Drinking Makes Me Stronger, I Draw My Sword And Kill All The Races

Chapter 7 Three Geniuses! Testing Realm! It's Yan Changge's Turn!

June 31, 169th year of the new calendar.

Today is the entrance examination of Dongyang College.

In a huge martial arts arena, more than 2,000 students are standing bustlingly.

Most of the students are pale and trembling all over.

A small number of students are proud and cross their arms.

However, some students frowned and looked at Yan Changge who smelled of alcohol.

"Is this guy giving up on himself? He dared to take the entrance examination after drinking."

"I think he didn't break through the ordinary six-star level and planned to give up!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really miserable. After returning, he can only stay in a hunting team and live a precarious life..."

Hearing the words of the people around him, Yan Changge didn't care.

He still gave wine one mouthful after another.

Keep the drunkenness value in the body at 20%, so that his ability can be improved by about 40%.

Although 40% is not much, it is enough to become a killer to kill the opponent in some key battles.

In other words, it is to pave the way for this entrance examination.

"I'll tell my parents after I pass the test."

Thinking of this, Yan Changge smiled gently.

Just then.

The classmates around him suddenly became excited.

"Look, it's the top three geniuses in our freshman year!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

For a moment, many people looked over.

I saw two men and one woman in tight clothes walking slowly in the distance, exuding a terrifying pressure.

"Ye Die is so beautiful!"

"I heard that she has practiced the Chasing Water Sword to perfection, and her realm is even the mortal level nine stars!"

"Wow... won't she be the first in this outer sect competition?"

Many male and female classmates couldn't help but be crazy about a heroic woman with a blue long sword hanging from her waist.

"Chasing Water Sword Ye Die? It's just a beautiful face, what's that?"

"Not as good as my Barbarian Fist Wei Kai, that's the real strong man."

The male student next to him rolled his eyes and pointed at a muscular man who was nearly two meters tall.

The man's fists were wrapped in bandages, and his whole body exuded a beast-like pressure.


"I see, they are all weaker than Shangguan Ling."

"That's the real No. 1, no one can match it!"

The one everyone pointed at was a young man wearing a fire cloud robe and carrying a blood-red spear.

Everyone surrounded the three geniuses and made various comments, and some even argued until their faces turned red.

Yan Changge couldn't help but look sideways and looked at the three geniuses.

The three geniuses are the focus of this entrance examination, and they are said to be the most powerful warriors.

However, the strength radiating from them made Yan Changge shake his head.

"It's a bit interesting, but not much..."

"I heard that the rewards for this exam are quite generous, I hope I can be satisfied."

Yan Changge stood in the corner and continued to drink.

He took this exam just to continue his studies and give his parents a surprise.

In this case, why bother so much?

At this time.

Three instructors wearing advanced protective clothing suddenly appeared on the martial arts field.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. These three instructors were all wolf-level nine-star warriors.

"Since you are here, you are all here to take the test."

"This test is divided into three rounds."

The leading instructor said lightly:

"Then, let's start with the first round of tests."

The leading instructor stretched out his hand and a blue testing machine suddenly appeared on the ground of the martial arts field.

"Put your palm on the realm stone, and you can measure the corresponding realm."

"Ordinary level six stars or above, just passed."

"Ordinary level below six stars, it is considered early graduation, sent back to their respective base cities."

Looking at the blue machine, everyone's breathing became a little faster.

This is the time to test their one-year results, and it is also to determine whether they can continue to stay in Dongyang College.

The leading instructor waved his hand, looked at the virtual screen, and read the list:

"The first one, Chen Yu."

Suddenly, a pale-faced teenager trembled and walked up and put his hand on the machine.

"Ordinary level five stars, failed."

The blue machine made a machine sound, and at the same time, it also sentenced the boy's fate.

In an instant, the pale boy suddenly paused, and immediately screamed: "Impossible, I am obviously a mortal six-star..."

Without a super six-star...

It proves that it is impossible to go to school, and you can only be sent back to the base cities.

The shame caused by this is really too great!

However, before the pale boy finished making a fuss, two figures took him away.

Looking at the figure of the boy leaving, many people's faces were extremely complicated.

And the instructor was already accustomed to it: "Next, Zhang San..."

Then, the cold machine kept answering questions.





After testing a full hundred people, only a dozen people passed.

Even if they passed, most of them passed by just barely.

"The talent of this class is so poor..." The two instructors frowned and discussed with each other. Obviously, the current results are not satisfactory to them. "Let's wait and see..." The leading instructor shook his head. He has not yet placed his expectations on ordinary students, but is paying attention to the three geniuses. Ye Die, Wei Kai, and Shangguan Ling are the focus of this exam. Those three are the top geniuses among the freshmen! In the crowd, everyone's face was complicated, and there was still one person in the corner with a calm face. "I didn't expect that so many people would fail this round of tests..." Yan Changge retracted his gaze and shrugged, not caring too much. Time passed slowly. At this time, a few ordinary seven-star and ordinary eight-star warriors appeared sparsely, causing many people to exclaim at their strength. Among the freshmen, those who can reach the ordinary seven-star and eight-star are already considered strong warriors. "Here it comes! It's the Flowing Sword Ye Die!" Everyone looked at it, and saw a beautiful woman walking up to the stage. Her appearance made the young men's breath stagnate, and many women were envious.

The leading instructor nodded, and his eyes softened.

"Put your hand on it."

Ye Die nodded and put her hand on the machine.

"Nine stars in the ordinary level, excellent."

Listening to the voice of the machine, everyone was stunned and opened their mouths.

Originally, I heard that Ye Die was a warrior of the ordinary level of nine stars.

I thought it was a rumor, but now it seems to be a very real thing.

He has only practiced for a year, and he can reach the ordinary level of nine stars.

If he enters the sophomore year, his superb training talent and strong resource background will definitely make him soar to the sky.

Thinking of this, many people are extremely envious. You know, their realm is not superb.

"Not only that, Ye Die has a high talent for swordsmanship, and may be noticed by many instructors..."

"I'm so jealous, she's beautiful and strong."

"It would be great to have a girlfriend like this."

After seeing Ye Die's results, the three instructors nodded with satisfaction.

The leading instructor said: "Very good, Dongyang College needs talents like you."

"Thank you, elder."

Ye Die's mouth curled up, but there was no pride in her eyes, instead she glanced at the two people on the field.

Wei Kai and Shangguan Ling!

This time, it's her goal to surpass!

As Ye Die finished the test, many people were called.

But most of them were the same as before, either barely passing or not passing.

"Next, Wei Kai!"

The man whose name was called was a sturdy man.

Every step he took seemed to tremble, and everyone was extremely surprised by his strong body.

Afterwards, Wei Kai placed his big hand like a palm leaf fan on the machine.

"Nine stars in the ordinary level! Excellent!"

Seeing this result again, the three instructors couldn't help but shine in their eyes.

"Such a strong person who practices physical training will definitely achieve great things in the future!"

"I heard that Lao Guo is short of a student, and this guy can just fill a vacancy."

Wei Kai bowed deeply to the instructor, and walked off the stage without even looking at the people below the stage.

In his opinion, these people are not worth paying attention to.

After Wei Kai finished, many people took the test, and their results were sparse and ordinary.

"Next, Shangguan Ling!"

"Shangguan Ling is here!"

"I heard that he is the leader of the three geniuses! He must be a super nine-star!"

A blood shadow suddenly jumped out from the stage, and rushed to the center of the venue in the stunned state of the crowd.

Shangguan Ling calmly put his hand on the test machine.

"Nine-star peak of the ordinary level, extremely excellent."

The three instructors looked at each other and saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

He is really worthy of being the first genius among the freshmen!

He actually reached the peak of the ordinary level of nine stars.

He is probably only one step away from the wolf level.

"Next, the future of the academy depends on you!" The leading elder smiled.

Shangguan Ling's expression was stern: "We have no choice but to do it."

"Killing aliens and killing alien beasts is our mission."

"Good, good, good!" The instructors were extremely satisfied.

They were able to have such awareness.

The test continued, but the pass rate was getting lower and lower as time went on, and most of them were ordinary five-stars.

However, three geniuses had already been tested, and the elders didn't care much.

"The last one, Yan Changge!"

Yan Changge's eyes lit up.

Finally, he was called, and he was about to fall asleep!

Holding the wine pot in his hand, Yan Changge strode up.

However, the smell of alcohol on his body made the students around him give in.

Even the instructors frowned and became very unhappy.


He was still drinking?

The leading instructor couldn't help but feel a little angry.

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