This book is finally finished.

When I lay on the sofa and finished writing the words "The whole book is finished" in a piece of flowers, I put my mobile phone on the coffee table, and then I took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it.

After pressing out the cigarette butt, he pressed "Release".

Then I went to Jiahe City by myself to soak in a hot spring, relax, and slept for another day after I came back.

From September 13, 2017 to April 6, 2019, 570 days, 1.67 million words, all the way, thank you all.

When I first went to college more than ten years ago, I saw a buddy in the dormitory next door who rented a few books from the bookstore every day to read, so I liked to read his books.

Since then, I have been in the pit.

But at that time, there were not many people who read books. We were the only two people in our class who read pirated copies almost every day for four years in college.

At the graduation banquet four years later, one of the reasons I clinked glasses with him was because of his book friends.

Back then, I didn't know that there was a website called Qidian, and I didn't know where the contents of those rough pirated books came from. I only knew that these books were interesting.

I didn't know the starting point until I bought a computer in the sophomore dormitory and that buddy started chasing some books he was interested in on the Internet.

At that time, I would not have thought that I would have a day to finish writing this testimonial seriously at the starting point.

By the way, that buddy married his childhood sweetheart within a few months after graduating from college, a winner in life!

The first time I knew that ordinary people can also write on the Internet was when I was in my sophomore or junior year. When I was chatting with my high school classmate on QQ, she told me that she had written a book at the starting point.

At that time, she posted a romance, and I only put it in the bookshelf of the account back then. After reading a few chapters, the subject matter didn't suit my taste, and I didn't read it.

Back then, she encouraged me to write and try, but I didn't feel relieved at that time.

In the first few years when I started working, as a construction worker on a construction site, there were almost no weekends and rest days. At that time, I went to bed after I came back from get off work and played a few games and read a book at night.

Until two years ago, during a job adjustment after completing a project,

I just started to have a relatively large amount of free time.

At that time, there was a shortage of books, so I started writing books to pass the time. At that time, I also thought about earning some cigarette money if I could sign a contract.

At the beginning, I wrote a Tomb Raider with the number that often appeared in this chapter of Qidian to try how to use the writing system of Qidian, and then the fourth chapter is over. Now that book has become a testing ground for my emoji.

Then I began to write a fanfic of Ship R in a serious manner. At that time, the plan was to use those famous battles in the book, and string them into a book like a string of candied haws. As a result, the car was impounded by the traffic police because of driving in the first few chapters, so I lost the interest in writing it for a while.

After thinking about it for a few days, I changed the number to write the current book.

At that time, because I read a lot of Harry Potter fans, and I was familiar with the original work, I decided to write Harry Potter fans.

At the beginning, my plan was to write thirty or forty chapters of the original volume for my own entertainment, and then two or three hundred chapters would be the end of the book.

As a result, because I decided the direction of the plot by rolling dice and tossing coins, and the more I wrote, the more things I could write, so I wrote about 700 chapters at once. The seventh chapter, which completely breaks away from the framework of the original work, has written more than two hundred chapters.

Because it is the first time to write such a long book, so I felt many shortcomings in the process of writing the book, and I failed to deal with many places.

It's like someone can make a good sentence by the West Lake, "The water is shining and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy." But I can only say "West Lake is really beautiful".

I can think of a lot of things, but I can’t write them because I don’t have enough skill, or I can write them in a bland way.

Fortunately, everyone thinks my book is a bit interesting, and with everyone's support, my book can be signed and put on the shelves.

Looking back on the past five hundred days, not to mention mixed feelings, there are still fifty mixed feelings.

From the beginning when I had time, I updated twice a day, and now when I return to the project, I can only update a chapter every night after returning home from work with my mobile phone. This update speed is really a shame for the readers who have always supported me.

During the period, I lay down on the sofa with my mobile phone and coded a few times, but fell asleep halfway, and it was already one or two o'clock when I woke up.

And there were several times when I suddenly had to work overtime until late at night and had to suspend updates.

Until the day before yesterday, with everyone's support and concern, this book has finished its journey with bumps and bumps.

Here, I sincerely thank you all for supporting me all the way.

Regarding the next new book, the new book has already been approved, and now I am writing and improving the writing organization design, plot bar chart, plot progress network chart, etc.

Since this is an original work from scratch, the background, plot, stalks to be played, and random access to all parties need to be carefully planned. Only by handling it well can we avoid logical errors that are difficult to justify.

The stage of the new book is bigger than the current book. When I started preparing the outline, I found that my knowledge reserve was not enough.

For example, the author is a household with difficulties in naming, and it is extremely difficult to name people, so now I am considering whether to reinstall Football Manager into the computer.

For example, how should slime eat, is it a reference to jellyfish or something else. And how does domestic slime taste different from wild slime.

For example, human beings with a lifespan of less than a hundred years and long-lived elves, adult elves who like 50-year-old humans are considered lolicons, and adult humans who like hundred-year-old elves are considered lolicons...

Wait for similar questions.

Therefore, the new book will have to wait for a while before it can meet with you.

Finally, let’s talk about the facial expressions.

Many readers have asked me where my kaomoji came from.

I use the Sogou input method, which has its own kaomoji, and the kaomoji I used at the beginning are basically from there.

Later, on the basis of the original kaomoji, various transformations were carried out according to actual needs, and the materials for the transformation came from Internet collection.

In the book review area at the starting point, click on the account of the empty-nest old man who I posted as the top reply. There is a complete copy of Tomb Raider, and the end is where I test and store the kaomoji materials.

It's the first time I've written this testimonial seriously, but I'm still not proficient.

See you in the next book after a while!

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