Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 673 New partners on the train




The extra-slow train to Hogwarts has been driving for a while, and this year's new students have calmed down from the initial excitement.

The slightly shy freshmen have gradually adapted to the environment and started chatting with the freshmen or old students around them.

In a compartment of a carriage, a chubby little girl with a round face had just introduced the basic situation of the four houses of Hogwarts to the two freshmen in front of her. Although she was only in the third year, this It didn't stop her from pretending to be old-fashioned in front of the new first-year students.

“Cake Bread Chocolate Frog”

“Orange soda butterbeer”

"excuse me"

The staff selling snacks on the train pushed the rumbling snack cart to the door of the compartment.

The round-faced girl took out her wallet and greeted the cubicle staff, "Sister Layla, I want some snacks."

Layla, the snack seller, parked the cart full of snacks in front of the compartment door, and then said to the girl: "Evelin, if you eat so many snacks, be careful your robe won't be able to fit you."

Although Leila said this, she did not have trouble with her business, and soon she counted the money and left.

"Eat whatever you want!" Evelin greeted the two juniors opposite her while picking up a box of chocolate frogs.

She put the chocolate frog into the hand of the girl opposite and said: "Jaina, let's see whose card you can draw. It would be great if it was Harry Potter's. I am in the event card celebrating the tenth anniversary of the victory of the Wizarding War. I haven’t drawn the one I’m missing, so I can exchange it with you when the time comes.”

At this time, Evelin noticed that Alsace was staring at her wallet. She asked curiously: "Is there something wrong with my wallet, Alsace?"

"I just saw the moving photo in the wallet." Alsace replied.

Evelin first stuffed a box of chocolate frogs into Alsace's hand, then she opened her wallet, took out the photo in her wallet and placed it on the pile of snacks on the table.

The photo showed a young man holding a little girl, and beside them was a young witch.

"This is a photo of me, my mother, and Mr. Zhang ten years ago." Evelin introduced the people in the photo to Gianna and Arthas, "That night ten years ago, Voldemort destroyed Hogg Maude, my mother picked me up from the bed and was about to run away when the roof collapsed. At that moment, my mother hugged me and got under the bed, so that both of us were not hit by the collapsed roof. .”

"During the subsequent rescue process, it was Mr. Zhang who rescued us from the rubble."

The two brothers and sisters looked at the familiar person in the photo and remembered that he seemed to have said these things before when he was bragging.

"Look who is the card in your chocolate frog." For Evelin, it is obviously more important to draw the chocolate frog card with the help of other people's European energy.

Gianna opened the box first, ignoring the chocolate frog that jumped out and crawled around in the pile of snacks, and directly pulled out a card with a colorful border.

"Wow!" Evelin opened her eyes wide, "I actually pulled out the UR card for the first time! Come and see whose card it is?"

At this time, Alsace on the side also pulled out a card also inlaid with a colorful border. The colorful light from the two cards blinded Evelin's eyes.

"This is Harry Potter's card." Arthas put the UR card he pulled out in front of Evelin.

Jaina didn't say anything, and she placed the Voldemort card in front of Evelin.

At this time, Evelin stood up, took down her suitcase from the luggage rack, and then took out a beautiful booklet and a box from the suitcase.

She opened the first page of the book and handed it to the brothers and sisters. There were four card slots on this page, and three of them had Dumbledore, Voldemort and Skrein with the same colorful borders inserted into them. Jay's card, and the remaining card slot is empty.

"Can you give me your card?" Evelyn asked Arthas, "The only thing I need is the Harry Potter card. I can exchange it with you for other cards."

"No, no, no," Alsace said, waving his hands, "This is the chocolate frog you invited us to eat."

"If you take it out, it becomes yours." Evelyn said to Arthas.

Next, Evelin introduced her collection of chocolate frog cards to the two new friends.

"Evelyn," Jaina cautiously asked her friend who had finished introducing the UR deck, "since Voldemort did such a thing, destroyed your house, and almost killed you and your mother, but Why do you still collect his cards?”

Evelin was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jaina to ask such a question. But she still replied: "It's just a collected card, just like the illustrations in the History of Magic textbook. It doesn't mean that I have collected his cards and that I am his lackey."

Then Evelin thought about it again, and said while unpacking several crucible cakes: "You may not know that you have been abroad, but after the photos of Voldemort when he was young were released, there was actually a group of people because of his handsome appearance. And those who are fascinated by him even call him His Highness Voldemort and try to whitewash what he has done."

"Ah?!" Alsace shouted in surprise, "What will the families of the victims think if they do this?"

Evelin distributed the cauldron cake to her friends and said: "So when they held an event to commemorate Voldemort at Riddle House, they were invited by the Hogsmeade Reconstruction Committee, the Auror Widows and Orphans Mutual Aid Association and several other groups. People surrounded him and beat him for more than an hour. When my mother came back, she told me that it took Harry Potter, who had just become the head of the Auror Office, an hour to find the place where the crime occurred."

The brother and sister, who were holding cakes in their hands, looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"The crucible cake is delicious, you guys eat it." Evelin thought that the two of them, who had lived abroad for many years and had recently returned to England, would not dare to eat this strangely shaped cake, so she demonstrated it to them. How to eat the crucible cake again.

The brother and sister began to eat the cake in small bites, and the topic of several people changed back to daily life in Hogwarts.

"It would be great if you were also sorted into Slytherin House." Evelin said while eating the licorice wand, "I will take you to the kitchen in the evening, it will be fun there."

"How does Hogwarts divide students into colleges?" Jaina asked curiously.

The two of them had asked Zhang and Ma about this question before, but Zhang's answer was silent, while Ma showed an expression of despair.

Evelin was stunned for a moment, then shuddered, then turned her head and looked out the train window and said: "This, haha, it's not difficult, it's easy."

The brother and sister looked at Evelin suspiciously, and after less than a minute of silence, Evelin picked up her chocolate frog collection book and said to the brother and sister: "Come, let me tell you about the deeds of these famous people. Do you want to start with SSR-level Mr. Zhang, or do you want to start with N-level Snape?" Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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