In the restaurant at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry Potter was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet and reading the news on it. From the moment he saw the headlines on the front page until he read the last edition of the issue, Harry's brows had been furrowed and never relaxed.

A green flame rose from the fireplace in the restaurant, and then a figure emerged from the flames with a backpack.

"Good morning, Harry!" Hermione greeted Harry happily when she arrived at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Good morning, Hermione." Harry put down the newspaper in his hand, "How was your holiday?"

"I'm living a fulfilling life." Hermione replied cheerfully as she used her wand to clean away the ashes from her body, "I didn't expect that my family's investment a few months ago resulted in a small building in a good location. My parents and I are busy converting this building into a private hospital."

Immediately afterwards, Hermione told Harry how she designed and planned her own property with her parents.

Seeing Hermione talking so excitedly, Harry was embarrassed to tell her that the income from her family's investment was based on the blood of goblins and wizards. At the same time, he was also worried that Hermione would set up another "goblin rights promotion association". If this was the case, Harry could only persuade her to give up this idea of ​​being an enemy of the whole world.

After Hermione finished speaking, Harry wanted to ask her a question. Unexpectedly, as soon as Hermione finished speaking, she found the newspaper on the table that Harry had just read these days. So she sat down at the table and picked up the newspaper and said, "I haven't had time to read "The Prophet" during this period. Daily, let me see what’s the latest news.”

As soon as she picked up today's newspaper and saw the headlines on the front page, Hermione's expression changed to (⊙o⊙), and she maintained this expression for nearly ten minutes.

"What's going on?" After reading the front page headlines, Hermione pointed to the report in the newspaper "Meeting of Financial Secretaries of the Ministry of Magic and Central Bank Governors of the Twenty Nations was held in New York" and Narcissa in the news photo. Malfoy asked Harry.

"As you can see," Harry said after shrugging.

"Why does the Ministry of Magic have a central bank?" Hermione asked Harry with some uncertainty, "Isn't there only one Gringotts Bank in the wizarding world?"

"Hermione..." Harry said carefully in order not to irritate her with the following news, "Gringotts...Gringotts is in the hands of wizards."

"How could this happen?!" Hermione shouted in surprise, "Aren't you afraid of goblins and rebelling?"

As Hermione finished speaking,

He flipped through the newspapers from the past few days on the table, trying to find news about goblins and Gringotts.

When she picked up a newspaper and read the news clearly on the front page, she opened her mouth in surprise.

The headline on the front page of this newspaper was "Lucius Malfoy was cursed - young Auror stabbed to death in the Ministry of Magic due to hatred of his family and country".

The next news item was titled "London Mutiny, Open Fire at Each Other—Four armies besieged the Death Eaters, vowing to collect the blood of the dead goblins."

In addition, other news on the front page have extremely scary-looking headlines, such as "Harry Potter is missing and may have suffered an accident", "Many Directors are under house arrest", "The Dark Lord is rumored to have died of illness" and "Diagon Alley becomes a ghost town" and other news.

"What's going on?" Hermione continued to ask Harry. Just looking at the headlines, you can tell how unreliable these news are.

"This is the goblin rebellion that happened a few days ago." Harry looked at the news about himself and replied with curled lips, "They attacked and took control of the Daily Prophet the night before the newspaper was released, and then This newspaper was concocted. As a result, before noon that day, the goblin rebellion in England was suppressed."

"Oh my god! What is going on?" Faced with this situation, Hermione was a little confused.

Harry took the stack of newspapers and found the one issued on Christmas Day. Then he dug out a newly released "Youth Magazine" and handed it to Hermione.

"See for yourself." Harry said, "The goblins and Gringotts are all written in it. The Daily Prophet writes about what happened on Christmas Eve. The Youth Magazine has an account of this incident. An analysis article of a series of events.”

After Hermione took the newspapers and magazines, she sat at the dining table and read them attentively. Harry could only call Kreacher and ask him to move Hermione's luggage into the room and put it away.

In the December 25 issue of the Daily Prophet, the photo on the front page was of Voldemort who did not look back at the explosion. The subsequent photos and reports of the killing and looting that night at Gringotts took up half of the newspapers that day.

Needless to say, the exploded Gringotts door, the hall riddled with holes, the business hall littered with corpses, and the blood-stained floor; nor the wizards in black robes killing goblins in the room, and the crazy wizards ransacking every room. In the office, the nimble Voldemort suddenly jumped straight into the sky from the front door. Just the windbreaker worn by Voldemort crushed Hermione's outlook into powder.

Hermione read the entire report carefully, just like reviewing the contents of the textbook at the end of the term, and read every photo in the newspaper carefully three times.

"Harry, there must be a big secret behind this." Hermione said to Harry seriously after putting down the newspaper, "I think this is part of a huge conspiracy by the Death Eaters."

Harry didn't answer, but pointed to the "Youth Magazine" on the table.

Hermione opened the magazine. In the table of contents, she saw that the main contents of this issue were "Analysis of Various Classes in Magical Society", "Fairies and the Seriousness of Economic Problems", and "Characteristics of the Current Economic Situation" , "Questioning Gringotts" and "Some Estimates of the Current International Situation" and other articles that analyze the Gringotts downfall in depth.

At first, Hermione thought these articles were written by someone Zhang, but when she saw the author's name, she discovered that it was actually the blond Veela who had pestered Harry and Percy for interviews in Hogsmeade. name. At this moment, Hermione suddenly remembered something. She picked up the "Daily Prophet" and found that the report that completely recorded "Kristallnacht" was also written by her. But at this time, she was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the author. There were too many evil characters in the world, and it was not surprising that one or two would pop up from time to time.

While Hermione was reading the magazine seriously, the fireplace in the dining room lit up a green flame again, and this time it was the Weasley family. As soon as they walked out of the fireplace, they saw Hermione sitting at the table, reading a magazine intently, and they all consciously lowered their voices. Then Ron took out his wand and cast a sound-isolating spell on Hermione, saying, "This way we won't disturb her."

"Harry, where is Black?" Mrs. Weasley asked, "Is he not here today?"

Harry twitched the corner of his mouth, and then replied: "He often runs out these days and comes back smelling of perfume. There were lipstick marks on his neck when he came back last time. He didn't come back last night."

Mrs. Weasley's lips twitched as did Harry's, not knowing what to say.

After saying hello, Harry found that Percy had also arrived, but his face was dark, as if someone owed him hundreds of thousands of gold coins and hadn't paid back.

"Percy, why do you look so bad?" Harry asked strangely.

Percy didn't want to talk to Harry, so he waved his hand to show that he was fine.

"Harry, is Mr. Zhang here?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"No." Harry shook his head, "Is he coming over?"

Mr. Weasley nodded and replied: "Yes, he informed Lupin that he would have a meeting with the Order of the Phoenix after lunch today before you return to Hogwarts."

"He will be here when lunch is ready." Ron said firmly from the side.

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