Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 582: The girl’s mother came to visit

? Thick snow covered the snow-capped mountains to the north, the roofs of every building in Hogsmeade and the open spaces around the village. The thick clouds in the sky have disappeared, and the setting sun shines on this land, giving a great scene of the original Chi Chi Orange Cat.

In a large open space near Hogwarts, a huge exhibition tent has appeared. At this moment, people were constantly coming in and out of the door of the tent. They were either carrying goods or carrying stacks of posters to paste them in designated places.

Not far away, the residents of Hogsmeade and the staff of the Ministry of Magic who were off work gathered together, sometimes pointing at the exhibition tent and the stage being set up in front of the tent, sometimes with curiosity and a little excitement. The tone was discussing the various posters posted on the wall.

Inside the expanded exhibition tent, there are several areas divided into different sizes for selling different types of products, and these areas are divided into stalls of different specifications. In the deepest part of the tent is the office area for the staff.

In a cubicle in the office area, Zhang Xu was sitting behind a desk writing furiously. After a long time, he put down the pen in his hand, picked up the manuscript paper on the table, checked it, and then stretched out his hand to the side. At this time, a staff member from the embassy who came to support handed a programmable calculator into Zhang Xu's hand, and then Zhang Xu began to input the program on the manuscript paper into the calculator.

There is a very serious problem when people come to the UK to do business, and that is the currency conversion problem in the British Wizarding World. The currency here is the gold galleons, the silver sikos and the bronze nats. And 1 Galleons = 17 Sickles = 493 Nats, 1 Sickles = 29 Nats, which makes businessmen who are accustomed to decimal rounded cents want to hang themselves.

In the past, everyone was engaged in wholesale business. For the convenience of calculation, everyone could just erase a fraction. But now there are also retail stores, so it’s hard to get rid of the small change.

Therefore, the simplest method that everyone thought of was to urgently buy a batch of programmable calculators, and then Zhang Xu would write the program for calculating Galleons, Sickles and Nats, and finally input the program into the calculator and send it to the merchants. use. After a while, Zhang Xu finished inputting the calculation program and randomly found a set of numbers to test. An error occurred.

When the setting sun outside was hidden behind the mountains and the stars appeared in the night sky, he finally finished the calculation program. I haven’t used the BASIC language for a long time, and I ended up overturning it today.

After writing the latest version of the program on paper and handing it to the staff, Zhang Xu went to the canteen nearby and asked for a bowl of noodles. The follow-up work was completed by the relevant staff. If there was an unexpected situation, he would come back to help.

After Muggle Studies class this afternoon, he rushed over to mess with the calculator without eating dinner. Fortunately, he had eaten enough roast lamb in the dungeon, otherwise he would be very hungry now.

After eating the noodles,

Zhang Xu came to an office again. Mr. Zhao was also sitting behind the desk, but he was thinking hard about something with a pen in hand.

Seeing Zhang Xu come in, Mr. Zhao put down the pen in his hand, rubbed his brow and said, "Have you eaten?"

Zhang Xu nodded and replied: "I've finished my work and eaten. Are there any tasks assigned to me later?"

"We will be gone for a while." Mr. Zhao said while pouring himself tea, "But someone from Scrimgeour sent a message, asking you to go there if you have time."

"Then I'll be free later." Zhang Xu found a chair and sat down, "I saw you had such a headache just now. What national affairs are you thinking about?"

"Write a report." Mr. Zhao put down the empty tea cup, "I told them that brother Xiangyu once said, 'Some laws of material production also apply to spiritual production. If it is overdone, spiritual production will also be affected. Damage, even greater damage.’ But they kept urging me to report it.”

"But what he said next was, 'Some manuscripts have to be rushed.'" Zhang Xu said in a confident voice, "You can still quote scriptures after procrastinating. Don't you always brag that you don't draft during the palace examination? Your writings are as follows Dragon, can it be achieved in one fell swoop?”

"That's why Shuping became the number one scholar." said a certain Qing scholar.

After learning that he had no tasks tonight, Zhang Xu stopped disturbing the boss, bragging for a while and then left.

Thinking about it, after a few days of running-in, the cooperation between the wizards of the two countries has been on the right track. He is no longer needed to communicate and coordinate in the middle. For a while, Zhang was actually free.

Moreover, Mr. Delacour, who came to the UK on behalf of the French Ministry of Magic to make a fortune for everyone, will return to France today after talking about business, so Fleur decided to take a trip home with her father. It has been so long since she ran back to Europe. A trip home just doesn't make sense.

Zhang Xu, who had nothing to do, didn't want to go to Hogwarts so early to correct the students' homework, so he came to the booth of his own business to help. But when he was helping to assemble the shelves, he noticed that his family looked at him strangely. Zhang Xu suddenly remembered that someone told him at noon today that something was going to happen tonight, and he couldn't help but become alert.

It was busy until half past ten, and the day's work was over. Zhang Xu followed his family back to their base in Hogsmeade for a late-night snack.

A property originally owned by the Lestrange family here was later acquired by Zhang through some means. He then used this property to replace the Zhang family building on the north with Neville's relatives. This time a large group of people came to the house, so Zhang Xu contacted his relatives through Neville and rented this small building for his family to stay.

When the family returned to the small building, Zhang Xu found that there was no midnight snack. Instead, the family was sitting neatly in the living room. Then they looked at their own family who was boiling water and preparing to make tea. There were three sittings. momentum.

Zhang Xu, who did not understand the situation, decided to remain unchanged and adapt to all changes, and entered the obedient mode on the day of the parent-teacher meeting.

But what was supposed to come would come, and the first person to speak was Zhang Xu's grandfather.

Zhang Feng took a sip of the Tieguanyin handed over by Zhang Xu to moisten his throat and said, "Xiao Minao, let me ask you something."

Zhang Xu was shocked. His grandfather's tone was the same as when he came back to talk to him after the parent-teacher meeting.

"What's the matter, grandpa?" asked the well-behaved Zhang Xiaowanzi.

"What's going on with those two little Indian girls?" Zhang Feng asked, "My mother came to visit me. I heard that you prepared a large sum of pocket money for them?"

When Zhang Xu heard this, his expression immediately changed.

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