Druid of Marvel

Chapter 73: Jessica's fist

Alvin looked funny at the legendary Captain America and Nick discussing the football tactics in earnest, and the picture was very happy.

I guess Steve was just dug up. Steve wasn't familiar with the rules and tactics of modern football. He was dizzy and talked about by Nick, a broken-mouthed kid. He even wanted to borrow a piece of paper to write down what Nick said.

The old Kent next to him looked at Steve in contempt and said, "Brother, are you a primitive man? You don't even know the rules. You don't even know that there are four offenses. You want to apply for a community school coach?

Do you know, we are the team to win the championship next year, man, do you think? "

Steve was a little embarrassed by the old Kent, saying: "I also think that maybe I want to learn, we didn't have such complicated rules and tactics at that time."

The old Kent gave him a white look and said, "What you said is like an unearthed cultural relic. How old are you, man? Are you 35? I'm 65, and I know more than you."

Alvin interrupted the old Kent's voicing and smiled at Steve: "Ignore the two of them. According to their ideas, I have to hire a professional coach in the NFL.

But wanting to be a football coach in our school is not simple. You must be a graduate of at least undergraduate. You must be able to stare at the energetic boys and let them finish their homework. They have to pass the exam.

Last semester was Zach's stupid big man who passed the test and failed to reach the final. Otherwise there should be a championship trophy in my office. "

Steve looked at Alvin in doubt, and said, "Isn't tactics important? What do you mean by being a football coach, you have to care about the test results of the players?"

Alvin laughed and said, "Man, this is the Hell's Kitchen! Those boys are full of love for all the fierce movements!

Those actions that can get them to jail on the street can get everyone's cheers on the court!

Our current defensive captain's nickname is "landlord", which means that if you want to move forward, you have to pay the price. He entered the 12th grade in September this year and has been followed by several universities.

As a school football coach, you just need to find a reliable quarterback. Then you can shout at them like a fan, rush, rush, rush, just fine. Don't worry about the tactics, it's the girls' stuff! "

Alvin looked at the contemptuous look of Nick and Old Kent. In the worship eyes of Ginny, he patted Steve's shoulders with care and said, "So, Steve, you want to coach the football team. I am Welcome, but do you have a diploma? Otherwise you will be struggling, because those idiots can't figure out their homework. "

Steve thought for a while and said, "Man, I'm not a big talker. I think if it's only the knowledge in the 12th grade, I think I have no problem.

My diploma, I went back and asked if I could return from the Metropolitan Museum. Remember, I ’m Steve Rogers, hahaha ~ "

Nick rubbed old Kent with his arm and said softly, "This guy will pay for what he says, I say!"

Old Kent patted Nick's head and said with a smile: "Don't learn Alvin to talk, you little bastard, your dad is going crazy, I often see him calling your math teacher on the roadside, asking What to do with your homework.

听说 I heard that Frank graduated from LA University, how could he not be sure of your homework? "

Alvin shook his head, looked at Steve, and said, "Dude, if you are really interested, in September, you can come to school as an assistant coach to try, don't be stressed!"

Steve nodded earnestly, reached out and gave Alvin a firm grip, and said, "No problem, this is very interesting to me, and more interesting than the work others have introduced to me!"

Alvin is very clear, Steve is a real patriot, a real hero, when the world is in danger, it is difficult to sit idly by and ignore it.

Especially when he knew that Hydra still existed in this world. The most important thing he did in his life was to bury Hydra in the soil. If he knew that his greatest achievement was a lie, he would have a hard time sitting still and leaving it alone.

But who cares? If a football coach can make his spare time a little happier, why not?

The atmosphere is very pleasant, if Stark does not have a phone call!

"This is Alvin." Alvin answered the phone.

Stark on the other side of the phone panicked and said anxiously: "Alvin, come and help, Pepper is kidnapped by Opadry. Opadry stole my Mark 1 design drawings and made a more big.

You have to come and help me, or Pepper won't be saved! "

Alvin hung up the phone, smiled at Steve, and said, "I'm really busy today, I'm sorry my man, I have to go there and turn back and ask Old Kent to call you a car, be careful on the way . "

Steve nodded and asked, "Do you need my help? Maybe I can do something!"

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "No need, some minor trouble, I can get it done soon."

Alvin said, giving Steve a punch, "Man, you retired, do you remember? If I were you, I would have nothing to go through the high school textbooks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's not easy, believe I!"

Steve touched his beard and said with a smile: "I'm starting to get nervous when I say what you say, I will listen to your suggestions. Haha!"

Uh ...............

By the time Alvin drove the borrowed car to the Stark Building, half an hour had passed.

When Alvin got out of the car, he saw that the two iron men were in a ball. Stark's flamboyant Mark 2 was hammered badly because the opponent's steel armor was a third larger than hiss. Each punch of the opponent can make the sound of metal deformation that listens to the acid.

局长 Director George is leading a crowd of policemen to evacuate the crowd.

Another group of people in black suits are also helping out. There is a person familiar with Alvin, Natasha Normanov. It seems they are from SHIELD.

Alvin, who was against the flow of people, was quickly discovered by Director George. He rushed over and called to Alvin, "What are you doing here to make fun? I have just controlled the scene."

Alvin looked scornfully at Chief George, saying: "Stark called for me to help and Pepper was kidnapped."

局长 Director George looked at the two iron men who were playing together, glanced at Alvin, and said, "Help? What can you do for help? This is not the kind of beast that is afraid of light.

What do you use to stop them?

Just use this old antique in your hand? "

Director George looked disdainfully at Alvin's old Winchester lever rifle that should be in the museum.

Alvin patted the old gun in his hand, looked at Chief George with a smile, and said, "Don't look down on it. It's called Jessica's fist. It's very fierce.

And the good or bad gun is the ability of the user, isn't it? "

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