.

Unlike the deserted corridor, the common room of Yingyuan was quite lively tonight, perhaps because it was the weekend.

Several students gathered around the table tennis table and used magic wands to control the rackets while playing. In order to prevent these students from slipping and causing the table tennis balls or rackets to fly out and hit people, a circle of deformation magic was erected around the table. Net, if you didn't know better, you would have thought that a dark table tennis match like cage fighting was held here.

In other places in the common room, students either gathered together in small groups and chatted, or sat alone on the sofa reading books. Those who found it too noisy used magic spells to block their ears.


"Here, maple syrup trifle pudding."

Zhang Xu placed a piece of pudding packed back from the cafe in the afternoon on the table in front of Luna who was reading.

Anthony and the others who were sitting behind Zhang Xu saw that they had something to eat, so they tugged on Zhang Xu's robe, and then extended their palms to him.

ㄟ(???)ㄟ( ̄ε ̄)ㄟ(???)

"He who sees it has a share."×3


Then Zhang Xu threw three blood lollipops to them.

Although he still has two pieces of pudding,

But it is impossible to give it to them. What if there is a "two puddings kill three students" scene in the common room?

At this moment, a patron cat broke into the common room and came to Zhang Xu.

"Go to the principal's office immediately." Professor McGonagall's voice came from Patronus Meow.

Zhang Xu did not dare to neglect and immediately rushed to the principal's office. When he went to the principal's office, he found that it was full of people. In addition to Lupin, the three deans were there, as well as Hagrid, Black, Scarlet, Moody, Filch and other professors and staff, as well as the two students who were in a hurry just now.

Everyone present looked a little anxious. Except for Dumbledore, who was still napping, the portraits of the previous principals on the wall were all whispering to each other.

Zhang Xu sat next to Scarlet, and then asked Professor McGonagall: "Professor, what happened?"

Before Professor McGonagall could answer, the Fat Friar, the headless Nick and Peeves walked through the wall and entered the office.

"We searched in the Forbidden Forest, but we didn't find her." The fat monk said to Professor McGonagall.

Nick held his head as a hat, saluted and said, "We didn't find her in the lake either."

Peeves was flying up and down in the air while saying, "I didn't see that poor girl in the secret passage. She might have been blown to ashes by the mushrooms!"

Peeves said this and flew out through the window.

As soon as Peeves disappeared, Lupine walked in together with Neville's father, Frank Longbottom, head of the Auror Office.

As soon as Frank came in, he said to Professor McGonagall: "We didn't find her in Hogsmeade. I have arranged for Aurors to search in and around Hogsmeade. If there is any discovery, they will notify me as soon as possible." "

Lupine continued: "I have asked the Muggle government for help, and they agreed to let the Muggle police help find her."

At this time, Zhang Xu had understood that a girl in Hogwarts was missing.

But judging from everyone's expressions, it seemed that the missing girl was not Harry who had lost his temper, nor was she someone close to Harry.

And now two students from the Snake Academy have also appeared here, so the missing girls should be students from the Snake Academy.

Judging from the intelligence that has been fed back so far, there is no sign of her anywhere inside or outside Hogwarts.

As expected, Professor McGonagall said to Zhang Xu who had just arrived: "I originally didn't want to trouble you who has not yet recovered, Mr. Zhang. But you heard just now that a student at Hogwarts is missing, and you are here at noon today." Contacted her."

Now Zhang Xu knew who was missing. He stretched out his hand and pinched his brows and asked helplessly: "Is it Millie Lawrence who is missing?"

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