Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 65: You Can’t Play Well with the Basilisk Without Blinding the Basilisk

The basilisk is the product of a male egg hatched under the body of a toad.

Toads, chickens, and snakes all have in common biologically that they belong to the phylum Chordate, and belong to the class Amphibians, Birds, and Reptiles. The common ancestor on the evolutionary tree is estimated to be traced back to before the Triassic. This makes the birth of the basilisk very unscientific, but very magical.

In contrast, the mother duck gave birth to swan eggs and hatched the ugly duckling. Both ducks and swans belong to the class of Aves, Aneriformes, and Anatidae. It is not surprising that the swan next door to the duck family has the surname Wang and the ugly duckling was born. up.

It can only be said that the world of magic is really amazing.

In the face of such miraculous magic, male eggs and so on are trivial.

The basilisk blood that Zhang Xu sent back last time was studied by scientific methods such as DNA testing. It was found that the DNA of the basilisk was highly similar to that of snakes, and the characteristics of the blood of the basilisk were also found to be similar to those of cold-blooded animals.

After learning this information, when formulating a plan to deal with the basilisk, he made it with reference to the method of dealing with the snake.

There is no need to think about realgar and the like. Although this is useful for Bai Suzhen, it has no effect on the basilisk. Realgar was added to the quicklime powder that Peeves used to paste the basilisk's face just now, but it doesn't seem to have any effect now.

Just now Tom Riddle immediately destroyed all the loudspeakers in the foyer, which he thought was the most threatening threat. As a result, the stun bombs thrown by the death squads that he ignored were completely paralyzed.

The stun spells and spells are basically aimed at the soul, and Tom Riddle, who exists as a soul, is naturally hit.

The death squad who usually went to the lake to catch fish with the Flying Charm tried to use the Flying Charm to summon the body of Gilderoy Lockhart who had fallen to the ground, and it really succeeded.

Zhang Xu, who had just left the cafeteria gate, saw Gilderoy Lockhart being dragged upside down by his legs, and hurriedly took out a bright yellow rope and threw it at Lockhart, and the rope automatically gave Lockhart tied up.

This rope is a rope with a similar function based on the golden rope in "Journey to the West", which is specially used to bind people with mana.

Zhang Xu was not afraid that Tom Riddle or Lockhart would be able to untie the rope, because the rope could only be untied by reciting the unbinding spell and a secret language, and the secret language of this rope was set to Sichuan dialect. If Tom Riddle or Lockhart can speak Sichuan dialect, Zhang Xu can only admit defeat.

Someone move the tied Lockhart into the cafeteria, and then ask someone to make up "all petrification" every once in a while.

After Peeves and the Expendables launched two waves of attacks, they achieved the results of blinding the basilisk in one eye and capturing Gilderoy Lockhart alive, and at the same time confirmed that the goggles were effective.

Next, you only need to blind the other eye of the basilisk, and after removing the biggest source of danger, you can collectively mobilize and grind the basilisk to death slowly.

"Harry, it's our turn." Zhang Xu patted Harry Potter's shoulder beside him.

Harry, wearing goggles, nodded and followed Zhang Xu to the hall.

In order to help Harry Potter gain achievements and reputation, Zhang Xu also tried various methods.

Naturally, Harry Potter can’t be allowed to do things that are both dangerous and dangerous, and it’s useless to do things that are not dangerous.

For example, now, there is no one around the basilisk, the two death squads have already hid in the room on the other side of the hall, and all the other students are in the cafeteria, and only the basilisk is lying on the ground panting in the hall.

"Hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss..." Harry Potter, who was standing at the corner of the hallway from the entrance hall to the cafeteria, closed his eyes and imagined in his mind that he was talking to a snake.

Zhang Xu guarded Harry Potter beside him. At the same time, he used spells to block the sound, so as not to let this scene spread into the cafeteria.

A few months ago, in a chat between Zhang Xu and Harry Potter, Zhang Xu deliberately led the topic, and let Harry say that he had a conversation with a boa constrictor who wanted to go back to Brazil for a journey to find his roots, and helped the boa constrictor escape things.

After the two talked about the boa constrictor that was estimated to have fed fish in the Atlantic Ocean long ago, Zhang Xu told Harry Potter all the information about Parseltongue and what it represented. I was quite frightened. Later Zhang Xu asked Harry Potter to keep this matter a secret, and Harry immediately nodded in agreement.

During this operation, Harry found Zhang Xu, hoping that his Parseltongue would play a role, so Zhang Xu made this plan.

Harry kept communicating with the basilisk in Parseltongue, making the basilisk lie still and close its eyes.

Zhang Xu and Harry were betting whether the basilisk would listen to Harry without Tom Riddle on the sidelines.

At this time, Zhang Xu was still in the mood to complain that the basilisk was generally like a snake, but some details were different from snakes. For example, ordinary snakes have no eyelids and cannot close their eyes, but basilisks have eyelids and can close their eyes.

The attempt failed.

A ghost invited by Zhang Xu to help with the investigation entered the hall and found the basilisk lying on the floor of the hall with its head facing the direction of the gate. You should be staring at the place on the other side where the few daredevils disappeared just now. After reporting the situation to Zhang Xu, the ghost flew towards the opposite side of the hall, but as soon as he flew through the middle, he turned into a black smoke.

Now the scene is deadlocked.

The basilisk, which had been tormented by the crowing of the rooster just now, was reclining in the hallway recovering blood.

And no one would dare to venture out and attack the Basilisk without blinding the Basilisk's other eye. Although having goggles can save one's life, being petrified and losing combat power in a frontal battle is almost the same as losing one's life.

The longer the delay, the worse it is for the students.

Zhang Xu asked Harry to go back to the cafeteria to find a house elf, while he himself stayed in the cafeteria corridor to monitor the basilisk.

Soon, a house-elf appeared beside Zhang Xu. Zhang Xu wrote a note to the house-elf, asking him to apparate to the school infirmary with the note to find Madam Pomfrey.

Soon, the house-elf brought the set of double-sided mirrors that Madam Pomfrey used in her office to observe the wards.

Zhang Xu used his magic wand to control one of the double-sided mirrors to float to the corner of the hall, and then saw the basilisk lying in the hall through the other double-sided mirror.

In the double-sided mirror, the eyeball in the left eye frame of the basilisk has disappeared, and black blood is flowing out.

After complaining about the disappearance of the half-suite in Pudong, Zhang Xu determined the location of the basilisk's head, then took out the last grenade left after the spider was blown up last time from his treasure bag, rushed out of the corridor, and pointed at the snake. The other side of the strange head threw it.

Zhang Xu, who threw it away, hurried back to the cafeteria.

After the explosion, Zhang Xu took the double-sided mirror and saw the basilisk whose face was injured by the blast was rolling in the hallway, and half of the Pudong house on the right face was also blown up.

Then the doors of the dining hall reopened, and the "Defenders of Hogwarts" shouted "Glory for the Hogwarts!" and rushed into the foyer.

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