Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 188 Fudge Dafa (14/14 for subscription)

Chapter 188 Fudge Dafa (1414 for subscription)

He rushed over with great fanfare, only to catch an actor.

The culprit, Killian, blew himself up and saw only a puff of smoke.

This made Tony really angry.

Turning the villa upside down, Tony directly destroyed all the materials, equipment and instruments here.

In his eyes, such things as the Extremis Virus should not exist. He created this demon with his own hands, and he must destroy it with his own hands.

Colonel Rhodes directly contacted the military, and the place will soon be taken over by the military.

Tony, Rhodes, and Oakes all wondered what they would do if the military found any traces of the Extremis virus.

They dismissed the irrelevant people in the villa, and captured all Killian's subordinates. Of course, the "Mandarin" would inevitably go to jail.

But Tony was clearly still in deep doubt.

"Rhode, a few months ago, during the battle in New York..."

He paused, and suddenly found that he had no feeling for the word "New York".

"Well, during the war in New York, didn't you say that you were attacking the Ten Rings Gang in Hong Kong?"

Rhodes nodded upon hearing the words:

"Indeed, but right now there's no way to be sure that the Ten Ring Gang has anything to do with this... Well, what is the relationship between the actors, no, it should be related to A.I.M."

"That is to say..."

"'Mandarin' is not equal to the Ten Ring Gang."

Oakes spoke, and he vaguely remembered that the actor Trevor Slattery should have been taken away by the real "Mandarin" in prison.

He looked at Tony and Rhodes, whose faces became extremely serious, and spread his hands:

"You know that I am very interested in the history and myths and legends of various places... and the Ten Rings Gang, if you investigate deeply, you will also find out."

"The Ten Rings Gang is a mysterious force that has been passed down for a long time, and their leaders are even more mysterious. Many incredible events in history are related to them."

Oakes glanced at the fearless Trevor who was lying on the deck chair leisurely drinking beer, and chuckled lightly:

"His performance is indeed using the banner of the Ten Rings Gang... So, this may anger some very dangerous guys."

"You mean the real 'Mandarin', the leader of the Ten Ring Gang?"

Tony narrowed his eyes slightly. Indeed, A.I.M. was obviously not involved in what happened in Iraq. He searched through their database just now, but he didn't get any clues about it.

"It seems that I still have a lot to do."


Back on the Nature Guardian, Tony called Maya Hansen and told her the outcome of the battle.

"Thank you, Tony."

When Maya learned of Killian's fate, she seemed to have realized it:

"You know, when Dr. Oakes showed his powerful healing ability for the first time, I also thought about asking him for help."

She glanced at Oakes who was standing aside, and smiled wryly:

"But his company is promoting mechanical prosthetics, and I know he can't do anything about regenerative-level human restoration of severed limbs—

He has helped many people, but I have wasted more than ten years, but I have harmed so many people. "

"It is indeed a beautiful wish to regenerate a severed limb."

Oakes shook his head:

"But it's far beyond what the human body should be capable of, and it's only natural to have huge side effects.

As a biologist, I have a lot of experience in the transformation of plants, but I have been slow to start with animals..."

Tony gave him a blank look, aren't you responsible for those two little pets in your house? !

"Cough... Well, in short, from my professional point of view, this virus is reorganized on the premise of destroying the human body structure, so if the body is not suitable, the structure cannot be reorganized after the structure collapses, and the energy will go berserk , resulting in an explosion."

Naturally, Oakes would not let go of the research on the Extremis virus, but the difference is that he directly used natural magic to study it.

The corpse of Savin, Killian's subordinate, is the best research material.

"This has already violated the basic law of biological existence, but there is no additional energy benefit.

Even at the level of Killian and Savin, they are in danger of exploding at any time——

Moreover, their lifespan is also burning, but they don't know it. "

"Really... It seems that I was wrong from the beginning..."

Maya sighed and closed her eyes:

"The world's last Extremis virus information is in my head, kill me, so that no one will know this secret!"

Tony and Oakes looked at each other and snorted:

"I leave it to you, you are good at this."

"I think the captain is better at it."

"Him? Come on! I can see the inspirational endorsement ads he accepts everywhere, and I'm about to vomit!"

Tony complained, and Oakes scratched his hair helplessly:

"...Well, Dr. Maya, in layman's terms, trying to redeem yourself alive is more difficult than dying, isn't it?"

Maya opened her eyes:

"Atonement? How can I atone for my sin?"

"Join my oak environmental technology company."

Oakes held out his hand to her:

"You should know my philosophy, to protect and restore the earth's ecological circle, so that human beings can survive on the earth for a long time.

Relying on my own strength, although I am very confident that we will spread the green all over the earth... but one more excellent colleague will undoubtedly further speed up our pace! "

"Atmosphere, soil, fresh water, ocean, desert, all kinds of human activities produce enormous pollution.

Vegetation destruction, soil erosion, ecological imbalance and even climate disaster...

What we face is not only the threat of terrorists, but also nature's most ruthless but fair revenge on us. "

"All of this is a problem that must be solved to restore the ecosystem——

Interested in redeeming yourself with this? DNA biocoding expert? "

"...It turns out that there are so many things I can do, but I have been turning a blind eye..."

Maya was silent, but her eyes became brighter and brighter.

The problems that Oakes said, the technology she has mastered have great potential for development.

After a long time, she took a deep breath:

"I see. I join your company, Dr. Oakes."

Maya held Oakes' hand with a firm expression:

"I will use actions to atone for my sin!"

"Welcome to join us. We have many plants, ranging from trees to small algae transformation technologies and achievements. I hope they can give you greater inspiration."

Oakes raised his eyebrows, and looked at Tony, who was curling his lips:

"The matter of Dr. Maya and A.I.M.... just ask you to take care of it?"

"You can do it yourself! Give Fury a call!"

Tony turned his head to go:

"My basement is about to be cleaned out, and it's Christmas, and I'm going to spend Christmas with Pepper!"

"Anthracene...the fountain of vitality...by the way, that master surgeon already has the right conditions for the operation.

I also seem to happen to be able to heal chest digging and things like that..."

"OK, OK..."

Tony turned around helplessly:

"Ten bottles, arrange surgery before New Year's Day, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

"make a deal!"

PS: There are still chapters starting from zero, chapter 15 on the 15th!

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