Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 675: Adorable new siblings

In Europe, some married women revert to their old surnames after divorce. For example, after Albert and his mother, Mercedes, returned to Marseille, their mother and son adopted Mercedes' father's surname. Therefore, Bellatrix returned to her old surname after the death of Rodolphus Lestrange, and then gave birth to children with her old surname. Outsiders could not find fault with this approach.

When Blake first saw Jaina in front of the castle gate, he saw the shadow of his eldest cousin's past in Jaina.

But what is it about this little girl's eyes that look exactly like Harry's, and what's the deal with the eyes of the young man next to her that are exactly like James's? !

Looking at it now, it is correct that these two children are his nephews. But who is the father of the children, and what are the characteristics of the Potter family in them? Blake couldn't think of anything.

Just when Blake was confused, he brought the newbies to the auditorium. When he came to his senses, the Sorting Hat had finished singing.

Arthas and Jaina, like other newbies, would be sincerely amazed when they saw the Great Hall of Hogwarts for the first time.

"If the wax from these candles drips, wouldn't this place become a large wax dripping scene... ow..."

Before Arthas could finish his words, he was kicked in the calf by Gianna, "You secretly visited those messy websites again."

From the beginning to the end, neither brother nor sister had a direct look at Professor Black. They didn't have much interest in this uncle.

After all, look at the people the brother and sister have known Black around since they were young. Which of the Zhang family, Si family, and Ma family has a good relationship with Blake?

Therefore, Black is just an ordinary distant relative to the two of them.

The two brothers and sister's disregard for Black fell into the eyes of other people in the cafeteria, providing new material for these people's nonsense. "They are all strangers now. It will be very embarrassing next time."

Now it's time for Blake to read out the list for the newbies to put on the sorting hat and sort into houses.

"Arthas Black."

There is no one from the "Iron Beater" Aibo family among the newbies this year, so the Black brothers and sisters are ranked in the top two.

The surrounding students immediately made a "buzz" sound, "Sure enough, his surname is Black", "He is much more handsome than Professor Black" and other sounds came from the long table.

Amid the discussion, Alsace put the Sorting Hat on his head.

"Dude, is the sorting starting now?" Alsace asked the Sorting Hat quietly.

"Otherwise, what do you think will happen?" the Sorting Hat replied quietly.

"I thought I was going to fight your mechanical body for three hundred rounds." Alsace looked depressed.

"I thought about it too, but the principal vetoed it." The Sorting Hat said equally depressed.

No one in Hogwarts would have thought that the Sorting Hat and Arthas were old acquaintances. They could only see the Sorting Hat's depressed expression.

After a while, the Sorting Hat finally remembered what to do now.

"Do you have any requirements for the house?" the Sorting Hat asked, "I can refer to your opinions within a reasonable range."

"As you like," Arthas replied, "but it would be best if my sister could be with me."

"Slytherin!" shouted the Sorting Hat, and then it babbled, "It is only orthodox for a Black boy to go to Slytherin."

After the Sorting Hat confirmed Alsace's Black identity, there was a burst of "Sure enough" voices among the students.

Arthas smiled and placed the Sorting Hat on the chair, then walked towards the Slytherin table, which was applauding enthusiastically.

However, he soon discovered that the classmates around him looked at him a little strangely.

Jaina, who arrived next, felt the same way.

The opening banquet was quite normal, and there was nothing that seemed too different from the past.

It's just that the new classmates' insinuations about the two brothers and sisters' father made them a little cautious.

After the opening party, the brother and sister were at the end of the queue heading to the common room.

"Mei, it seems that many people know about our father." Alsace said to his sister anxiously.

"Alas...what is supposed to come will always come." Jaina sighed and said, "Then just follow the original plan and find an opportunity to clarify the matter."

"That's all we can do," Arthas said. "The worst we can do is run away. Whether it's Hogsmeade or the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest, we can find Master's friends there to help. The worst we can do is wait until uncle dies. After Qiaoqiao, we will come back to inherit the Black family's property."

At this time, the newbies from Slytherin House had followed their prefects into the common room. The fifth-year prefect who brought them back said to them after explaining the precautions for daily life: "Freshmen, please check yourselves first." dormitories and beds, and then move around freely.”

Unlike the rumors circulating on the Internet that freshmen in the college fight to get seats and grab bedrooms, Slytherin College is not a bandit den, and it is impossible for students to do such lowly things.

Alsace quickly found his bedroom and bed by following the nameplates on the room door and on the bed. They were all arranged in alphabetical order by name, so his position was at the front.

At the same time, several people in the castle opened the Marauder's Map, and they were all paying attention to every move of the brother and sister.

However, both of them were very disciplined and did not see any violation of the rules.

The two of them first talked with a dormitory classmate in the dormitory, and then were watched in the common room. After the break time, they went back to bed obediently.

Neville planned to sit back and wait in the greenhouse area for most of the night. It was not until he discovered from the Marauder's Map that the two highly suspicious targets seemed to be fast asleep in bed that he sneezed and left Hogwarts to go home.

As a result, he failed to report his actions tonight to Hannah, causing him to find himself locked out when he returned home.

Early the next morning, Rodney, who had changed into sportswear, was doing warm-up exercises by the lake at Hogwarts. After someone Zhang complained a few days ago that a middle-aged woman had a belly, she made up her mind to lose weight before the Christmas holiday.

In the thin morning mist by the lake, two tall figures came out of the castle and were walking towards the lake.

"What are you two doing out here?" Rodney stopped the visitor and found out that they were the two students who were rumored last night.

"Let's go pay homage to Dumbledore," Arthas replied.

Rodney saw the cat following them quietly, nodded, and then pointed to them in a direction, "Go, don't waste breakfast time."

When the brother and sister returned to the cafeteria, breakfast time had already started a little while ago, and they hurriedly found two empty seats to sit down.

There seems to be a new topic of conversation in the cafeteria this morning, and it's still related to the Black brothers and sisters. The brother and sister were helpless about this. They also found out about their life experiences last night, and later they gave explanations and explanations about the matter.


"Hey, have you heard that Professor Black scared the brother and sister that their father was Voldemort?" Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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