Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 628 The end of an era

A huge sand table, 10 feet long and wide, was placed in the center of the hall, with a topographic map centered on the forest hotel. Several small flags of different colors were placed on the sand table, marking the deployment of troops on both sides.

On the wall of the hall hangs a map of Britain, also filled with small flags of different colors.

Around the sand table, a group of people speaking various languages ​​gathered.

Before the name of the organization tentatively named the International Union of Wizards, headed by twenty countries, was officially decided, it had already begun sending assembly personnel to the United Kingdom in the name of volunteers to intervene in its wizarding civil war.

Scrimgeour's instinct told him that this incident was probably not going to be a minor incident, so he decisively requested support from this multinational force.

Although No. 10 Downing Street and the Hog's Head pub are ashamed of this, there is nothing they can do about it. Unlike in ordinary society, Britain's national strength cannot be underestimated. In the wizarding world, facing the powerful Voldemort Group, they can only strengthen their own strength in this way while saving face.

This multinational force officially intervened in the British Wizarding Civil War, ushering in a new era.

Zhang's familiarity with the enemy and friendly forces, as well as his record of "sweeping five volts" in destroying the double-hole socket Horcrux, actually allowed him to get into a position similar to a staff officer. However, as the saying goes, "If a staff officer is not a leader, he will not even fart." His role is basically to provide opinions and suggestions to the command level.

Even so, it was enough to make Percy jealous.

After just returning from the basement to confirm the identity of the unlucky child, Zhang Xu sat on a chair nearby and listened to the big guys arguing about the next plan of action.

Since this is the first time for such large-scale cooperation, and the operational styles of armed personnel from various countries are different, it will take some time for everyone to get used to it.

Everyone knew their priorities, so they reached a consensus in less than five minutes of communication.

In short, it is a replica of the Battle of Menglianggu, and they are on the side of the national army.

After the command team dispersed and began to prepare, someone sat down on the chair next to Zhang Xu.

The person in charge of leading the domestic team this time was actually Sukhbalu, who had roasted sheep with Zhang Xu in Hogsmeade.

After he sat down, he complained to Zhang Xu: "It's so tiring to argue with foreigners."

"Just get used to it. Before the Allied Forces Command is established and improved, there will be many such things." Zhang Xu said, "Why are you playing Meng Lianggu again this time?"

"Anyway, it's not you, Zhang, who is in charge, so what are you afraid of?" Sukhbalu joked, "If you feel too busy, you can go outside and do some activities. Just pay attention to safety."

"Master Hu, you are unreasonable." Zhang Xu glanced at him sideways, "Just give me an order if you want me to do something. You didn't fool me into going out and getting beaten like this."

Although he has been complaining on his lips, his body is very honest. Instead of sitting here doing nothing, it is better to play a more useful role.

"Be careful." Sukhbalu said to Zhang Xu who stood up. "After fighting for so many years, I have seen many young people like you who were so confident before going out to fight. But when I saw them again, They have been put into the urn."

"Don't worry, Master Hu." Zhang Xu said while arranging his equipment, "I am just strategically despising the enemy. Tactically, I will definitely pay attention to the enemy. If I treat them as fools, the grass on my grave will be half a meter high." Okay. Besides, after this battle, I will go to my wife’s parents’ house to get married first after graduation.”

On the top of a mountain not far from the hotel, Walton McNeil was listening to reports from his men.

"You said a Hogwarts student appeared near the hotel?" McNeil asked, "What do they look like?"

"Yellow man, black hair and eyes. He was wearing Hogwarts robes." The Death Eater replied, "He was discovered by us when he was trying to destroy the anti-Apparition magic. After being discovered, he threw the A few fireballs and then ran away.”

These elements combined,

A hateful face appeared in McNeil's mind. As one of the poorest among the top Death Eaters, half of his meager savings was robbed by Zhang.

In the Death Eaters' information, Zhang Xu appeared as Harry Potter's bodyguard. Now that he's here, does it prove that Harry Potter is inside?

Thinking of this, McNeil couldn't help but breathe a little heavier.

"Kill him." McNeil's eyes were full of hatred. He looked at the elite group of confidants serving as a reserve team around him. "You must pay attention, he is very cunning, and one mistake will cost you your life."

As a result, Zhang, who was sent out to spread false news, was chased all over the mountain by a group of Death Eaters.

The number of Death Eaters chasing him now increased from nine at the beginning to six now.

At the beginning, he took out a grenade, cast a disembodiment spell on it and threw it behind him. After killing two Death Eaters, the remaining Death Eaters dispersed.

Then when passing a big tree, he quietly left a patron saint behind the tree.



When a Death Eater passed by a big tree, he was knocked unconscious by a heavy uppercut from the patron saint panda who had been waiting behind the tree for a long time. The Death Eater's neck was then broken before the other Death Eaters could eliminate the Patronus.

After suffering two sneak attacks, losing three people, and seeing the opponent's cunning, the Death Eaters chasing Zhang Xu learned their lesson. They began to spread out and stay away from the huge trees.

The most terrible thing is that the trees in front of them have begun to decrease. It is difficult to find big trees that can provide cover to avoid the curse behind them, and the snow on the ground is getting thicker and thicker.

(°??°;)?? ̄??????????(??o??)(?? Pan??)

Zhang Xu waved his magic wand back, and a strong gust of wind swept backwards. The strong wind swept up a large amount of thick snow along the way, which temporarily fascinated the Death Eaters' eyes.

By the time the snowflakes settled, Zhang Xu had disappeared. The Death Eater who was chasing him had his neck silently cut open by some kind of magic spell and died. The wizard in black robes was lying on the snow. The white snow beside him was dyed bright red by the blood sprayed from the carotid artery, which was very conspicuous in the snow.

The remaining five Death Eaters stopped and then carefully observed the surroundings. They didn't think that Zhang Xu, who had just been chased all over the mountain and killed four of his own people, would just run away. He must have set some kind of trap waiting for them.

There are very few trees around, and there is a large area where the snow has been blown away by the strong wind just now, revealing the withered and yellow weeds on the ground.

The five Death Eaters spread out and slowly searched forward.

Ten steps...nine steps...eight steps, getting closer and closer.

Zhang Xu, who transformed into "Voldemort", held his breath, fearing that the mist he exhaled in the cold winter would reveal his location, and quietly waited for the Death Eaters to walk into the ambush circle he had set.

When the Death Eaters came to a place not far from the withered grass, they stopped. They looked at each other, and then simultaneously released the Fire Curse on the grass.

In an instant, two or three pieces of dry grass the size of a basketball court suddenly burst into flames, and thick smoke and water vapor generated by the snow under the grass filled the air.

The next moment, a figure jumped up from the withered grass, screaming and waving a burning wand. After finding that the wand could no longer be used, he vainly slapped the flames on his body with both hands.

However, the fierce fire ignited by the curse cannot be extinguished by hand. In less than ten seconds, the figure in the thick smoke turned into a human-shaped torch. After struggling in vain, it fell into the burning grass. .

It took nearly ten minutes before the fire on the ground was extinguished after everything that could burn was consumed.

A cold wind swept across the earth, blowing up ashes all over the ground.

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