Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 634: The Sorrow of the Ministry of Magic

As the saying goes, don't let others snore on the side of the bed.

A Ministry of Magic controlled by Voldemort is buried under the city of London. How can you let Lafayette and the Prime Minister sleep peacefully?

Thus, an operation to destroy the Ministry of Magic began.

Of course, if you really tear down the Ministry of Magic and fill it back up with concrete, Scrimgeour and the others will definitely come after you. Therefore, the only way to destroy the Ministry of Magic this time is to make it temporarily unusable.

As long as the Ministry of Magic buildings cannot be used, its symbolic significance is far greater than the actual significance of taking back the Ministry of Magic. After all, they couldn't keep the confidence of the Ministry of Magic.

The Ministry of Magic located underground has a large number of vents. The Aurors quickly found these vents that were disguised by magic on the ground based on the Ministry of Magic's drawings, and then guarded them all.

When everything is ready, the action begins.

Three excavators equipped with wind cannons quickly arrived, and then "dong-dong-dong" drilled holes in the cement floor.

Since the red phone booth is surrounded by magic protection, magic is not as effective as physics when digging.

When the excavator's wind cannon punched a row of fist-sized holes in the ground, the engineering soldiers who had been standing by for a long time quickly stuffed explosives into the holes.

Soon, the sounds of curses and gunshots were heard all around. The Death Eaters who realized something was wrong came to investigate, but were blocked by the guards.

Several Death Eaters crowded into the elevator of the phone booth and headed to the ground. When they reached the ground, the elevator did not stop rising. Amidst the "rumbling" explosion, they and the phone booth flew into the air, and then fell to a nearby building. on the roof of the building.

The passage to the Ministry of Magic was thus exposed to everyone.

A group of Death Eaters stood ready to fight the intruders in front of the elevator door in the Ministry of Magic lobby.

However, they waited for a long time, but there was no movement behind the elevator door.

Above their heads, not only the red phone booth was blown open, but a large hole was also blown out on the street next to the phone booth. The main force of the night was exposed in the big hole: a main water supply pipe with a diameter of 1,600 mm.

While the smoke was still lingering in the pit, two engineering soldiers carried a big bag and jumped into the pit stepping on the floating soil blown up from the ground.

Soon, a circle with a diameter of about 1,300 mm, composed of small thermite incendiary bombs, appeared on the steel pipe. These incendiary bombs also divided the circle into several parts.

After connecting the fuse, the engineer who lit the fuse immediately rolled and crawled out of the pit.

A strong white light flashed, and then thick white smoke rose into the sky. Part of the water pipe was cut into several pieces by the high temperature generated by the thermite combustion.

At this time, a 1400mm diameter steel pipe hung by a crane that had been welded into a "冖" shape was lowered, one end was put on the hole burned out by the water pipe underneath, and the other end was stretched under the original phone booth The elevator passage was deceived.

With the steel pipe in place, the engineers quickly started their own work. Some were installing brackets prefabricated with channel steel, while others were installing burning electrodes for rapid welding where the two water pipes were connected.

As the welding rod is ignited, the heat released by the combustion synthesis reaction becomes a high-temperature heat source, which melts the welding base material. The two water pipes are firmly welded together using the combustion synthesis reaction product as filler.

In other places, where there is a vent near a fire hydrant, one end of the fire hose is connected to the fire hydrant, and the other end is placed next to the vent.

A few hours ago, on the banks of the Thames, several concrete mixer trucks poured truckloads of fast hard cement into concrete pumps. The cement was immediately transported through steel pipes to an inconspicuous outlet at the bottom of the river. .

Everything was ready, and with the command from the headquarters, each unit began the next step.

The Death Eaters who were waiting in the hall of the Ministry of Magic were disappointed. Their opponents had no plan to break into the Ministry of Magic from the beginning. What they were about to face was a weapon with another style of painting.

When the water pipe was being installed, a 155mm artillery shell was thrown headfirst into the elevator passage.

The violent explosion completely destroyed the elevator door that Zhang and his team had blown up once when they were rescuing hostages a few months ago. The Death Eaters behind the door suffered heavy losses.

Next, an even more ferocious God of Death entered the passage and arrived at the eighth floor of the Ministry of Magic.

With high temperature in his left hand and high pressure in his right hand, the God of Death swept across the entire atrium of the Ministry of Magic with a cry of "thermobaric bullets for your life", kicked open the doors to the elevators on each floor in the elevator hall, and then ran wildly along the elevator passage.

Death comes along the way, not only taking away the lives of the wizards encountered on the road, but also taking away the oxygen in the air.

At each vent, next to the air inlet responsible for delivering fresh air to the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors watched as the Muggle soldiers poured buckets of napalm with added ingredients into it through the fresh air system, and then poured it inside. Throw in two incendiary grenades. The toxic smoke generated by the burning of napalm was immediately transported to every corner of the Ministry of Magic through the fresh air system.

After a while, they extended the fire hose into the air inlet, and the burning napalm was washed into every corner of the Ministry of Magic by the high-pressure water flow.

When the Aurors guarding the exhaust vent saw smoke coming out of the vent, they began to destroy the exhaust magic in the exhaust system, and then blocked the exhaust vent with various things.

Not long after the thermobaric death wreaked havoc, the command command ordered the valves on the main water supply pipes to be opened.

After a "whoosh" caused by the rapid outflow of air, the tap water with a flow rate of 2m/s rushed into the depths of the elevator passage through the newly installed pipe.

Because dead Death Eaters will turn into zombies, and research on the virus samples obtained shows that these viruses are difficult to survive in alkaline solutions. So on the side of the pipeline, a group of soldiers carried bags of quicklime from several trucks, used daggers to cut an opening in the bags, and then threw them into the elevator passage, leaving them to be washed away by the water. the bottom of the abyss.

At this time, there was no trace of life in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic. A dozen Death Eaters who came to support through Apparition were taken away by lack of oxygen before they could react.

Nothing could stop three cubic meters of tap water per second pouring into the Ministry of Magic from the elevator passage.

The space of the entire Ministry of Magic is approximately 114,514 cubic meters, and it would take approximately 10 hours to fill the entire Ministry of Magic with water.

An hour after the operation began, the Death Eater attacks on the outside had ceased. At this time, they already knew that there was no one alive in the Ministry of Magic at this time, and there was no hope of rescue in that place.

??Dividing line??

For a long time, no one knew what happened in the Ministry of Magic at that time, and what the Ministry of Magic looked like after all this.

For a long time before, those wizards who tried to dive into the water to find out what happened all failed because the water pressure underneath was too high, and it was difficult for wizards to move under such deep water for a long time even if they relied on magic.

It wasn't until the summer of the next year that Zhang Xu brought his wife and daughter to the UK to attend his aunt's wedding. He took the time to invite Peeves to London from Hogwarts, and asked him to dive underwater with special camera equipment and enter the Ministry of Magic. check it out.

At this time, the face of the Ministry of Magic under the water after the robbery appeared in front of the world.

A few years after the magical society in Britain ushered in peace, the Minister of Magic had the energy to order in the Pig's Head pub to start the work of cleaning up and rebuilding the Ministry of Magic.

This work lasted for several years, and it took more than half a year to drain the water. There was no way, who would let Peeves, who can work underwater for a long time, be the boss?

It wasn't until the day when the twins set foot on British soil again that the Minister of Magic announced in the atrium that the Ministry of Magic was back in use.

.. m.

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