Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 85 Laughter in the Teachers' Lounge

Due to the presence of dementors outside Hogwarts and the possible invasion of Sirius, it is impossible to go outside the castle after dark this semester, so everyone had to change the activity location to an empty classroom in the castle. The fifth floor, which was originally empty, has now become the activity center for the students.

After watching the live video of the new season's AC Milan game in the Muggle Studies classroom, Zhang Xu planned to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

The 93/34 season was the last year of the Milan dynasty. Zhang Xu, who liked AC Milan very much in his previous life, invited another staff member of the embassy who is also a fan of AC Milan with all kinds of weird candies in the magic world. Help transcribe all the games of AC Milan this season.

When Zhang Xu walked into the foyer, he saw that Hagrid was sending Harry's trio who were looking for him back to the castle gate.

Seeing Zhang Xu walking down the stairs, Harry and the three had just greeted each other when they suddenly realized that Zhang Xu now has the right to add and deduct points to the college, and this semester the school forbids leaving the castle after dark.

The three who were caught were very embarrassed.

"Gryffindor, one point will be deducted from each of you. The next time you find out that you have left the castle at night, you will deduct two points from each of you. If you find out again, you will be deducted in an equal ratio. I hope you will be serious in Professor Scarlet's class." Listen." Before the three of Harry tried to make excuses, Zhang Xu deducted points.

Points were deducted by Zhang Xu, and the three of them who originally wanted to find something to do with Zhang Xu walked back to the dormitory in a dispirited manner.

After lunch on Thursday, in the teachers' lounge, Zhang Xu, who was resting here after lunch, was staring at a bottle of green shrink potion that he had just prepared in the potions class in the morning. He casually asked Snape various questions about the shrinking potion.

For example, what is the limit of the shrink potion, can it turn a chicken back into an egg, can it turn a mature woman back into a loli, etc.

Then Zhang Xu asked Professor Snape about the progress in the purification of the active ingredients of his recent potion materials. This topic was obviously more in line with Snape's appetite than turning a mature woman into a lolita, which made Snape a little interested in talking.

As a result, Zhang Xu changed the subject, "Professor Snape, don't you plan to find a good girl to marry in the future?"

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, several other professors in the faculty lounge, who were originally looking at each other, turned their eyes to Snape's face. Everyone saw that Snape's face was paler than Dumbledore's beard.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Zhang." After a while, Snape growled viciously at Zhang Xu.

"I found that the proportion of students who have found a significant other recently is much higher than the previous two years, so it is right to care about colleagues who are in difficulties." Zhang Xu continued, "Compared to nostalgia for the past, I think grasping the present and It is more important to grasp the future."

"What do you know? Please don't spread your ridiculous opinions in areas where you know nothing," Snape said.

"I just know what I know." Zhang Xu didn't continue. Although he and Snape got along quite well in the past two years, if this topic continues, it will only attract the attention of the gods.

If he could take this opportunity to open a hole in Snape's heart, maybe he would have a happy ending in the future.

"Professor Lu Ping." Zhang Xu continued.

Lu Ping, who was preparing for the afternoon class, couldn't help being startled when he heard that Zhang Xu turned his finger on him.

Several other professors also started looking at Lupine.

"Professor Lu Ping, you will meet a good girl in a few years, so hurry up and hope you don't give up." Zhang Xu gave Lu Ping a thumbs up while speaking.

"I..." Lu Ping suddenly didn't know what to say when Zhang Xu said this, "I'm too poor...and too dangerous..."

After Lupine finished speaking, he realized that there was something wrong with what he said.

"Remus, I think Mr. Zhang is right.

"Professor McGonagall suddenly launched an assist. She is very familiar with Lupin and was once Lupin's professor, so she put on the airs of an elder and said that Lupine is also suitable.

"With your current salary, you have already got rid of poverty. In a short time, you will no longer be in danger. It is time for you to think about this issue." Professor McGonagall said.

"You don't know, back then you were very popular in the circle of our Ravenclaw seniors. If you weren't too dull and indifferent to the hints of the seniors, you would have found a girlfriend at that time That's it." Scarlet added a knife, "With your current conditions, you are still very attractive to little girls."

"How is that possible," said Lupine, "I'm old too..."

Amidst Sreikat's "cough cough", Lupine didn't dare to speak any more.

"Helleson," Professor Flitwick interjected at this time, "what about you? I remember you didn't have a boyfriend when you were studying at Hogwarts."

"We met after our family moved to the east." Sreikat finished speaking, sighed, and looked up at the ceiling of the teachers' lounge at forty-five degrees.

Zhang Xu smelled gossip, and just about to ask, he suddenly felt his heart beating violently, as if a voice told him in his mind, don't ask if you don't want to end up.

So Zhang Xu obeyed decisively.

"Why didn't you catch it?" Professor McGonagall asked, some words were more appropriate for her to ask.

"I can't catch it." Sreikat said while sighing, "I'm late."

For a while, the other professors didn't know what to say, but Snape felt a feeling of sympathy.

"Zhang," asked Professor Sprout, who had been eating melons and watching the show, "How do you know that Professor Lupine will meet a good girl in a few years?"

Several other professors discovered this problem.

"I just did a fortune-telling for Professor Lupine on a whim. The result of the fortune-telling said that Professor Lupine will meet a good girl who loves him deeply in a few years. Before I graduate from Hogwarts, he will be a Father." Zhang Xu replied.

The professors all laughed and began to make fun of Lupine who was getting more and more embarrassed, except for Snape who was still looking gloomy.

Zhang Xu wanted to laugh when he saw this scene, hoping that his divination called "spoiler" would come true.

"Zhang, what are your plans with your little French girlfriend?" Professor Flitwick pointed the fire at Zhang Xu at this moment.

As a result, Zhang Xu was caught by the eyes of the professors.

"After graduating from Hogwarts, I will go back to Huaxia to study in university. After graduating from university, we will get married." Zhang Xu had a thick skin, and he spoke out their future plans openly.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he had become an old general on the stage, with flags all over his back.

"Actually, you can get married in the UK first. You are just at the right age after graduation. Maybe you can get married with Professor Lupine or Professor Snape in the future." Sreckat said.

At this moment, there was a lot of laughter in the teachers' lounge.

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