Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 685 The aftermath

Zhang, who was thousands of miles away, learned the whole story from a letter from Alsace a month later.

News of the invasion of Hogwarts that Friday night quickly spread among the students, and the siblings found out about it during lunch the next day, Saturday.

When Neville informed them in the evening that they would go to the Forbidden Forest together on Sunday, they realized that things were not simple, so they immediately contacted their cousin.

The pony who received the news responded quickly. He found Professor McGonagall early the next morning to explain the situation, and then quietly came to Hogwarts with Mu Li. After using Polyjuice Potion to become a brother and sister, and letting the brothers and sisters stay in the principal's office, the Pony couple went to find Neville.

The next thing was simple. The two decoys were captured as expected, and the message was quietly sent out after arriving at their destination.

Finally, Percy led a group of "enthusiastic people" to eat the daydreaming guys, and then handed them over to Harry, who arrived later with a dark face.

The smart-aleck Neville was scolded by Professor McGonagall for more than an hour, and then a bonus was deducted. Fortunately, Neville doesn't have to pay the mortgage.

This time, Harry was severely slapped in the face by a Western reporter who was bribed by Lao Ma, and Hermione was also implicated.

Goyle and Crabbe were also thrown into court for kidnapping.

The biggest winners of this incident were Percy Weasley, who gained a lot of fame in the media, and Ron Weasley, who sold two "998 gift packages".

In addition, there was an off-site beneficiary of this incident. As the brothers and sisters' life experiences were confirmed, Professor Black's grievance of being a "heartless man who abandoned his wife and son" was washed away.

Zhang couldn't help but shook his head after reading Alsace's letter. The world has changed so fast in the past ten years, and naturally there are some people like Gore who cannot keep up with the times. However, those who try to turn back history will eventually be abandoned by this era that is moving forward.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter. After reading the letter, he started his day's work. First, he signed his name on the online documents of two projects that he personally caught: a food-stealing game and a parking space-grabbing game. .

Just because someone doesn't care about this doesn't mean that others won't care about it either. Big bosses like Lafayette, British Prime Minister Brown and Minister of Magic Scrimgeour have been paying attention to this matter. They all breathed a sigh of relief in the end when they knew that there were only a handful of wizards who were looking forward to the return of the Dark Lord. Now even if Voldemort comes back to life, there is nothing to fear. At worst, he will be killed once he lives.

The storm has passed and life goes on.

Classes go to class and work goes to work. Hogwarts has returned to its peaceful days.

In the end, the questions brought about by the life experiences of the Black brothers and sisters were just a slight ripple on the surface of the water. Just like when Harry was watched for a while when he first came to Hogwarts, after the curiosity of the students passed, everything Everything was calm.

But this doesn't mean that no one in Hogwarts doesn't want to use this matter to make big news.

"I would not do something tasteless like venting my anger on others." Evelyn, who had ten boxes of chocolate frogs in front of her and was ready to smoke them ten times in a row, said in an interview with a reporter from Hogwarts Radio in the kitchen, " The people who destroyed Hogsmeade, killed countless people, and almost killed my mother and I were Voldemort and his Death Eaters. This was related to Jaina and her brother who were far away in foreign countries at that time and were less than one year old. what relationship?"

"Instead of causing trouble for the two of them, it would be better to catch those Death Eaters still hiding in the corner and drown them in the toilet."

"It is rumored that Snape, your former head of Slytherin House, once extended his father's hatred to Mr. Potter, the current head of the Auror Office who was studying at Hogwarts at the time. This kind of thing is not Slytherin. Tradition?" asked the radio reporter from Gryffindor.

Evelin suddenly became unhappy, and she shouted loudly: "Legend has it that Snape has never washed his hair in his life.

So did anyone say that not washing your hair is also a Slytherin tradition? Don't overgeneralize. Many of our Slytherin students come from well-educated wizard families. People who are indifferent to right from wrong and petty-minded are just an example and do not represent the vast majority of Slytherins. "

Taking advantage of Hogsmeade Week, reporters from Hogwarts Radio came to Hogsmeade to interview local residents.

The reporter's first stop was the only Internet cafe in Hogsmeade. The proprietress of the Internet cafe happened to be at the front desk today.

"Voldemort's child?" Nelson looked at the two reporters in front of the counter. One of his eyes was full of surprise, and the other was unchanged.

"What did those two guys do?" Nelson asked curiously.

"No, no!" Reporter A said, shaking his head.

"We just want to know what you think of them." Reporter B said.

"How else can we watch." Seeing that the other party was not here to turn on the computer and surf the Internet, Nelson was not interested in these two guys. "I believe Hogwarts will educate them well."

The next stop for the two reporters was the Three Broomsticks Bar. They first interviewed the bar’s proprietress, Ms. Rosmerta.

"Voldemort is Voldemort, and children are children." Ms. Rosmerta said, "I welcome them if they want to come for a drink. If they want to do evil, the Ministry of Magic and Aurors will naturally deal with them."

Reporter A and Reporter B asked around in the bar, and the answers they got from the guests were similar to those from the proprietress. Everyone thought that there was no need to worry about this matter. It was a matter for the officials of the Ministry of Magic to worry about.

The answers from other residents and bosses of Hogsmeade were basically the same. They still hated Voldemort, but they looked at the two brothers and sisters purely as passers-by.

The two reporters were unwilling to fail to get big news, so they finally came to the Royal Magic Primary School, which was built on the basis of the resettlement site for the victims after the "2.6 bombing" of Hogsmeade.

The predecessor of this elementary school was an orphanage established by Lafayette to house the orphans of Hogsmeade. A few years later, the orphanage was upgraded into an elementary school for little wizards under the age of eleven.

The orphans who grew up in this school all received notes written by Lafayette in their third year of Hogwarts, agreeing to allow them to come to Hogsmeade.

Many older orphans regard this place as their new family and returned here to teach after graduating from Hogwarts.

Here two radio reporters found Oliver Twist, who was the only one who survived when his whole family was killed.

After learning the purpose of their visit, Drizzt was silent for a long time.

In the end, he only said: "I hope they will not follow the same path as their parents."

At 8:30 p.m., Hogwarts Radio's "Monthly Hot Topics" program aired a series of interviews with the two student journalists.

However, the audience response to this episode of the program was mediocre. Many people's reaction was just "Woah, there is a woman in this double-hole socket, but...".

What British wizards are paying attention to right now is the England Quidditch national team, which is about to compete in the 2010 European Qualifiers for the 426th Quidditch World Cup.

The new head coach Charlie Weasley has just announced the final roster of this national team with strong players. Can this young legendary coach with no more than a day of professional experience lead the Quidditch teams of two countries to win the World Cup? Quidditch fans all over the world are waiting to see the championship's feat.

As for ordinary people, they are undergoing the baptism of the financial crisis. Voldemort's child? Can it be eaten?

Ten years later, Voldemort has become obsolete. He has become a symbol in history, and not many people are interested in him anymore. Just like Ben **'s son, after **'s death, who would be interested in a guy who suddenly appears.

This relieved the Malfoy family, who had been on the defensive on this issue.

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