Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Volume 75 The first step of our journey

For more than a week at the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, Zhang Xu entered various data into the computer during the day, and learned the transformation technique with Li Shenzhou at night.

Under Li Shenzhou's detailed explanation and teaching, Zhang Xu quickly mastered the key points of the transformation technique.

After studying for a week, Zhang Xu successfully turned into a primordial beast, adding an unregistered Animagus to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the next few days, Zhang Xu learned from Li Shenzhou the skills of speaking after changing the organs in the transformation.

So far, Zhang Xu's study is over.

Li Shenzhou was only entrusted by Mr. Zhao to teach Zhang Xu, not Zhang Xu's master, and those knowledge that belonged to personal inheritance would not be taught. His task was completed after Zhang Xu successfully transformed and stepped into the threshold of transformation. Then teach Zhang Xu that he can speak while transforming, and some knowledge about transformation and transformation, such as the concept of permanent transformation, it is because Zhang Xu's father and himself are comrades-in-arms who were born and died together only taught. Moreover, Zhang Xu's level is not enough now, just like an undergraduate student studying a doctoral course, not only can't understand, but it might even disturb the knowledge he has learned now.

After thanking Li Shenzhou, Zhang Xu left Rongcheng and headed north.

More than 40 kilometers southwest of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, there is a huge building complex like a crystal palace.

This building complex covering an area of ​​nearly two hectares is almost entirely composed of transparent glass panels. Through the glass exterior walls, you can see various plants planted inside, as well as water systems such as artificial lakes and artificial streams.

This is China's first miniature artificial ecological circulation system - Guanghan Palace No. 1.

When Zhang Xu followed Mr. Zhao to this place for the first time before going to France last summer vacation, he was petrified. At that time, he was told that this was an artificial ecological circulation system research base established to establish a long-term lunar surface base on the moon.

After visiting the base at that time, Zhang Xu wrote a paragraph in the guest book of the base.

When Zhang Xu came again today, Zhang Xu saw this passage inlaid on the screen wall of the reception hall - "I am looking up, above the moon, how many dreams are flying freely. - Zhang Xu"

"Xiao Zhang, this paragraph you wrote is positive and uplifting, which is very in line with the goals of our base, and it rhymes very well. It reads catchy, and we all like it very much, so we decided to put it It's here." The director of the research base said to Zhang Xu, who is jiongjiongyoushen.

This is the last stop for the students from European magic schools to exchange visits in China, and Zhang Xu will meet them here.

At the meeting on the day he returned to China this summer vacation, Zhang Xu knew the places that students from Europe would visit during this exchange visit.

Except for the school, all the others are research institutes, factories, and enterprises that combine magic and science.

Not to mention others, Snape's three views have been shattered several times during this period.

When Hogwarts’ Potions class used only a few tools such as balances and crucibles, Huaxia’s Potions class used burettes, pipettes, measuring cylinders, measuring cups, test tubes, flasks, evaporating dishes, and jars , narrow mouth bottle, washing bottle, funnel, separatory funnel, condenser, beaker, iron stand, glass tube, analytical balance and thermometer and other instruments.

When Snape was still simmering the potion in the cauldron, the potion factory in Huaxia had already standardized and mechanized the pretreatment of medicinal materials, the extraction, separation and purification of active ingredients of medicinal materials, preparation and packaging. with automated processing too. Even if Snape was turned into a transformed Sirius, he still couldn't see the opponent's heels.

Snape knew the goods, but it was precisely because of the knowledge that he understood how big the gap between the two sides was. I found out in the past that squeezing the sleepy beans with the side of the silver knife will produce juice more easily than slicing.

Useless against a juicer.

When the wizards came to Guanghan Palace No. 1, their three views were already broken and could not be broken any more.

The moon, something that can only be touched in astronomy and divination classes, you told me that you are going to run up to build a house and open a farm, can you still have fun together.

Guanghan Palace No. 1 is modeled on tropical and subtropical ecosystems. It has five ecosystems: tropical rainforest, savannah, ocean, swamp, and desert, as well as two artificial ecosystems: residential area and agricultural area.

In the entire ecosystem of Guanghangong No. 1, there are about 4,000 species from Asia, Oceania, Africa, and North and South America, including molluscs, arthropods, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. , including about 3,000 species of plankton, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms, and about 1,000 species of microorganisms such as bacteria, slime molds, fungi, and microalgae.

These are only the contents of the public information. In fact, the species in Guanghan Palace No. 1 include hundreds of magical animals and magical plants. Together with ordinary creatures, these magical creatures will build a closed ecosystem.

Guanghangong-1 is currently undergoing the final animal and plant growth tests, recording the growth data of animals and plants in an open environment.

Six months later, Guanghangong No. 1 will start closed operation for one year, during which six scientists will live in this closed system.

Zhang Xu and Fu Rong walked together among the visiting students and listened to the staff's explanation.

Zhang Xu looked at the students of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons around him, his faces were sometimes shocked and sometimes confused.

When he came last year, he took advantage of Mr. Zhao, and he listened when the staff reported to Mr. Zhao. But at that time, the main structure had just been completed, and the construction of the ecosystem had just started, and there were many things that were not mentioned in the report at that time.

Listening to the staff's explanation, Zhang Xu found that the core content of the explanation has been removed, and it seems that he has a strong sense of confidentiality.

When he first arrived here this morning, Zhang Xu heard from the director of the base that the same type of experiment "Biosphere 2" in the United States had failed. The ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could not be balanced by itself.

This makes Guanghangong 1 have to learn the lessons of "Biosphere 2", replenish and formulate corresponding plans in a short time, and avoid repeating the mistakes of "Biosphere 2".

After the visit, the visiting students returned to Dunhuang City to rest for a day. They will fly back to Britain and France at Dunhuang Airport the next day.

And Zhang Xu was going to take Fu Rong home.

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