Throughout the breakfast time, the students in the cafeteria discussed in low voices the latest announcement on the bulletin board. Among them, the most heated discussion was between the students of Lion College and Snake College, because this incident directly affected these two colleges.

There are three announcements this morning.

The first one is that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley will be detained for two weeks, and Ginny Weasley will be detained for three days.

The second was to remove Harry Potter and Hermione Granger from their positions as Heads of the Student Union, and remove Ron Weasley from his position as Gryffindor seventh-year prefect.

The third article is that Neville Longbottom and Daphne Greengrass will serve as the new student council presidents respectively, and Seamus Finnigan will serve as the new seventh-year Gryffindor prefect.

Snake College was naturally celebrating the birth of a student union president in their college. They even thought that they would be discriminated against for reasons outside of school this year, but in the end such a thing did not happen.

For the first time, I won Gryffindor in the Quidditch match in the past few years and got a student council president. The two joys overlapped each other, and this double joy brought more and more joy.

Although some people are a little dissatisfied with giving such an important position to a Slytherin under the current situation, Zhang knows that due to the reason of being secretly receiving treatment, Daphne Greengrass and her My sister is already obeying Professor McGonagall's words. As long as Professor McGonagall sticks to her decision, no one in the school can object to this appointment.

There is no problem with Neville. Ever since the Plants vs. Death Eaters at the beginning of school, Neville, who is responsible for this part of the work, has had a good reputation. As long as Zhang doesn't stand up and fight with him, he is the best choice if Harry and Ron fall over. And now Neville is starting to look handsome.

It is not a problem for Seamus to be the prefect. After all, the Lion House has promised not to use "Explosive Maniac" Seamus Finnigan first in school fights.

As for the four people who were punished, Zhang Xu also had an idea. They were detained for so long because they were punished for both crimes. After spending so much time with the Time-Turner last time, it was Harry who played the family card and made Professor McGonagall relent. In addition, the matter could not be exposed, so McGonagall shelved the punishment and made mistakes in the future. They will be punished together. Therefore, Zhang Xu has been cautious during this period. He always asks for leave whenever he goes out. No matter how late he comes back, he does not stay out overnight, for fear that he will be unlucky if any clues fall into the hands of Professor McGonagall.

Zhang Xu didn't know the details of Harry's crime this time, but he could guess from the dark faces of Professor McGonagall, Lupine and Black at the professor's chair, as well as the recent events. It's a big deal.

The first class today was the Charms class. Before class, Zhang Xu asked Professor Flitwick for information. Professor Flitwick briefly told him what happened early this morning. After listening to Professor Flitwick's story, Zhang Xu took out a little pepper and took a sip in front of the professor, and then sneezed several times.

"Professor, I have a cold. I want to take a break. I want to be quiet."

"Go ahead and take care of yourself."


Anthony and others sitting behind the desks in the front row held up signs to rate the two's exaggerated acting skills.


Zhang Xu left the classroom and came to Dumbledore's tomb.

Sitting cross-legged on the snow, I deeply reflected on the incident of Harry and his trio walking alone.

"Did you skip class?" Grindelwald appeared behind Zhang Xu and said in a joking tone, "If I take you back now, how many points will be deducted from your college?"

"I asked for leave." Zhang Xu replied.

"Are you asking for leave to come here to cool off for a while, or to accompany me, an old man?" Grindelwald asked.

"I suddenly discovered today that I have principled differences with Dumbledore on some things." Zhang Xu said.

"It's interesting." Grindelwald said.

"Sir, do you think the history of the wizarding world was created by heroic wizards like Dumbledore and you, or by ordinary wizards?" Zhang Xu asked.

The incident of Harry walking alone early this morning made Zhang Xu discover the differences between him and Dumbledore in the "Harry Potter Development Plan".

Zhang Xu and Dumbledore agreed on the goal of beheading Voldemort. But in terms of the guiding ideology of specific operations, Dumbledore taught Harry personal heroism, while Zhang Xu taught Harry collective heroism.

It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong on the line issue. We can only first look at the positions of both parties.

From Dumbledore's point of view, his ultimate goal was to just kill Voldemort and forget about the rest.

However, the biggest problem with this route is that the error tolerance is extremely low. If Harry made a mistake while acting alone, he would probably lose his life when he was alone. By the time Voldemort has no scruples, the morale of both sides will be ebbing and flowing, and the situation will continue to deteriorate. It is estimated that there is no way to save the altars in the British wizarding world.

Under the current situation, Zhang Xu's position must follow the country's. Otherwise, based on his current situation, to put it bluntly, he has made money and has a wife, and to put it more elegantly, he has gained both career and love. He has no regrets and can go back. It has nothing to do with him how the situation in the UK will develop after he leaves. He had called Dumbledore back then, and no one else could say anything if Dumbledore left.

The country's current position is that Britain's magical society can be weakened, but it cannot be corrupted. When the wizarding world is exposed next, it will be better to have a still active and powerful British wizarding society in the west to support it than to stand alone in the east to resist the pressure of the world.

After all, the current Britain is different from the European continent which is still a stagnant water, because there is a shit-stirring stick named Voldemort here. He has muddied the stagnant water in Britain, and it will be difficult not to be exposed in the future. Unless Mr. Zhang can now persuade the big boss in front of him to come back to the world, the European side will drag it on as long as it can.

Therefore, when Zhang Xu educated Harry Potter, he chose the collective heroism route with a higher error tolerance. This "collective" does not refer to the narrow collective of "Harry's trio", but includes Hogwarts, the Northern Ministry of Magic, all wizards who fight Voldemort, and the British government. With the support of these powers, Harry can avoid failure to the greatest extent. Even after one or several failures, he can still run away in order to make a comeback, instead of being locked in the basement waiting for a miracle to happen. And as long as Harry's flag does not fall, Voldemort's actions will inevitably be contained, and with morale in particular, the situation in Britain will not collapse out of control.

Under Zhang Xu's influence, Harry initially chose to believe in the power of the collective. But after experiencing a failure, Harry finally did not choose to believe in the Ministry of Magic and the British government again, but chose what he believed in most in his heart, and that was his own power.

Just before Grindelwald came over, Zhang Xu had already figured out why his route failed. Because he made a dogmatic error in this regard and failed to objectively analyze the impact of the environment on a person.

When Harry entered the wizarding world, the stories he heard always emphasized the power of Dumbledore and Voldemort, as if the entire history was written by the two of them.

When Dumbledore was educating Harry, he instilled in him from an early age that "you are Voldemort's nemesis, you are awesome, and you must be the one to kill Voldemort."

As a result, Harry had a concept in his heart that the power Voldemort had only lay in himself, and that only he could do the work of destroying Voldemort. As long as Voldemort was killed, everything would go smoothly. And Voldemort's minions are vulnerable.

It was precisely because of this mysterious self-confidence that Harry chose to take risks on his own when faced with difficulties.

As for correcting Harry's idea, Zhang Xu had already given up. For Harry at this age, he would not have a long memory unless he suffered a little.

Grindelwald, who was standing not far from Zhang Xu, actually laughed out loud after hearing Zhang Xu's question.

"When he and I were young, we both thought that we were the most outstanding wizards in the world. We could lead the world and change the world." Grindelwald said while looking at Dumbledore's tomb, "But later on, We find that we are just a few steps ahead of the people behind us. Even if there is no me on this road, someone will stand up."

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