Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 678: Gifts for Elders

"Look, Amei, the dog is pressed to the ground."

"The dog is on the ground, look at your sister."

On Saturday morning, the brother and sister who were walking on campus saw Hagrid giving medicine to his hound when they passed near Hagrid's hut. It was probably because of the pain caused by applying the medicine to the wound that the hound struggled so hard that Hagrid had to force it to the ground.

The two of them watched from a distance as Hagrid competed with the hounds. While playing with the golden terrier, which has been popular in the past two years, they walked towards the greenhouse.

Due to his bad luck in the first class, Malfoy did not say a good word about Hagrid when he introduced the professors at Hogwarts to the brothers and sisters. This made the brothers and sisters think of Hagrid. Keep a respectful distance.

"When a person commits suicide and then dies, it depends on his own reasons, but objective factors must also be considered." This is how Zhang commented on the incident when the pony received a claw from the hippogriff.

Then these two unfortunate children wrote a 500-word essay on the matter of their cousin seeking death.

Now, in the "List of Major Danger Sources in Hogwarts" in the minds of the brothers and sisters, Hagrid is considered a Level 2 danger source.

Their destination this morning, the greenhouse area of ​​Hogwarts, was a level one danger source with the highest level.

Where the greenhouse area intersects with the Forbidden Forest, there are several large trees two or three stories high, and the tree crowns are now full of abundant fruits.

This is one of the few rat-fruit trees in Europe. It grew from the seeds that Zhang brought when he first came to Hogwarts seventeen years ago. It's a pity that the ghost vine and ambergris he brought at the same time were not successfully planted in Hogwarts.

Since the rat fruit only begins to bear fruit nearly ten years after it germinates and grows, Zhang did not wait to see what the fruit would look like in the UK.

In order to protect these precious fruit trees, Sprout specially transplanted a large circle of thorns from the Forbidden Forest and planted them around the fruit trees.

These khaki thorns grow flat on the ground, like a carpet. If there are small animals such as rats and snakes passing by it, it will continuously stab the thorns in its body to kill these animals, and then absorb the nutrients from the animal carcasses.

If they are old enough, those bone-white ground thorn kings can even pierce the soles and soles of people's shoes, and even car tires.

The brother and sister noticed this place during the first herbal medicine class, so they took action today.

At this time, Neville, who routinely visited the greenhouse every morning, was quietly looking at the brother and sister looking around not far away. "It is indeed the people he taught." Neville muttered.

Hogwarts has been at peace for ten years. During these ten years, there has been no Voldemort or Zhang. The students can live peacefully and the professors can worry less.

But whenever Neville thought about the past, he always felt that this kind of campus life always lacked a little passion.

After all, there are no external threats, and there is no one to take the lead internally. The students at Hogwarts no longer have the sense of worry they once had, which has caused many things in the school to gradually change.

For example, the Defense Association has become a place for jealousy, and the other two organizations established to defend Hogwarts have become a paradise for careerists.

At the same time, the students' subjective initiative and magic level are not as strong as before.

Take the greenhouse area as an example. Back then, Neville followed Professor Sprout and battled wits with a group of students. While teachers and students compete with each other, the students who work hard to break through the defense line in the greenhouse area have improved their performance in courses such as herbal medicine classes for all to see.

As for the current students, Neville shook his head, none of them could beat him.

Soon, Neville's thoughts were interrupted by the brother and sister's actions.

"What are you two doing?" Neville walked up to the brother and sister.

"Good morning, Professor Longbottom."×2

The two new students greeted Neville obediently.

If it weren't for the fact that both of them were holding a large piece of earth thorn carefully in their hands,

Neville would think of them as ordinary students coming for a walk on a weekend morning.

"What do you do with these newly grown thorns?" Neville asked curiously.

He had seen many students who came here to steal herbs, but this was the first time he saw the students who took away the plants that guarded the greenhouse area. This is as strange as a motorcycle thief not stealing the bike or the battery but only stealing the front lock.

"We are planning to make a gift for Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius." Arthas replied.

Neville was confused. Are you sure you aren't trying to trick people by using this thing as a gift?

So he followed the brother and sister to the kitchen out of curiosity.

There are many unused bean sprout trays in the kitchen. Although they have been left there unused, the house elves at Hogwarts still maintain them regularly, which makes them look still good. Eighty percent new.

Two of the trays had already been covered with a layer of soil. The two brothers and sisters cut the thorns they brought back and carefully planted them in the trays.

"Is this enough?" Neville asked, looking at the brother and sister who were wiping sweat and wiping their hands and the ground thorns they had just planted. "I have seen people delivering flowers, vegetables and fruits, and mushrooms, but this kind of This is the first time I’ve seen something like this.”

At this time, Neville really wanted to call Mr. Zhang when he got home tonight and ask him if he was raising the children with malicious intent and raising their children's outlook on life.

"Professor Longbottom, come here and sit down." Jaina pulled Neville to a chair aside and sat down. At the same time, Arthas placed a plate of earth thorns at Neville's feet. "Professor, take off your clothes." I took off my shoes and socks and tried it on with my bare feet.”

Out of his knowledge of the ground thorns and his own curiosity, Neville hesitantly followed their instructions.

Since they were newly born ground thorns, the spikes they produced when stimulated were not very strong and could not pierce the skin on Neville's feet.

But it was enough. Neville, who was enjoying a foot massage for the first time, felt an electric current starting from the soles of his feet, flowing all over his body, and then piercing his Tianling Cap.

More than twenty minutes later, while putting on his shoes and socks, Neville asked, "How did you two come up with this?"

"We thought of it when we listened to the professor talk about its characteristics in the first herbal medicine class." Alsace replied.

Neville continued to ask: "Then have you ever thought that when these thorns grow up, they will pierce people's feet?"

"We have checked the book." Jaina replied, "The ground thorns will hibernate and stop growing in the winter. You can throw them away and replace them with new ones in the spring. It doesn't cost any money anyway."

Neville nodded happily. It was rare in recent years for first-year students to have such flexible minds and make decisions before taking action. However, the two of them still had some inconsiderations.

"Then have you ever thought that they do not hibernate in a warm room, but will continue to grow?" Neville asked.

The brother and sister said "uh" a few times and then stopped.

After coming over for a while, Jaina whispered: "It seems that we still made the mistake of bookism."

Looking at the two dejected brothers and sisters, Neville just smiled.

"Don't be discouraged. There is no way to remedy the situation." Neville said, "There is also a kind of ground thorn in the Forbidden Forest that feeds on insects. I think we can still meet your requirements if we use them."

The brother and sister were happy at first, but their expressions soon turned gloomy.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked curiously.

"We can't go into the Forbidden Forest yet." Arthas replied.

"Now?" Neville caught the key point of the other person's words.

"We can't go into the Forbidden Forest on our own until we are in third grade," Arthas said.

"Do you think the Forbidden Forest is Hogsmeade?" Neville complained.

However, when Neville saw the two children's lost looks, he couldn't help but feel compassion.

"Okay, don't be discouraged." Neville said to the two of them, "There will always be a way. Just wait for my notification."

After Neville finished speaking, he left. When he returned to his home in Hogsmeade, he picked up the phone and pressed Harry's number.

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