Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 576 Night Banquet

Xinhua News Agency, Hogsmeade, December 7 (Reporter Liu Lian) On December 7, 1997, local time, Zhao Hao, deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee, hosted a dinner in Hogsmeade and invited the British Minister of Magic Rufus Sk. Lin Jie.

In his speech, Zhao Hao reviewed the new progress made in cooperation between the two countries in various fields in recent years, highly praised Minister Scrimgeour's contribution to promoting the development of bilateral relations, and hoped that the friendly cooperation between the two countries will continue to reach new heights.

Zhao Hao said that both countries are major economies in the world and important partners for each other. At the end of the month, our leader will pay a state visit to the UK. We are willing to work with the UK to take advantage of the situation, plan and promote the development of bilateral relations, continue to develop bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect and equal cooperation, and better achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. This will not only benefit the two countries, but also benefit Asia and Europe. , and also beneficial to the world. We are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the UK in various fields and at all levels, including commercial exchanges, consolidate the public opinion foundation for the development of bilateral relations, and promote the sustained and healthy development of bilateral relations.

Zhao Hao pointed out that my country is further opening up and a series of new measures are being implemented one after another, with British commercial enterprises becoming the first beneficiaries. We welcome more British companies to invest in China, and we also hope that the British side will create a fair environment for Chinese companies to invest and operate in the UK. We are willing to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges with the UK and consolidate the public opinion foundation for bilateral relations.

Zhao Hao emphasized that the current international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes. The two countries have the same or similar views on many issues, and the two sides should continue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation to benefit the two peoples while also injecting more stability into the world.

Scrimgeour said that this visit allowed me to further appreciate the profound friendship between the two countries and feel the increasingly close people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. The two countries are located at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent and are important strategic partners. In the past few years, the UK has benefited from your country's openness and development, especially the rapid development of UK-China economic and trade relations. The UK is willing to further expand the scale of bilateral trade, gradually open up your country to investment in the UK, strengthen dialogue between the two sides, and work with you to jointly safeguard free trade and the existing international order.

After the dinner, Zhao Hao and Scrimgeour held informal talks. The talks were useful. The two parties fully exchanged views on issues of common concern and enhanced their understanding.

Zhang Xu, cultural attaché of the Embassy in the UK, and others attended the above activities.

Hogsmeade is located in northern Scotland. It is the only village in the UK where all residents are composed of wizards. It was built at the end of the tenth century and the beginning of the eleventh century. Its founder was Hangis.

??In a silent world

??Flying down

??Floating all over the sky

??Its dance is so light

"What did you talk about tonight?" Furong asked Zhang Xu.

It was already dark at this time, and there was heavy snow outside the window.

The day's activities have ended, and Zhang Xu is preparing to return to Hogwarts.

"One key word," Zhang Xu said after sitting on the edge of the bed and covering her with a quilt, "that is 'trade'."

"When we went to the candy store this afternoon, didn't we see that the candy store was out of stock?"

"At the beginning of this month, various manufacturers in the UK suddenly collectively stopped supplying goods to merchants in Hogsmeade. They now only supply goods to merchants operating in Diagon Alley."

This afternoon, while Fu Rong was choosing candies for Gabrielle in the candy store, Zhang Xu found out the news from the boss and his wife.

Honeydukes Candy Store is not the only one to encounter this situation. Except for stores selling imported goods and self-produced goods, all other merchants in Hogsmeade have been out of stock by their upstream manufacturers. Even stores that produce and sell their own products face the threat of raw material shortages.

"So they want to purchase goods from you?" Furong reacted immediately.

Zhang Xu nodded.

There was no need to hide this kind of thing from Fleur. As long as Scrimgeour was not stupid, he would not put all his eggs in one basket. Just now when everyone had eaten and started negotiating, Scrimgeour said openly and secretly that he would also greet the European compatriots on the other side of the Taiwan Strait, so don't offer too high a price. Facing such a huge piece of cake in the British market, if the Ministry of Magic from France and other European countries don't send people in a few days, the name on Zhang's household registration book will be changed to Zhang Minao.

Zhang Xu pinched Furong's nose and said, "Okay, you can go to sleep, I will come back tomorrow."


"You need a kiss to fall asleep."

??North wind sweeps the ground

??Snowflakes are flying, flying all over the sky

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and the wind is not willing to be lonely, and rushes with the snow in every corner of this land.

Zhang Xu, who had returned to Hogwarts, was half-lying in a lounge chair on the balcony of the professor's dormitory, looking at the snowflakes under the candlelight outside the balcony, holding a thermos cup in his hand, and slowly digesting what happened tonight.

Zhang Xu was not surprised by Scrimgeour's visit today. He had already expected this. Behind this matter was not just the business he and Fleur said they wanted to do, but a series of events that had happened recently, which put a lot of pressure on Scrimgeour. But he didn't expect that the straw that broke the camel's back would be Mrs. Weasley's kidnapping.

Since the British Ministry of Magic was divided into northern and southern parts, both ministries of magic have been working hard to rebuild an orthodox Ministry of Magic.

However, at the crucial point of rebuilding the Wizengamot, the Southern Ministry of Magic, with the efforts of Lucius Malfoy, who was good at long-sleeved dancing, gained the support of nearly half of the original Wizengamot members. If more than half of the original Wizengamot members had not chosen to continue to wait and see, the Northern Ministry of Magic, which was supported by only a few original Wizengamot members, would have been completely defeated.

However, recent news shows that after Malfoy received the support of various capital families, more and more original Wizengamot members began to have an eye for the Southern Ministry of Magic.

As a result, Scrimgeour was under great pressure.

In addition, the capital bosses who support Malfoy have begun to use their commercial weapons and have brought back some businesses that escaped from Diagon Alley. When these bosses manipulated Diagon Alley to transfuse blood to the Southern Ministry of Magic, they also cut off the blood supply to Hogsmeade and the Northern Ministry of Magic behind it.

Especially now that the Christmas shopping season has arrived, if Hogsmeade, the business card of the Northern Ministry of Magic, suffers from an economic depression due to the continued economic blockade, it will cause a serious blow to the reputation of the Northern Ministry of Magic. At the same time, as economic activity in Diagon Alley picks up, the reputation of the Southern Ministry of Magic will also increase.

Under this ebb and flow, the grassroots wizards who originally tended to the Northern Ministry of Magic will lean towards the Southern Ministry of Magic.

If the grassroots wizards and capital bosses all sided with the Southern Ministry of Magic, then Scrimgeour would have no choice but to tie Harry Potter to Diagon Alley and let him fight Voldemort in a one-on-one way to make a comeback.

Therefore, Scrimgeour had to open the country to introduce foreign investment in a short period of time, intending to prosper the northern market in the shortest possible time in order to compete with Diagon Alley in the south.

The Wizarding World Market in the UK was originally a relatively closed market, where local protection prevailed. The reason that made Scrimgeour take such extreme measures to violently open the country's door to allow foreign investors to rush in and snatch meat from the market was the failure of the rescue operation of Mrs. Weasley last night.

The current position of the Weasley family is very delicate.

Among the six fields of science, agriculture, industry, commerce, and military, in addition to agriculture, Arthur Weasley has a good reputation in the Ministry of Magic. Bill and his twin brothers are very prosperous in industry and commerce, and are extremely prestigious among the students at Hogwarts. The three high-ranking Harrys are all closely related to the Weasley family, and Percy is quite famous among Aurors at home and abroad. In the field of diplomacy, it is even more subtle. This morning, Mrs. Weasley's American cousin, relatives in Russia and France, and the leaders of Erba's workplace simultaneously found Scrimgeour and expressed their great concern about the matter.

At that time, Scrimgeour even considered kidnapping Malfoy's wife in exchange for hostages.

Therefore, Zhang Xu analyzed that in the face of the opponent's combination of punches, Scrimgeour, who was under great pressure, had to make the necessary compromises and first solve one of the problems to relieve some of the pressure.

But Scrimgeour may not have expected that although they were both wizards, the way of thinking of the group of people from the east was different from his.

According to Scrimgeour's prediction, when he brings in European countries, this group of European compatriots who have been jealous of the British market for many years will inevitably chop at him with a butcher's knife. So he also brought in a certain country in the East in an attempt to use it as a bargaining price with his European compatriots. If the prices offered by my European compatriots are too high, then I will cooperate with my Asian friends.

It's just some people who like to take other people's way at a bargain price, leaving people with nowhere to go. After receiving a call early in the morning, they didn't even have time to eat breakfast and rushed to the nearest airport with flights to the UK. went.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xu drank the hot water in the thermos cup in one gulp, stretched out and then went back to bed. He had to be busy in the next few days.

In the past few years, he has finally opened a breakthrough in the British magic society market. Next, it was time for some of the people behind him to swarm toward the breach along with the Charge.

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