Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 592 Starting anew

? Looking at Scrimgeour’s expression of wanting to hit someone, Zhang looked at the time. There was still an hour before the opening ceremony. He had to deal with Scrimgeour in this time, otherwise today’s opening ceremony would probably be disrupted.

As for why Scrimgeour found him in the first place, do you still need to ask? Apart from Zhang, no one dared to bring two ministries of magic together to cause trouble these days. Although his level is not high enough to comply with the principle of equal status in diplomacy, he has more room for maneuver in many matters.

Zhang Xu pointed to the tent and said: "There are a lot of people talking here, let's go inside and talk."

Scrimgeour, with a cold face, did not object and just nodded.

The two came to the outside of the tent door. Zhang Xu pointed to a row of security gates and said to Scrimgeour: "This is the security gate that was just installed last night. If anyone carries a black magic item, the security gate will issue a warning." Siren."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he walked over, and then the security gate beeped.


Zhang scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said to Scrimgeour on the other side of the door: "Look, isn't this quite effective, haha..."

Scrimgeour no longer wanted to talk to him.


Zhang Xu has a small office here, which he uses when he comes to help these days. Although the area is a bit small, it would not be appropriate to use it to greet the Minister of Magic, but the important thing is that confidentiality is good.

Zhang Xu poured the minister a cup of tea, and then directly exposed the person behind the scenes: "This incident was planned by the Americans. We are just following to make some money."

"Huh?" Scrimgeour, who was holding the tea cup, looked at Zhang Xu with a puzzled expression. He was not expecting this answer.

"In the final analysis, this is all the trouble caused by you British people." Zhang Xu said helplessly.

"After the Gringotts Wizarding Bank was founded by the goblin Gringotts, you British wizards have been fighting with the goblins for control of Gringotts. After the goblin rebellion in 1612, you British wizards acquiesced to the goblins' control of Gringotts. Control. And the underlying reason for that rebellion was your first attempt to control Gringotts through violent means. In the following seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the British Ministry of Magic continued to adopt explicit means such as legislation. and other under-the-table means to limit the development of Gringotts and try to strengthen its control. This is why there were so many goblin rebellions in that period in "The History of Magic".

At the same time, Gringotts was in a period of rapid expansion. The goblins used the footsteps of British colonists to open Gringotts almost all over the world. It was not until 1865 that the British Ministry of Magic discovered that it was impossible to control the behemoth Gringotts, and then officially expressed its attitude and agreed to let the goblins completely control Gringotts. "

"You also know that the Ministry of Magic around the world is very dissatisfied with the wizarding world's economy being controlled by the goblins Gringotts." Zhang Xu continued after telling the history, "But it is precisely because you British wizards are at a disadvantage in suppressing bandits. , which gives the goblins the confidence to take a tough stand against the Ministry of Magic of other countries, and also makes the Ministry of Magic of those countries have doubts about the eradication of goblins and dare not take action at will."

Scrimgeour, who was holding the teacup, lowered his head to drink tea to cover up his embarrassment. He didn't know what Zhang Xu said.

It’s no joke to say that wizards all over the world have been unhappy with Britain for a long time. Using Dumbledore as a flagrant after he became famous is just one of the reasons. The British Ministry of Magic’s ineffectiveness in suppressing demons and finally taking the lead in compromising with goblins is one of the other reasons. .

As early as the late nineteenth century, the Ministry of Magic of various countries was unhappy with the British Ministry of Magic's explicit consent to goblins controlling Gringotts. But then Grindelwald started causing trouble in the early 20th century, which caused the Ministry of Magic to divert their attention. Later, when Dumbledore rose up, they could only hold back their displeasure.

But now, Dumbledore has gone, Voldemort is only causing trouble in Great Britain, and the British Ministry of Magic has no time to take care of itself. This is a God-given opportunity to counterattack.

Scrimgeour smiled bitterly, and then asked: "So what does this have to do with Lucius Malfoy mortgaging the Ministry of Magic?"

Zhang Xu took out a box of chocolate sandwich biscuits and placed it on the table, then took one and ate it himself. After hearing Scrimgeour's question, he said: "I have to say that in the position of Minister of Magic, Malfoy has done a better job than you."

Facing the angry-eyed Scrimgeour, Zhang Xu gave him a hehe face in return. Then he continued: "The International Federation of Wizards has become corrupt and cannot keep up with the development of the times. More and more countries believe that the only correct choice is to completely abandon it and start a new one."

"Have you not noticed that the International Federation of Wizards has long formulated a plan for various countries to support your British Ministry of Magic? However, the Ministry of Magic in Europe and the United States only agreed verbally, but in fact, among the personnel sent to the UK by these countries, no one One belongs to this program.”

"Because they are all waiting for the establishment of a new organization that unites wizards from all over the world, and then they will provide you with all-round assistance in the name of this organization."

"Including your country?" Scrimgeour asked. Whether a large Eastern country that has never entered the International Federation of Wizards system will enter the new system is undoubtedly an important criterion for judging the gold content of this new system.

"Of course, in the new era, we can no longer stay away from the entire magical world." Zhang Xu continued.

"The establishment of a new international system always requires everyone to do something big as an opportunity, and the opportunity for the establishment of this new system is to attack Guling Pavilion on a global scale. At this time, who can attack Guling Pavilion? If Lingge strikes hard enough, he will have a greater say in the subsequent new system."

"However, for various reasons, you British people have been excluded from this operation, which can also be said to be excluded from the new system. If the UK wants to join this new system in the future, then you are so The benefits that have been eaten over the years will have to be vomited out.”

"Fortunately, you have a Lucius Malfoy in England."

"He accidentally learned this information while purchasing grain with American grain merchants, and then he barged in like a bull."

"And what is he going to do?" Scrimgeour asked, a bitter look on his face.

"All the dirty work was done by the 'Death Eaters'." Zhang Xu leaned back in his chair and replied, "I have to admire Malfoy's sharp eyesight. He discovered it right away. , the biggest problem faced by the Ministry of Magic in other countries is that they have scruples when they need to do dirty work, and the biggest advantage he has is that he can do dirty work without scruples."

"And he also promised to attack Gringotts headquarters in Diagon Alley if necessary."

Zhang Xu didn't need to say what happened next, Scrimgeour himself figured it out. While he was trying to figure it out, it also gave him a huge headache.

In this case, Lucius Malfoy can get a plaque with "National Hero" written on it and hang it at the gate of Majiazhuang. The British wizarding society is a society controlled by capital, and those capital bosses are all aware of the huge benefits Malfoy has gained for Britain in this matter. Even No. 10 Downing Street had to hold their noses and recognize Malfoy's contribution.

As for Scrimgeour, if Zhang Xu hadn't asked him to get in the car in a roundabout way and then tell him the ins and outs of the matter, he might have been kept in the dark until the last moment.

Just as Scrimgeour lowered his head and drank the boring tea, Zhang was once again complaining about the Yankees' unethical behavior.

It’s not surprising that you should be the messenger for such an important matter, but you don’t want someone like Mrs. Adams who can chat to death to be the messenger of the United States. That night at the Burrow, Mrs. Adams wanted to talk to herself about this when she went out to him. As a result, she chose the wrong topic at the beginning, and then she had an occupational disease and shot herself Legilimency, making herself think that she was here to prosecute Grindelwald, so she had to brace herself and hide. she. If she hadn't written a letter explaining the situation in the end and asked her to take him back home, then this would have been a lot of fun.

After drinking two cups of tea in deep contemplation, Scrimgeour finally asked: "What are the major countries this time?"

Zhang Xu counted it twice on his fingers, "In addition to our two countries, there are also the United States, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, India, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, South Africa and Egypt.”

After getting Zhang Xu's answer, Scrimgeour put down the tea cup and left with a toothache on his face.

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