Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 680 Countermeasures

Ron and Hermione listened to this gossip with contented expressions, and Ron asked Neville some serious questions about genetics.

"So Harry is the grandfather of both of them." Ron counted the seniority on his fingers, "I didn't expect Ginny to become a grandmother at such a young age."

"Then Voldemort will call me uncle," Ron continued counting seniority on his fingers, "then you will be Voldemort's aunt."

Hermione gave Ron three elbows in an angry manner.

"I'd like to meet the two of them if I have the chance." Ron continued, fearing that the world would be in chaos, "It's a pity that they can't go to Hogsmeade until their third year."

"Now there's an opportunity," Neville said. "That's why I'm here."

Then Neville pointed his wand at Harry and said, "Harry, what I'm going to say is business later. Don't do anything while I break the curse for you."

After Harry recovered, he moved his hands, dealt with Ron first, and then said, "Tell me what you think."

Neville drank a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and then said: "Just now you told me that Voldemort still has Horcruxes, and after you solved the last mystery for me, I figured out the whole thing. I'm afraid this is Voldemort laid the trap more than ten years ago."

The faces of the Harry trio suddenly became serious.

"Do you still remember the year when the basilisk broke out at Hogwarts, and Lockhart was finally controlled by the soul in Voldemort's Horcrux?" Neville asked.

"You mean, these two brothers and sisters are actually... 'vessels' prepared by Voldemort to prevent his resurrection after his failure?" Hermione understood Neville's meaning immediately.

Neville nodded.

"So, Voldemort gave the two of them to Zhang to be raised in the first place in order to provide insurance on this matter and to make Zhang think that he had a hostage. When the two of them returned to Hogwarts, they were also Voldemort's It was planned long ago." Harry analyzed from the side, "So does Zhang know about this?"

"Let's call him and ask." Hermione said from the side.

"He should be on the plane now." Harry said helplessly.

"I think..." Neville said hesitantly, "He should have known that this would happen from the beginning."

"Huh?" Harry looked at Neville curiously.

"The names of the two brothers and sisters." Neville's mouth twitched, "I once heard several students in Hogwarts discussing their names. In a computer game, they were named Arthas and Jaina. The characters all have one thing in common, that is, their fathers fell into their hands."

There was silence in the office...

"It seems he has a back-up plan." Ron said, "He likes it like this."

Harry thought for a while, and then he asked Neville: "What is Hogwarts going to do? If things are as you guessed, then Voldemort's Horcrux must be hidden in or near the castle."

"And the Death Eaters who appeared last night, we don't know if they are part of Voldemort's plan. Are they trying to kidnap these two siblings just like Karkaroff kidnapped me?"

"I haven't told Professor McGonagall about this yet," Neville said. "I want to hear Harry's opinion first. We still need to see what the Ministry of Magic wants on this matter."

Harry did not reply, but looked at his superior. Hermione nodded and said, "I think the Auror Office has every reason to get involved in this matter."

But Ron shook his head and said: "But Hogwarts has a tradition that internal matters are resolved internally. I think even Professor McGonagall doesn't want the Ministry of Magic to have too many hands in Hogwarts." in."

"Yes, Professor Longbottom," Ron finally said to Neville.

Neville nodded, "So I came to Harry to vent his anger first, so as not to hurt the harmony between the two parties later. And if this matter is not handled well, I'm afraid it will cause even greater troubles."

Harry and the other three knew what Neville meant.

If this matter cannot be resolved quickly, in the current struggle between the two parties in magical society, who knows what the outcome will be after their politicians intervene.

As a professor at Hogwarts, Neville would naturally not want the school and students to get involved in political struggles.

As the whip of the Wizarding Progressive Party, Hermione told Neville on the spot that she would not use the power of the party to intervene in this matter. Because Neville's Longbottom family was very important in the original Order of the Phoenix, and the original Order of the Phoenix was one of the basic bases of the Wizarding Progressive Party, Hermione had to consider Neville's attitude on this matter.

Neville from the Wizarding Power Party is not worried. Lao Ma and the others have been clearing their relationship with Voldemort for the past ten years, so they will not take the initiative to make a fuss about Voldemort-related matters.

Harry said to Neville: "Well, the Auror Office will not intervene in the internal affairs of Hogwarts. I will intervene in a private capacity when necessary. But outside Hogwarts, such as in the Forbidden Forest, the Auror Office will not intervene. The office will make arrangements.”

"No problem." Neville nodded in agreement with Harry's proposal.

At this time, Ron finished eating the last piece of egg tart that belonged to him. He sighed: "You guys are really capable of making simple things complicated. I finally understand why Fudge has been unwilling to admit that Voldemort has returned. But what will happen next? What do you plan to do?"

"I have an idea." Neville said, "How about letting the two of them go to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow?"

Harry frowned and said, "You want them to be used as bait? This is too dangerous."

"During the first grade, Dumbledore pushed you three to the most dangerous position." Neville said with a smile, "I don't think the two of them are worse than you in the first grade, and I will follow them both. Man, if you are worried, you can follow me."

Harry thought about it and said, "Then let me take a trip. I haven't ventured into the Forbidden Forest for many years. However, I think we should tell them the cause and effect of the matter. They have the right to choose whether to cooperate or not."

"No problem." Neville said, "Tomorrow is Sunday. Let's set off after breakfast in the morning. We will meet at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Then we will talk things over with them."

"Then I'll bring my lunch." Hermione finally said, "Just treat it like an outing in the Forbidden Forest."

"We're not going on an outing," Ron protested.

"If we don't pretend to be on an outing, will those Death Eaters in the dark take the bait?" Hermione asked, "If we surround the two of them as if they are in danger, the Death Eaters will definitely not show up, right? .”

What Hermione said made sense, and the other three couldn't refute it.

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