Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 97 Saving Private Harry Potter

Looking at Harry Potter, who was going to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, Zhang Xu had a black line in his head.

The current wind level is between seven and eight, with a wind speed of more than ten meters per second, which is many times higher than the speed at which cherry blossoms fall.

Not to mention whether Harry would be blown into the mountains around Hogwarts, or into the hands of dementors around the Quidditch pitch, it was serious enough.

Unlike on a train, attacking a dementor on a train counts as attacking a law enforcement officer. Let them be detained lightly in China, and shot to death in the United States on the spot.

Attacking the dementors who attacked the students on the Hogwarts grounds is armed self-defense, and Dumbledore is on top.

Seeing Harry in the gust of wind being blown towards the direction of the dementor like a kite, before the other Quidditch players in the sky recovered their senses, Zhang Xu made a move.

After Zhang Xu released the mechanized mind from his body, he took out the staff he had used when he slaughtered spiders in the Forbidden Forest last time, mobilized the mana stored in the crystal on the staff, and began to prepare to cast spells.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. The lower part is the river and the mountains, and the upper part is the sun and stars. It is called Haoran to people, and it is full of heaven and earth."

As Zhang Xu's voice sounded, a ball of golden light appeared from the top of the staff in his hand, rose to the top of Zhang Xu's head, and kept getting bigger, and soon the diameter of the ball of light had expanded to about one meter. .

When Zhang Xu's voice ended, the ball of light exploded as if it had exploded.

Almost instantly, a golden storm visible to the naked eye centered on Zhang Xu and swept across the entire Quidditch field.

When the golden storm passed through the students on the audience stage, the students felt a sense of righteousness rising from the bottom of their hearts, and the panic and despair in their hearts were swept away by this feeling.

After the golden storm swept across the field, it didn't slow down, crashing into the Dementors like a wall.

In summer evenings, there are often swarms of mosquitoes flying together in the garden downstairs of Zhang Xu's house. When Zhang Xu has nothing to do, he will pick up the electric mosquito swatter at home and give these mosquitoes a big sweep.

After the golden storm passed through, the Dementor in the air was like a mosquito caught by an electric mosquito swatter. A burst of golden light erupted from its body, and then fell down with a clatter. The weaker dementors were blown into a puff of black smoke in the air, the stronger ones fell into the air and controlled their figures, and more dementors directly hit the ground with a "slap", The body kept twitching.

At this moment, Zhang Xu was lying on the seat in the stands, covering his head and panting.

After discovering a way to deal with dementors on the train, Zhang Xu has been thinking for a long time how to use oriental system spells to deal with dementors.

After communicating with domestic experts, the spell Zhang Xu used today was finally selected.

There are many spells in the spell that can spread the mind of the caster. This type of spell can integrate the emotions and will of the caster, and then make the person receiving the spell have the same emotions and will.

Today, Zhang Xu integrated the awe-inspiring righteousness into the spell, supplemented by huge mana, like a golden torrent, it swept away all the negative emotions brought about by the dementors in the students' hearts.

And the power of this powerful attribute is in conflict with the attributes of the dementors. When the power of the dementors is lower than this spell storm, once they are touched, they will either die or be injured.

It's just that guiding such a huge amount of mana is still a bit difficult for Zhang Xu now. After exhausting a lot of energy, he is now extremely exhausted and can only lie on the bench panting.

The dementors suffered a heavy loss today, just like everyone was so hungry that they formed a team to steal a few watermelons to eat, but the watermelons were not stolen, but half of them were bombarded to death by Runtu who watched the melons with Italian cannons.

But the dementors didn't dare to say anything more. On the one hand, they themselves were wronged first, and on the other hand, they didn't dare to appeal to Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic now.

Because Harry Potter, the star of the British magic world and the "savior", was blown away by the strong wind and disappeared because of them. At this time, it would be boring for them to find them.

On the Quidditch pitch, just as Harry dropped his broom, Cedric Diggory caught the Snitch and ended the game.

The students in the auditorium had all left, and there were only three figures in the stand where Zhang Xu was just now in the entire stadium.

On the original open-air stands, a shed to keep out the rain has now been erected.

Under the shed, Zhang Xu was still lying on the bench.

Dumbledore sat not far from Zhang Xu, his face extremely ugly. In front of him was a huge sand table of the surrounding area of ​​Hogwarts.

The sand table was divided into square grids. Whenever an owl or paper crane brought the latest information, Scarlet next to the sand table inserted a flag representing Harry Potter not found in the grid.

Seeing more and more flags on the sand table, Dumbledore's face became more and more ugly.

Time went back to three hours ago, when Zhang Xu dealt with the dementor, the students and professors who came back to their senses suddenly found that Harry Potter had been blown to nowhere by the wind.

Several attempts by Dumbledore to bring Harry Potter back with the Coming Charm failed. Then everyone tried all kinds of spells for finding people and things, but it still didn't work.

All the broomsticks in Hogwarts have been dispatched, and students and professors are conducting a sweeping search around Hogwarts. Even the two broomsticks Zhang Xu used in his treasure bag were lent to Lupine and Snape.

The only good news is that the floating spells on Harry Potter will not disappear at the same time. After the floating spells gradually lose their effect, they will only let him fall to the ground slowly, so as not to throw him to death all at once.

At this time, Zhang Xu's spirit had almost recovered. After drinking a few bottles of potions, the pain in his head was no longer there, but his complexion was still very bad.

At this moment, a thousand paper cranes flew in front of Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu opened the thousand paper cranes, and the contents inside surprised him.

There is a stick figure on the paper, which shows a desk with the left drawer open. If you can’t understand the information expressed in it just by looking at the desk, the head of Doraemon next to the desk will make Zhang Xu understand. .

After putting away the paper, Zhang Xu walked to Dumbledore's side and said to him, "Use the Time-Turner, Professor."

"But Miss Granger can't defend against the dementors outside the stadium, and she doesn't use her broomstick very well, and flying in this weather is extremely dangerous for her." Dumbledore obviously also considered using the Time-Turner.

"I use it, Professor." Zhang Xu said.

"It's dangerous for you to use the Time-Turner." Dumbledore said seriously.

"No problem, Professor. You will get good news soon." Zhang Xu winked at Dumbledore while speaking.

Dumbledore saw Zhang Xu blink, and suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Okay, go to Miss Granger. You know what to do," said Dumbledore.

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