Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 654 Let’s play a game of war games


The two twenty-sided dice rolled on the table for a few times and then stopped.

Zhang Xu glanced at the numbers above, searched them on a long piece of parchment, and then read: "The Death Eaters' attack has been thwarted, and the Auror reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield in thirty seconds."

Wales placed the blue chess pieces representing reinforcements on a map of England that was big enough to be used as a double bed. There were several black chess pieces around these chess pieces.

Although the Harry trio who had not seen each other for a long time at the table did not understand what Zhang Xu and the others were doing for a while, this did not prevent them from watching the fun.

Zhang Xu greeted Harry while Hood was thinking about his next move: "Hey, Harry, have you been released from the basement?"

Harry, who was locked up in a secret room for strict protection for fear of Voldemort taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack, looked a little pale, probably because he had not had a good rest in the past two days.

Harry didn't want to pick up the fight, but asked curiously: "What are you playing at?"

"We have just completed the production of a set of war games and are now testing the war game," Zhang Xu said. "We are conducting the game based on the battle that occurred in the early morning of February 6."

"Hmm..." Harry looked at it and realized that he didn't understand, "What's the use of this?"

The same goes for Ron and Hermione on the side, and everyone just watched the excitement.

As the last blue piece on the map disappeared, another game ended.

"That's not normal!" Hood said with a frown, "The mysterious man's actions that night were so abnormal."

Zhang Xu and the other two elder sisters nodded together.

"Is there any problem, Ms. Hood?" Hermione asked strangely.

"There are too many problems." Hood explained to her. "With the strength of the mysterious man, he could obviously expand the results that night. If he also put other forces at hand into the battle, he might have been able to occupy Hogsmeade. of ruins.”

"And the timing of his attack that night was also strange. It seemed to coincide with the arrival of the coalition's reinforcements."

"If they had been earlier, it was entirely possible that they would have caused greater damage to Hogsmeade before reinforcements arrived."

"If it's later, Scrimgeour can send more Aurors to various parts of the UK after the reinforcements arrive. Then, although Hogsmeade's defense strength remains unchanged on the surface, it will suffer a large-scale bombing as soon as it arrives. This was a big blow to the morale of the reinforcements.”

"Does he have other unused powers in his hands?" Harry asked with a frown. This was not good news for him.

"Giants and werewolves?" This time it was Ron who spoke out. He had seen giants during the last operation to rescue his mother.

"That's right." Zhang Xu replied, "The mysterious man has been hiding his giants and werewolves, and has only used them a few times so far."

"Or maybe he wants them to come out for a sneak attack at the last moment?" Hermione said from the side.

"If it were you, where would you use them?" At this time, Zhang Xu had a map with a radius of ten kilometers around Hogwarts in front of him. He was staring at the forbidden area next to Hogwarts on the map. Forest.

"I think it's the Forbidden Forest," Hermione said. "In the Forbidden Forest, giants and werewolves have the greatest advantage."

As a wizard who has dealt with giants and werewolves, Hermione had the same idea as Zhang Xu.

At this moment, what Zhang Xu thought of was the prophecy made by the centaur elder, "Dark wizards, accompanied by blood and flames, are raging in the Forbidden Forest. Monsters of steel are rampaging in the Forbidden Forest. Unprecedented fireballs fall from the sky. , the fire that cannot be extinguished by rain is burning this forest." //In Chapter 383

The first one has already appeared, the Death Eaters once attacked the centaurs tribe. Later, in order to deal with the zombie-turned-Death Eaters, wizards often set fires in the Forbidden Forest.

The third article also appeared, but the location seemed to be a bit off. The two incidents occurred during the third and fourth counter-encirclement battles in Hogsmeade.

The next step was the second one, so Zhang Xu asked Hu De and the others: "Is it okay for the Army's armored vehicles to fight in the Forbidden Forest?"

Zhang Xu was answered by the disdainful looks of several of them. Zhang Xu read the meaning of "We are the glorious Royal Navy, the Army and Red Deer have nothing to do with us" from their silent looks.

Zhang Xu touched his nose awkwardly, thinking about how to change the topic.

At this time, Harry said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang, Professor McGonagall said you have something to do with me?"

"Oh, by the way." Only then did Zhang Xu remember that he was the one who asked Harry. He handed a document to Harry, "Go and take a look at this first."

When Harry took the document from Zhang Xu, he saw "Operation Tsunami" written on the cover. Then he looked at Zhang Xu with vigilant eyes and said, "You're not making any weird plans again, are you?" ?”

"Don't worry." Zhang Xu said, "This is not a plan for you to look like your mother again, and then Ron pretends to be you, and then you both appear in front of the mysterious man to scare him. .”

"It's not like you have three steel claws sticking out of your fists and stabbing the mysterious man to death."

"This is a large-scale operation jointly approved by the Ministry of Magic and the British government involving the participation of more than 100,000 people, and you are the protagonist of this operation. There is no room for sloppiness."

Harry took this document and went to the sofa in the corner to read it with Ron and Hermione. This plan was actually the final modified version of Zhang's plan to use DDoS to attack Voldemort.

In order to carry out this plan, Scrimgeour suppressed the Ministry of Magic's ability to counterattack. He planned to have Harry Potter taunt Voldemort in the opening days of the Premier League after the reinforcements arrived secretly and preparations were completed at major stadiums in England, and then launch an attack on Voldemort at the critical moment within ninety minutes. .

Fortunately, Azar Javid did not get this information, otherwise everyone would have another headache.

"Let's play another game." Zhang Xu resumed the wargame posture on the table, and then said to Nelson.

At this time, the dormitory door opened and someone walked in.

"Ah! Why are you all here playing happily, and I have to worry about correcting homework!" Rodney, who was arrested by Scarlet to correct the students' homework, returned to the dormitory, and then grabbed Her sister drank most of the bottle of pumpkin juice next to her.

"We have been busy all day, okay." Nelson patted the back of his sister who was choking because she drank too fast. "There is a senior professor here. Ask him what to do when encountering this kind of situation. .”

"Professor Zhang," Rodney walked up behind Zhang Xu and massaged his shoulders with the force of pinching walnuts, "What do you usually do when you are unhappy in Hogwarts?"

Professor Zhang, who put a hardening spell on his shoulder, replied: "According to the practice of a certain former Hogwarts professor, when he was unhappy, he would torment his students to cheer him up."

The Harry trio, who had already noticed the situation here, looked at Professor Rodney in horror as he walked towards them with a smirk on his face. At this moment, they were ready to tie Professor Zhang to a stone and sink him to the bottom of the lake.

"Miss Granger." Rodney greeted Hermione with a bright smile.

Hermione was startled, sitting on the sofa and squeezing behind her.

"When you are fighting against the evil wizard, don't forget that there are still four months until the ultimate wizard level exam." Rodney said.

The effect was obvious. Hermione entered a worrying mode, and within half a minute she made the decision to only sleep four hours a day for the next four months, and spend the rest of her time reviewing.

Of course, she would drag Harry and Ron with her for such a good thing.

"Is your sister a devil?" Zhang Xu asked Nelson quietly.

"Occasionally," Nelson replied calmly.

"My mood is indeed much better." Rodney, who was helping Zhang Xu rub his back, said.

Zhang Xu ignored the heavy blow on his back and continued the war game with Nelson.

The map of Britain is filled with white chess pieces representing the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, blue chess pieces representing the coalition forces concentrated in Hogsmeade, and red chess pieces around London representing the strength of the government forces. It's just that no one knows where the Death Eaters' lair is, so all the black chess pieces are placed outside the chessboard, and then rules are used to limit the time for the Death Eaters to arrive somewhere.

Although this is just a new game to be launched after the coffee shop is rebuilt, and the rules are not very strict yet and need to be strengthened, there are still many general problems that can be seen from the chessboard.

For example, the Aurors currently on the chessboard are spread across the UK in order to control the areas where wizards live. They are pinned to the Auror headquarters in various places, occupying Hogsmeade's precious troops, causing the mobility force to shrink sharply.

But Scrimgeour did not dare to reduce their strength. Because of the presence of Voldemort, the power of the Northern Ministry of Magic had always been weaker than that of the Southern Ministry. If there is news that a certain area is completely occupied by Death Eaters, the reputation of the Northern Ministry of Magic will inevitably be cut in half again. By then, not only will the people be disappointed in the Northern Ministry of Magic, but even the internal staff will lose confidence in themselves.

If Scrimgeour had not relied on the power of the British government and foreign friends, the Northern Ministry of Magic would have ended up being slowly consumed by the Death Eaters who had the advantage in strength in battle after battle, and then when the straw that broke the camel's back fell. It's time for a complete collapse.

If Scrimgeour shrinks his forces, he may be able to retreat to most of Scotland and Northern Ireland across the sea.

However, the main project of the national joint defense system was completed and put into use before the Ministry of Magic moved north, which cut off Scrimgeour's way to separate the north.

The function and power of this system are known to Scrimgeour, and so are the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. It is equivalent to opening a map for the Ministry of Magic, allowing them to use superior intelligence to eliminate Death Eaters with superior force.

However, this system has also become a chain that locks Auror's vitality in a local area, preventing the Ministry of Magic from concentrating more mobile forces in a larger area.

This leaves the Ministry of Magic to resort to outside help if it doesn't want to be ruined.

It is precisely because this system gives the wizarding people hope to win that before the Pig's Head Bar and No. 10 Downing Street get along well, wizarding people from all over the world continue to call in Aurors to fight the Death Eaters together in a life-and-death struggle.

But these battles scattered across Britain turned the entire island into a flesh-and-blood mill. Although the results were gratifying, when the losses in various places were aggregated, they reached a figure that kept Scrimgeour awake. After all, British wizards have not experienced large-scale wars for hundreds of years, which makes them less tolerant of casualties.

At first, the British wizards did not know this, and the top officials of the Ministry of Magic kept silent about it. The first group of wizards to realize this problem were the military chess game enthusiasts who emerged after the war.

At this time, Zhang Xu didn't know about such a thing. He was currently fighting as a Death Eater and Nelson, who was on the Hogsmeade side, as usual.

When they got to the chessboard, Zhang Xu understood better why Voldemort repeatedly used the method of sending tigers away from the mountain to weaken Hogsmeade's troops before attacking, because this move was so easy to use, even if Scrimgeour knew it This is Voldemort having to follow his baton even though he is up to his tricks. Because the stall was too large and there was no room for loss, Scrimgeour had to move out his limited troops.

This time Zhang Xu and Nelson simulated a new round of attack launched by Voldemort in the near future, while Hogsmeade only used the power of the Ministry of Magic and tried not to use reinforcements or government forces.

There was no need to occupy the half-destroyed Hogsmeade, so Zhang Xu simply commanded the Death Eaters to attack Hogwarts, the last iconic fortress against Voldemort, in three groups.

The first was the bombing from the north. With the protection of the escort formation riding broomsticks, Hogwarts, which lacked early warning, suffered a round of flying carpet bombing.

Then the main force of the Death Eaters began to attack from the gate. The peas planted on the lawn of the main entrance were all lost in the previous bombing. After losing this strong support, the Aurors and Hogwarts students set up positions near the gate. war.

When there was a stalemate near the gate, the sneak attack force composed of giants and werewolves penetrated the centaur defense line in the Forbidden Forest and the pea defense line near Hogwarts, and took the retreat of the main force of Aurors and students near the gate.

After some rolling of dice, the Death Eaters finally issued a GG amidst the gunfire.

"It seems that we can't win without the help of external forces." Harry sighed as he watched the entire battle.

"This deduction is based on your loss to the mysterious man. Use modern weapons to kill a large number of Death Eaters' active forces, and then try to see if you can kill the mysterious man." Zhang Xu said to Harry. , "As long as all his men are killed, even if he continues to survive through Horcruxes, by then all his men will be dead, and he will be unable to achieve great things by himself. Moreover, don't forget that we still have the ability to detect Horcruxes s method."

"What if the mysterious man hides the Horcrux very tightly?" Hermione asked, "I'm afraid that he will hide it in a place that no one expects. If we can't find it, won't we have to fight him for hundreds of years?"

Zhang Xu, who was clearing the table, said: "There is still a way. In the worst case, we can use the land to form a formation."

"What is that?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Don't worry about the details." Zhang Xu replied.

He brought Harry here tonight, mainly to let Harry know the role he was about to play, and then rushed him to Professor Flitwick for special dueling training. In terms of dueling experience, Professor Flitwick was unrivaled at Hogwarts.

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