Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 615: The decisive battle at the top of Gringotts?

The layout of Gringotts' business hall is different from other places: it is not very wide, but it is very long. It is more like a very wide corridor than a lobby. There are two rows of counters on both sides, and on the wall behind them are doorways leading to various places in Gringotts.

Hain Severo waved his wand, and an explosive spell flew into the group of goblins waiting at the other end of the business hall.


There was a loud "boom", and a goblin whose armor was directly hit by a magic spell was blown to pieces. The goblins around him were also blown up by the huge shock wave.


And a black-robed wizard next to him was hit in the thigh by a spell cast by the goblin, causing him to fall to the ground, holding his broken leg and wailing on the ground.

The injured wizard was quickly dragged to the rear, and then a new black-robed wizard filled the vacancy.

Due to the terrain, both sides were unable to deploy their troops, causing them to enter a stalemate stage where they were lined up to be shot.

After eating less than half a piece of venison in Buckingham Palace, the wizards on both sides of Hain had already changed, but he didn't care. At this moment, he was already addicted to the pleasure of killing.

In a short period of time, the two sides had fought fiercely, and they had to rely on one breath to survive the casualties. Whoever gets discouraged first at this time will only be defeated and massacred.

Griphook, who was wearing armor, raised a silver shield in his hand and blocked a curse with a "dong" sound. Only then did he have time to wipe the blood from his face with his hands. These lessons were not his, but those of the goblin who was blown to pieces just now.

In order to compete with wizards, goblins work hard in their own areas of expertise. In addition to powerful spells such as Avada's Kedavra, the goblins have developed special shields and armor that can resist many spells, including the Disarming Curse. As for their weapons, in addition to secretly collected magic wands and homemade long swords, they also have crossbows suitable for their stature. These goblin weapons have been one of the reasons they have dared to challenge wizards for hundreds of years.

It's just that something happened suddenly today. Many powerful weapons were not ready yet, and the wizards came in.

Griphook's left hand holding the shield was somewhat numb, and he could no longer remember how many magical attacks he had blocked for the compatriots behind him. Fortunately, no Avada Kedavra has been shot at him so far.

A few hours ago, he was still struggling to deal with the wizards who came to withdraw money. Fortunately, the bell rang early and he breathed a sigh of relief. He never wanted to experience such a hellish day again.

After finishing his work and paying his bills, he was about to go home to reunite with his family when he was told that wizards were about to break into Gringotts.

The goblin staff and security guards received their weapons and prepared to defend Gringotts.

A "boom" sounded on the shield, and the shock wave generated by the explosion was irresistible to shields and armor.

Griphook was blown backwards and collided with the goblins behind him into a rolling gourd.

The goblins in the rear were already prepared and quickly filled the gap.

After shaking his head, which was a little dazed from the impact, Griphook woke up a little. At this time, he discovered that there were several deep cracks on the shield and it could no longer be used.

"It would be great if we could use the legendary 'Assault Mecha Technology Complex that uses magic power'." Griphook thought of a legend spread among goblins. In recent years, the masters of Gringotts in Japan have developed Developed a mechanical armor that greatly enhances the power of fairies.

Throwing away the tattered shield in his hand, an elf handed him a brand new shield.

"Hold on, reinforcements will arrive soon." Nagnok pointed at his feet and said.

Griphook knew what Nagnok was referring to. After working in Gringotts for so many years, he knew that there were more than one fire dragon guarding the vault at his feet. It's just a little troublesome to get these underground security guards out of the ground.

Unless the floor beneath his feet is removed.

Griphook nodded, tied the shield firmly to his left arm, and then returned to the team.

After walking to the back of the team, ready to fill his position, Griphook touched his pocket with his right hand, and then gave up on taking out his cigar and taking a puff, even though he knew that this might be his last chance to smoke a cigar.

If nothing happened today, he would be sitting in front of the warm fireplace at home, telling the children ancient stories about goblins.

Many years ago, their ancestors did not want their descendants to live far away from human habitation like the centaurs, nor did they want their descendants to become slaves and submit to wizards like house elves. Therefore, they chose to fight against the wizard and gain the right to talk to the wizard on an equal footing.

In order to prevent their descendants from living like house elves, Griphook and his colleagues stood here without hesitation.

Griphook suddenly noticed that the light in the sky was wrong. Looking up, he found that the silver door that should have fallen to the ground was slowly floating up. The flame of the candle shone on the door, causing the door to reflect a strange light.

"Stop them!" Suddenly a goblin shouted. They don't know how many times they have pushed and closed this door, and they know how heavy it is. If the wizards smashed the door on their heads, there would be no other option but to become meat paste.

Of course, the goblins would love it if they could make it fall when it flies over the wizard's head.

The pace on the originally stalemate battlefield suddenly accelerated.

The goblins in the back row continued to cast various magics on the gate in the air to interfere with the actions of the wizards.

Naturally, the wizards didn't want to lift the door and hit themselves on the head. Since those wizards who were encouraged to come in by Voldemort came up with this idea, they were naturally prepared accordingly. The remains of the counter on the ground became their tools. Under the influence of transformation, these pieces of wood turned into flying birds, blocking the spells shot by the goblins in front of the door. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the door that had just been cracked with protective magic slowly but surely flew towards the direction of the goblins.

For a time, the door became the winner of the battle.

Buckingham Palace.

"Have you taken action against Lord Gling?" Professor McGonagall asked Zhang Xu in a low voice. Zhang Xu, who had just finished his main course and drank white wine, nodded gently. With Professor McGonagall's wisdom, it is not difficult to deduce the major things that are going to happen through the major events of these two days. It's just that this answer was too shocking at the current time. Professor McGonagall thought for a long time before asking Zhang Xu for verification.

The hand reaching for the lemon dark chocolate dessert was suddenly paused, and Zhang Xu's face suddenly turned ugly after receiving the latest news.

Zhang Xu looked at Scrimgeour and found that he was also looking at him with a grimace. However, Scrimgeour quickly returned to his original expression, and what came into view was Professor McGonagall's confused expression.

Looking around the banquet hall, Zhang Xu found that the faces of those who were qualified to know what happened tonight were not very good, especially the Prime Minister.

When he looked at the chair, he found that Lafayette was making a gesture to the staff beside her who was making a report for her.

The five fingers of the palm of the right hand are straightened together and gently drawn downward in a slight arc perpendicular to the horizontal plane. No matter how you look at this gesture, it means to chop someone or something else.

After giving the order, Lafayette continued to chat and laugh with the elder.

The expression on the Prime Minister's face was helpless.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xu felt a little funny. Because Lafayette has an armed force that only the king can command for hundreds of years, that is, the royal wizards. And they cooperated with the British military and intelligence agencies, and the procedure they followed was that the king gave them orders to cooperate with their brother units.

But now that those people have taken action, Zhang Xu is no longer worried about the unexpected situation that just happened.

Zhang, relieved, began to enjoy dessert after the meal.

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