Druid of Marvel

Chapter 399: You messed up

Alvin didn't quite understand the twists and turns of these agents, and there was no need to figure it out.

The current form is obvious. This Ethan Kant has used a very powerful "super battery" to bring trouble to his school. The degree of trouble depends on who wants the thing.

Looking at the unlucky ghost in front of him, Alvin shook his head and said, "It looks like you can't figure it out!

I think we should just have a press conference and make the performance indicators of this gadget public.

If necessary, I can also ask Tony Stark to issue an appraisal report for this gadget!

So I have no trouble! "

Ethan Hunt was puzzled by Alvin's idea of ​​this solution, and said with a grin: "Those people won't believe it unless they let them verify it. But this requires this battery."

Saying Yisen Hunt took a look at Dr. Yisen who had just operated on himself, and said, "Well ~ this doctor, eh ~ shouldn't it be a doctor? Why can he know about this battery, hm ~ how to say ,principle!"

Alvin hugged Dr. Ethan's shoulder with a smile, and looked down at Ethan Hante with contempt, saying, "In the world of learning tyrants, you don't understand the hard-working agents at all! Haha!

A scientist who has nominated the Nobel Prize in Physics, can you say that he can figure out the principle of this thing? "

Ethan Hunt looked dumbfounded and said, "Are you kidding me? A doctor of physics just operated on me?"

Alvin spread his hands with a smile, and said, "Look, I said, Dr. Ethan's technique is pretty good, just a little rough, haha!"

Ethan Hunt looked back at his bad ass, and said uncomfortably, "Okay! I hope they can grow well!"

Principal Alvin, can you give me my call? I have to ask what is going on here? I feel like I've been betrayed. "

Dr. Ethan glanced at Ethan Hunt and said impatiently: "It's clear that CIA people are either stupid or want to harm some people.

The metal "iridium" is the rarest metal in the world and few people know it.

Can you imagine someone following this battery, inferring the reaction formula, and then producing a battery of this type, what would happen? "

With that, Dr. Ethan looked at Alvin and made an explosion gesture, saying: "Without the metal" iridium ", it will generate heat and emit radiation. When it reaches the critical point, it will bang with a bang ~ "

Alvin took a step back, uncomfortably, and felt that the neuroscientist was too dangerous. The atom is good, you have to let it generate electricity for you.

Isn't it good to burn coal? What's wrong with it?

Will the atmosphere break a hole? Will the Arctic icebergs melt? Is the city smog? Do coal bosses need more money?

Looking at the battery in Dr. Ethan's hand, Alvin said uncertainly: "Brother, do you think it is appropriate to put this stuff under the school? In case something goes wrong, I will live in regret for life! "

Dr. Ethan sighed. He loved Alvin like this, where the life-threatening value of his life always came first. He never sold his life for some possible benefit.

Throwing the battery in his hand, Dr. Ethan said, "I think we should talk to the CIA, and this battery will be used as a reward for their harm to us. If we can get a little more metal" iridium ", We can forgive them. "

Ethan Hunt took his call and listened to Dr. Ethan's words. He felt like he was in a bandit's nest. Why would anyone want to blackmail the CIA no matter who is here? Is CIA a charity?

Ethan Khan dialed a phone number, and then reported a complicated number and password to the phone. At last the call was transferred to a man and he said, "Ethan, what's the matter? Has the battery recovered?"

Ethan Hunt glanced at Alvin and said to the phone, "I have a problem here. I want to know who is chasing me? And is that battery really important?

Or is it just a trap? "

The man on the other side of the phone froze, and Shen said, "Where are you now? Will I send someone to answer you and tell me the battery is in your hand?"

Ethan Hunt bit his back molars and said angrily, "Tell me what the **** is going on? I have reliable news that this battery is almost impossible to duplicate.

Someone wants to use it for what purpose!

Tell me, what the **** is going on? "

The man on the other side of the phone was silent and said, "Tell me how are you doing now? I will explain it to you."

Ethan Hunt finally understood something from the man's tone, he said angrily, "Tell me what the **** is going on? Now!

Otherwise don't you ever want to see that **** battery! "

The man on the other side of the phone was silent and sighed, saying: "It is Iran. The buyer of the battery will eventually be Iran. Our plan is to destroy Iran's nuclear test program.

Simon Fick didn't know that his battery couldn't be mass-produced at all, and he didn't even know what the metal we provided him was.

When the battery was stolen, he triggered the highest alarm in the lab, so he alarmed you!

Ethan, tell me where are you now? You are dangerous now! The only thing I can help you is to get out of this matter. "

Ethan Hunt gritted his teeth and said angrily, "How did they find me?"

The man on the other side of the phone was really stunned this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It took about a minute to say, "We didn't find you, we found the woman, and you threw the battery in his car It was filmed by a camera in a store.

Listen, Ethan! No matter what situation you are in now, you have to get away from it.

This is a big whirlpool. The CIA plans to use this battery to wipe out several underground arms dealers before selling the battery to Iran.

You know, for the truth ~~ This is the truth ~~ "

Ethan Hunt raised his body in anger and said loudly to the phone: "Real, many people will die for real! The more people die, the more valuable this battery will be.

You cracked down on arms dealers, destroyed Iran's nuclear industry, and finally made a lot of money.

But what about those who might die? FUCKYOU Alain Julien FUCKYOU! "

Alan Hullion on the other side of the phone said, "This is for the national interest! I want to save you now too! Tell me where you are? I arrange for someone to answer you!"

Ethan Hante smiled bitterly and said, "National interest? Hehe!

What about the woman and her child implicated in me? What about innocent people who could be implicated? "

Alan Hullion said more severely: "These are necessary sacrifices, and they have nothing to do with us.

Ethan, tell me where are you? You have to understand, I'm for you! You have to get rid of this matter quickly. "

Ethan Hunt sneered and said to the phone, "I'm in Hell's Kitchen. There is a community school here. Their principal is Alvin!

Alan, you guys seem to mess everything up!

I'm really happy! "

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