Druid of Marvel

Chapter 623: "Hit" and "kill"

Peter stood on a flower bed that should have been pretty beautiful, one hand on Harry's shoulder, and said in surprise, "Are you saying that the Chinese people are so powerful?

I feel this guy is even better than the boss! One punch punched through the chest of the gluttony demon, can this really be done by normal humans? "

Harry also stared at a dark-eyed dark-haired man with a stunned mouth and murmured in his mouth, "I have to get Qi to teach me kung fu and see that guy, why do I always think Steve's Boxing is very bad! "

The "red stick" thugs of several Chinese gangsters formed a large encirclement, encircling Shangqi and a rough-looking Biaohan. Among them, several "red sticks" covered various positions on their bodies. Seems to be hurt.

The upper gas spirit was naked, and he waved his fists extremely aggressively to knock a gluttony demon down and fly a great distance. The enemies who had to fight their injuries a few days ago to solve them suddenly seem to be less difficult to cope with.

A glance at the demon fell to the ground, and he was dissatisfied and chased up and chopped his neck. Gluttony's stout neck, like juicy sugar cane, was trampled in the other direction, a thick spine pierced from his skin, and a lot of blood and suspicious liquid sprayed around.

Rough looking tall man, raised his thumbs at qi, and said with a chuckle: "We are following a path, you are better than me in terms of skills! It looks like your master is a real master!"

Glancing at the demon corpse lying on the ground around him, he looked admirably at the tall man and said, "You are the most powerful guy I have ever seen. I can't do what you can do!

What is your name?

Why do I think your fists are stronger than mine?

If this is the reason for the force technique, what you say is stronger than you is ironic! "

The tall man smiled and shook his head, saying, "My name is Yan Shuangying!

In fact, I can only be regarded as a wild road, your play is more advanced than mine!

Our gap is not in the skills, but in the experience. It is difficult for me to express this kind of thing clearly!

But if you have experienced enough battles, you will understand!

Kung Fu is always hit, and if you hit more, you will know where your fist should go! "

Said Yan Shuangying glanced around at himself and the gangster "red sticks" who were angry, said with a sneer: "Get away! You are not needed here!"

Why do n’t you guys go down the street and see if you can hack some more red-skinned monsters? "

A strong thug with a whisker covering his chest, looked at Yan Shuangying angrily and said, "The situation today is special, but since you have left the name, our account will be calculated slowly! Yan Shuangying , I remember you!

Chinatown is the site of the "Huaqing Gang", you have stepped over the border! "

Hearing that the rat whisker threatened Yan Shuangying, he frowned and turned to look at him, and said, "It's all fellow villagers, what kind of enmity, what kind of resentment?"

The mouse whisker seemed to know the qi, and when he heard the qi's question, he pondered a little, and said, "We are doing our best to hang the red skin monster, and this guy came up and killed my brothers.

You said, what should I do? "

Shangqi didn't know exactly what happened. When he came before, the whole Chinatown was chaotically disrupted by demons. The Yan Shuangying was killing the ring at the time, and he couldn't help but added his thoughts.

Hearing the "complaint" of the gangsters, it made He slightly hesitant.

If you switch to the past, who cares what you say to a gangster? What does your death have to do with me? Gangsters are basically bad guys. There must be some mistakes in killing them all, but it is too much to kill half of them!

However, since staying with Alvin for a long time, the effort has not improved much, and his character has really stabilized a lot.

Without a clear understanding of the situation, he arbitrarily reached out and nosy, this stupid thing is no longer what he would do now! He had learned lessons and was impressed!

However, Shangqi really admired the Yan Shuangying too much, this was the "rival" he dreamed of.

Looking at the expression of Yan Shuangying, she thought about it and said, "Maybe you can leave here!

After all, this is the site of the "Huaqing Gang". I don't know why you did it, but it is not a "pretty thing" to attack your fellow people when disaster strikes! "

Yan Shuangying shook his head indifferently, looked at the rat-beard man, and said, "You should ask what your" brothers "have done?

I don't care what place, what disaster is coming, I only know that they are oppressing their fellow citizens!

They were abolished just because I happened to meet them, it had nothing to do with the timing, I just happened to be free!

"Huaqing Gang"? Is it amazing?

You know my name, then what?

I'm here. You can come to me. In fact, I'm more willing to kill you!

I like the feeling of killing you, very happy! "

Saying Yan Shuangying looked at his face with a serious look of anger, and said with a smile, "You now know how my kung fu came?"

It was almost instinctive that I believed Yan Shuangying's words. This is a person who disdains to lie. He said those people should be punished, then those people must have done something bad.

As for whether those people should be dying or disabled, I don't know if I'm angry, and I don't want to know. Isn't it basic common sense to get mixed up?

Facing the strength of Yan Shuangying, the rat-bearded man bit his teeth and gave Yan Shuangying a stern glance, then looked at the ambition that he obviously wanted to stand on the side of Yan Shuangying, and finally he only beckoned angrily And left here with his men.

This Yan Shuangying is nothing, and it's nothing to get angry, but the Alvin behind it is too scary.

It's a guy who holds the **** kitchen in his hand!

Where is hell's kitchen? That's the stop of **** in the world, where the gathering of evil spirits!

The target of the former New York underground king, King and Power, "Target Eye", now dare not even step into the Hell's Kitchen with one foot, for fear he will be killed!

Anyone who has a little relationship with the gangster in New York knows, don't go to Hell's Kitchen Alvin's attention!

Now, Shangqi, the "waiter" under Alvin's hands, is here. The rat-bearer feels that he has to change and think carefully no matter what he does!

I looked up at the rat-beard man who left here angrily, looked at Yan Shuangying with some uncertainty and said, "I don't know why you targeted them, but I think you should still have the energy, let's fight A circle.

One of my guys drove the demon over!

This time we kill more than anyone else, kill faster! "

Yan Shuangying glanced at Peter and Harry, who were obviously children, and nodded indifferently, saying, "I'm casual, these things are quite fun!

There is no need for the competition. I said that although we are a way, there is a big difference in the way we practice!

On the truth of "hitting", I am not necessarily your opponent, but on "killing", you are definitely not my opponent! "

Furiously frowning at the "arrogant" Yan Shuangying, he said, "What do you mean?

What's the difference between our practice methods? "

Peter came up curiously, he walked up to the side of Qi, and curiously looked at the tall Yan Shuangying, saying, "Is there any difference in the practice? Why is there so much attention in the Chinese martial arts?"

Yan Shuangying glanced at Peter and Harry, and frowned at Shangqi, "Who are these two little foreigners? Are they mature?"

Peter and Harry looked angry and "scorned" at Peter and Harry, and said to Yan Shuangying with a smile: "They are my companions!

You definitely do n’t know how to surf the Internet. I guess you do n’t even watch TV, otherwise you wo n’t know them.

But it doesn't matter, you can "know" each other in a while, my buddy is driving the devil! "

Said angry, pointing at the roof of an apartment in the distance, Wesley was using the old gun called "Jessica's Fist" to drive a mixed group of dozen demons towards here!

In the face of the demonic team close at hand, she looked up at Yan Shuangying without nervousness and said, "I can probably guess what you said, what is the difference between us!

But can you elaborate? Is there really such a big difference between "hit" and "kill"? "

Yan Shuangying faced the demon team that came from the shock. He moved his shoulders sturdyly, then picked up a thick-backed machete from the ground, waved it, turned his neck, and broke into the demon's team with a fierce fit .

With a knife, he cut a devil's neck in half, and Yan Shuangying said with a smile, "I hit it, you got it!"

I will use all the favorable conditions to fight, if I can "kill" I will not consider "injury".

You are different from me!

Although you obviously have a powerful weapon and just don't use it, it makes me feel stupid, but I know this is the challenge you are looking for for yourself!

This proves that you are a martial artist and your ceiling is much higher than mine! "

As Yan Shuangying faced the encirclement of the demon, he turned around and urged a fierce counterattack, opened a gluttony demon, and then said, "I can" kill ", but I cannot" beat ", you should understand The reason for this!

Come on! Are you going to let Laozi deal with so many Redskins alone? "

Peter popped a spider thread to entangle a demon and pulled it out of balance. He tried not to look at the miserable look of the demolished demon and turned his head to Harry and said strangely: "I I think he can fight! This guy doesn't look honest at all, or is this the strange "humility" of the Chinese?

For example, they would call their son "dog son", and they would describe their villa as "broken house".

I heard that guys who talk like this are amazing!

Hmm ~ Either rich or powerful culturally! "


Alvin grinned and rubbed Nick's head, smiled and turned him in one direction, and pushed gently, saying, "My office is now yours, with little Ginny and your partner, Oh, and the SHIELD Volunteers to organize the "wish list"!

This will be your most meaningful "event" this year! "

Saying Alvin kissed Ginny's cheering face and said with a smile: "Come on! Angel needs action, I will leave you a good position for an assistant!"

Dr. Banner came to Alvin's side nervously and said hesitantly: "I have to leave. Stark invited me to him. It is said that he found something strange!"

Alvin looked at the nervous Dr. Banner in a funny way and shook his head with a smile. "Don't be nervous. I'm not a prison here. Your freedom is where you want to go!"

And I don't think you seem to be so angry. As long as you manage your emotions, I think you can live like a normal person! "

Dr. Banner shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "In fact, I want to apply for a position here.

Hmm ~ I have six PhDs. I think I can do some teaching work. "

Alvin looked at Dr. Banner's expression, hesitated, and finally shook his head in regret. "Maybe not. Although I think your temper is good, I can't take the risk of the children's lives!"

You know how destructive that big greenskin in your body is!

I have no opinion on you, but it is extremely irresponsible for you to stay with the children until you can control yourself! "

Dr. Banner nodded disappointed, pouting helplessly and turned to leave here, Alvin's words made him uncomfortable, a guy who couldn't control himself seemed to be destined for a normal life.

Alvin frowned and looked at Dr. Banner, who was leaving, and said, "What are you doing?

You have to listen to what I have said. The school ground is not suitable for you, but we also have a basement, which is now the site of Dr. Ethan. If you are interested, you can try it there!

Aleksey, a gun dealer in the Hell's Kitchen, was there to cure the "love" problem, and you may also find a way to control yourself. "

Dr. Banner looked back at Alvin with an incredible look, and said, "So, am I hired?"

Alvin looked at Dr. Banner, who was surprised ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and said with a smile: "It's a temporary worker! You don't have too much demand for salary, right?

After all, our school's budget is limited! The average annual salary for non-teaching positions will not exceed $ 80,000! "

Saying Alvin watching Dr. Banner's bad dress, he smiled and said, "You look like you are not in the position of teacher! At least you have to make yourself a decent dress!

One more thing, what brand is your underwear?

Why don't you order a set of clothes for yourself? "

It is not too embarrassing for Dr. Banner to be teased. He is now very happy, and it is too difficult to find a suitable place to "accept" himself!

That SHIELD was still a good choice, but now it looks like it's better here!

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