Druid of Marvel

Chapter 431: Rocky's plan

Alvin took a sip of cigar and watched Steve say, "Brother, it's your turn! Tell me about the Japanese woman and the pighead. I can't believe you're interested in this kind of thing!

And why did the little turtles get involved? "

Steve shook his head and said with a grin, "Epper is their friend Leonardo, and the little turtles volunteered to help.

Eppel happened to capture a strange rhino head monster. She thought it was big news, so she kept tracking the rhino head.

As a result, she found a strange gangster. They used a strange potion to turn a person into an animal, and then they used them to do a lot of bad things. "

Alvin frowned, took a sip of the cigar, and said, "I have seen this kind of thing, we call them" beastified humans ", but most of the things I have encountered have no sense. The ones you follow are obviously Fairly sophisticated.

What did you find? Where is their old nest? Who is leading? "

Steve shook his head and said, "They claim to be big gangsters, and they haven't found where their headquarters are currently.

Last night was a good opportunity. We could wipe out the power of Bigfoot on the bright side.

I ended up being messed up by Harry and Peter! "

I said Steve shook his head and smiled and said, "This kid is a disaster ~~

And that Alexei, he probably drank that strange potion before he became what he is now.

However, his mind is still sober, and it doesn't look too different from others. I guess there must be something strange in what he drank.

日本 That Japanese woman tried to get it yesterday, indicating that it is precious! "

Alvin doesn't like this kind of puzzle-like things, and he doesn't like the way of turning people into monsters.

Perhaps this so-called Bigfoot is the mastermind behind those beastly humans studied by Dr. Conners, otherwise Alvin can't imagine how such a coincidence would happen.

Turning people into animals is not something a scientist can do with a formula.

Now this matter has caused huge losses because of Peter's trouble.

Alvin decided to take the matter down, Norman Osborne was responsible for losing money, and he was responsible for digging out this big foot, and quickly put an end to this unlucky thing.

Alvin thought for a moment and said, "I will let Kevin use the New York surveillance system to track the Japanese woman.

Steve, this time we take it a bit more seriously and use the **** kitchen approach!

Apel is just a journalist, there is no need to get involved in this matter.

You know, the Hell's Kitchen approach might be a bit violent. Keeping the girls a bit far away should be a good choice. "

Steve thought about it, nodded, and said, "I'll talk to Apple. She's been desperate lately.

To be honest, she has my responsibility in her bad situation now, I just want to help her! "

Alvin shook his head and smiled and said, "But I think you have used the wrong method. She is a reporter. You should help her find some news instead of accompany her to risk as she does now.

I can see that Apple has a sense of justice, but many things cannot be solved by a reporter at all.

Now you can help him. Without you, I guess she might not live too long, maybe they will even affect the little turtles.

Reporters are really troublesome! Especially American journalists!

Dude, I think you will have a hard time in the future, but you are Steve Rogers, and you shouldn't mind, right? "

Steve shook his head helplessly and said, "What do you think I should do?

I need to help her. Now she can only host some stupid location news reports. I hope she can become the gold location reporter again. "

Alvin shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "You can ask Stark for help. He bought a TV station. If it doesn't work, you can ask Apple to work for another TV station."

Steve smiled and waved his hand and said, "I'm more willing to use actions to help Apple get a better job.

She is a real journalist, and her ultimate goal in life is a Pulitzer Prize for journalism.

Changing a TV station doesn't make much sense to her, what she needs is news! "

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "So has she caught the big news now?

能 Can the things she photographed be sent?

If she sends out what happened last night, Director Becket will be out of luck! Alexei killed so many people and wrecked so much damage, now he is released!

Brother Xi, you'd better advise her. If she is doing news to satisfy her inner sense of justice, we can help him achieve it together.

If she only wants to be one of New York's most famous journalists, I think she can come to report exclusively on the "Death Rider" contest in Hell's Kitchen.

In the past, Teji made illegal broadcasts too crude. Raymond told me before that now our "good friend" Donald Depp is willing to help legalize our game.

We need some publicity channels and manpower, and Apple is very suitable. A journalist who dares to go deep into Hell's Kitchen to report the most exciting racing race in the world, she will be remembered by people all over New York. "

Steve froze, touching his chin with a wry smile, and shook his head. He understood that the things that Apple had taken before could not be put on the air.

Otherwise, not only is Chief Beckett in trouble, Alexey is in trouble, Harry and Peter are also in trouble.

Alvin may not care about putting the Hell's Kitchen in the sun, and he never hides himself deliberately.

But bringing trouble to other people, just to gain fame and attention, this is a bit selfish and meaningless!

Which big foot is dead! Just let them be buried in the ground quietly!

Steve lit the cigar, took a sip, found an old-fashioned cell phone, thought about it, and called Apple.

"Hi ~ dear! I talked with Alvin for a while. Maybe you haven't sent anything you shot recently! Do I need to tell you why?"

Uh ...............

"Don't be sad! At least those bad guys were discovered by you, we have decided to kill them directly now. You see, you actually did a good deed!"

Uh ...............

"Um ~~ I will tell you the final result!

还要 I also want to tell you the good news. The final of the Death Race of Hell's Kitchen is about to begin. It takes a courageous reporter to cover this world's most exciting racing competition.

Are you interested? Apple reporter? "

Uh ...............

Alvin looked at Steve and Apple's **** for a long time, shaking his head and not talking. This guy is really very helpful to women, and he is indeed a caring and capable man.

Steve looked at Alvin's strange gaze, shrugged with a smile, and said with a smile, "Why look at me like this?"

Alvin laughed and said, "You reversed my impression of a soldier.

Hey man, it looks like you are very good with women. I think a "fossil" guy doesn't understand these at all.

Uh ...............

The Mullo base station is next to a floor-to-ceiling window in the top office of the Sesco Building in New York. He is holding a glass of red wine in his hand and smilingly watching the bustling scene of New York.

消 A thin, middle-aged man standing behind him, also holding a glass of red wine in his hand, standing there silently, his eyes were a bit dull.

Rocky took a sip of red wine, and seemed to be a bit dissatisfied. He said, "Secco, how is your" virus "research and development?

You need to speed up a bit! "

I said Rocky glanced at the sky, and said coldly, "Somebody can't wait!"

瘦 Secco, who has a thin body and a grim expression, said, "You told me that you need to wait for the time. Is it the time you said?

My "virus" antidote is not ready, it may take a long time to develop.

The few turtles are the key. Without their serum, my "virus" can only be an irreversible chronic lethal virus.

Our goal is to rule the world, and everything I do without antidote is meaningless! "

Rocky put a mocking smile on his lips and said, "I have had the best opportunity recently!

老 An old devil made a mistake. My father and a very powerful mage will go to him for trouble.

I am waiting, waiting for the moment when the earth is most vulnerable! That opportunity is coming soon! "

He said, Rocky glanced at Sesco, and said, "You just need to distract some people for me.

That person is very emotional, and kidnapping the little turtles should be of some use. "

Sesco was silent for a few seconds and said, "You once said not to provoke that Alvin and the school. Why do you agree with me now?"

Rocky glanced at Sesco, and suddenly a golden spear appeared in his hand, and he put it on Sesco's chest, sneer and said, "You are such a strong-willed person, few people can get rid My control. You did it!

多 How long have you used it? One week, one month? "

Sesco's eyes were covered with a blue-gray, and he said blankly, "Three days after you left, it took me three days to get rid of the magic you applied to me!"

Rocky squinted and stared at Sesco for a long time, and suddenly said admiringly, "You are very good! When I rule the earth, maybe you will be a good helper.

Now what you have to do is take that idiot "Samurai" and get all of my "Iridium" back, try by the way to make a little trouble for that guy!

It's easy for a person to stun SHIELD, but that person is hard to deal with. "

He said Rocky's spear in his hand was on his face reflected from the floor window, and said softly, "I like to make trouble!

Especially I am jealous of him now, why does everyone like him? Respect him? Fear him?

I have nothing ~~

Maybe a disaster ahead of time would be a good choice! Your virus is perfect! "

Sesco lowered his head expressionlessly, listening to Loki's crazy plans, his eyes suddenly struggling.

Jenseko is a bioscientist who runs a large biopharmaceutical company. The "beastified human" potion was an unexpected result of a researcher at his company more than a decade ago.

His earliest plan was to research and develop a biological virus ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to create a biochemical disaster, and then bring the "antidote" to the front of the stage with the savior, to obtain the rights, money and what he wanted all.

But the researcher found his purpose, so he destroyed all the research materials and tried to call the police. Sesco killed him.

These weren't important, but later Sesco discovered that the most important secret of the virus's antidote was hidden in the "beastized human" potion.

He spent ten years trying to restore the formula of the potion, but with little success. The current "beastized human" medicine can only produce some very unstable beastized humans, which is far from the earliest medicine.

Until he found the strange green turtles, Sesco felt he had found the key to success.

Unfortunately, a "mage" found Sneijder, and found him through Sneijder, everything was messed up!

There was a mysterious group of mysterious people interested in the "beastizing man" potion, and they found Cesco's men Sned. They exchanged the formula for the "beast-human" potion with several strange but very effective stabilizers.

Sesco thought he had found the best solution, but unfortunately the "mage" found him along Sneijder.

Sesco himself injected himself with a beastly human medicine produced with a stabilizer, but his chosen creature was special.

This gives him a chance to fight this "mage", he is waiting for an opportunity.


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