Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 630: Shock wave that blows away the cold

Encouraged by the news of Zhang Xu's death, McNeil commanded his Death Eaters to step up their attack on the hotel.

Although many Death Eaters from all over the world don't know who Zhang Xu is, it is not important. What is important is that the colleague from Germany who led the team to kill him was promoted.

For a moment, the Aurors who had originally planned to temporarily show weakness to the enemy in order to induce the Death Eaters to increase their troops were caught off guard and almost broke through the defense line.

Seeing that the last attack was almost successful, McNeil decided to wait for reinforcements to arrive before using his strength to launch the final general attack.

However, he didn't know that a pair of eyes were staring at him under the snow a few hundred meters away from him.

Zhang Xu, who had not received news of his death, was already ready. When the general attack began, it was time for him to launch an attack on the Death Eaters' headquarters.

Just now, after he let the snow on the ground blow up and covered the eyes of the Death Eaters with snowflakes, he knocked out the Death Eater running at the front with "Facing the Enemy" and knocked the Death Eater's The black robes became Hogwarts robes.

Then he moved the knocked-out Death Eater into the grass and pretended to hide it, and replaced the wand in his hand with a wooden stick similar to "The Enemy Is Here". The stick had been removed from a chair when he left the hotel.

Then he hid a knife freshly coated with a little basilisk venom in the snow next to the Death Eater.

Finally, he changed his clothes with a click of a button and lay down in the snow where the Death Eater was, pretending to look like he had been killed.

According to his plan, when the five Death Eaters walked into the grass, the Death Eater disguised as himself should wake up. When the Death Eater wakes up and stands up, he will be killed immediately by the other five Death Eaters using the "biu" curse.

When the five Death Eaters walked over to examine the bodies, he stabbed one to death with a poisoned knife controlled by his sword skills. Then, while the remaining four were panicking, they launched an attack from behind.

But what he didn't expect was that the five Death Eaters didn't follow the routine and directly set fire to the grassland. Not only did they burn the unlucky Death Eater to ashes, they also took away the Zhang Xiaoquan knife that he bought for two hundred yuan in a department store in the summer as a dagger.

However, one thing that was part of his plan was that the Death Eaters stayed away from the corpses of their companions who would turn into zombies. Otherwise, if they want to collect the bodies of their companions, he will reveal his secret.

It was a blessing in disguise. Although he failed to kill these Death Eaters, he followed them from a distance and found the Death Eaters' headquarters.

After hiding himself well, he took out the good things at the bottom of the treasure bag and prepared to have a good time and run away.

This thing was something he finally got by playing hard. If he didn't take advantage of today's opportunity to play a few rounds, it would probably be very difficult for him to play like this in the UK in the future.

Back then, Zhang Xu regarded this thing as his last trump card against the basilisk. The first time he used it, he couldn't help but shudder when he saw the effect. It would have been so much fun if this thing had exploded inside Hogwarts Castle.

So McNeil died.

When he ordered the Death Eaters with reinforcements in place to launch a general attack on the hotel below, while dreaming of being rewarded by Voldemort, he died.

He didn't even know how he died.

Before he died, he didn't even know that he would die in the next second.

There were no Aurors or Muggle soldiers around him, just a group of elite Death Eaters who were being used as a reserve force.

If his brain reacts quickly enough, he will see a white fog covering him and dozens of square meters of space around him at the moment before the end of his life. After a time in milliseconds, this white fog will It burned violently at an unbelievable speed.

As one of the first wizards in the UK to be killed by individual cloud blast bombs, McNeil and his men were roasted into charcoal by temperatures exceeding 2,000 degrees Celsius in an instant.

The wizards who gathered him farther away were thrown into the air by the huge shock wave like a small fishing boat in a super hurricane, and then fell to the foot of the mountain.

A wand that was blown away even flew nearly three hundred meters away and stuck in the snow at Zhang Xu's feet.

Looking at the huge fireball on the top of the mountain and feeling the shock wave that had attenuated into a warm wind, Zhang Xu finally knew that the "charge enhancement" written in the instruction manual of the newly added batch of individual cloud explosive bombs a few years ago was What does it mean?

The huge explosion on the top of the mountain, the fireball tens of meters high, and the subsequent rising smoke column attracted the attention of both warring parties.

In the hotel, the coalition forces had just given the order to the ambushing troops on the outside to close the net, and then everyone was alarmed by the explosion on the opposite hill.

Sukhbalu, who was standing by the window, saw the plume of smoke rising into the sky. He twitched his mouth and remembered that during a beheading operation sixty years ago, a group of his own was beheaded by such a big fireball. "I knew this guy wasn't going to stop," he said to the person next to him.

The explosion killed the Death Eaters' frontline headquarters, which plunged the Death Eaters into leaderless chaos.

At this time, Zhang Xu, who had put on a white snow combat uniform in order to avoid being accidentally injured, was walking towards the explosion point and began to look for any fish that had not been killed on the mountain top.

Passing by a big tree with half of the blown Death Eaters strung on its branches, he found several Death Eaters whose internal organs were injured by the shock wave lying on the snow far away from the center of the explosion. only.

Because it was windy today, the cold wind quickly replenished the oxygen in the air, preventing these Death Eaters from suffocating to death because the oxygen in the air was consumed by combustion.

However, before they could catch their breath, Zhang Xu arrived and ended their pain caused by injuries to their internal organs.

At this time, spells, explosions and shouts rang out from all directions, and the Aurors and government soldiers who had been waiting on the outside began to attack the Death Eaters in the encirclement.

The anti-Apparition magic originally arranged by the Death Eaters to prevent people in the hotel from escaping has now become a shackle to imprison them here so that they cannot escape.

There were several helicopters hovering in the sky. Looking down from the air, the Death Eaters in black robes stood out in the snow like black sesame seeds on the pie.

It didn't take long before the Death Eaters were quickly surrounded by divisions.

When a group of Death Eaters try to fight at a distance, rockets fired from helicopter gunships will give them a taste of the art of explosions. Before the smoke cleared, the remaining Death Eaters had to face the swarming Aurors and government wizards.

After Zhang Xu just made a few hits, he ushered in a group of teammates.

Because the hilltop had just been washed, the group quickly occupied the hilltop and easily repelled an attack by a dozen Death Eaters.

After ordering his men to clean up the battlefield, Alexander Pierce came to Zhang Xu and respectfully handed him a cigarette.

He thought that the explosion on the top of the mountain just now was caused by Zhang Xu's magic. Building a good relationship with a boss-level person might save his life in the next battle.

Zhang Xu, who was observing the surrounding battle situation with Bell, smiled and took Alexander's cigarette, and then started chatting with him.

This battle has now entered the final stage. The Death Eaters in the encirclement are either running around trying to break out and escape, or they are trying to find a place to hide and wait for the news to pass before running away.

I believe that this battle will end with a complete victory before lunch time, unless Voldemort comes in person with a large group of troops.

Fortunately, Voldemort did not come, but Rita Skeeter came as soon as possible. After she saw Zhang Xu, she quickly ran to Zhang Xu, stopped him and asked, "Sir, what do you think of Zhang Xu, who was announced by the Ministry of Magic in London to have killed Hogwarts?"

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