Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 278 The Asian Branch of the Society of Benevolence and Virtue

Chapter 278 The Asian Branch of the Society of Benevolence and Virtue

"President Oakes, the miracle you brought has solved our current and long-term urgent needs!"

In the hybrid rice research center, academician Yuan, director Xu Oakes, Zhang Shuren, and the official representative from the capital, "Director Zheng", were sitting in the conference room.

Although I don't know which official department this Director Zheng represents, but his words are effective and he has the right to report directly to the central government, which is enough to show how much the authorities attach importance to the matter that Oakes wants to talk about this time.

"We have conducted the most detailed analysis of the samples brought by Secretary-General Zhang in advance. The Fengrao series super wheat can be called the greatest wheat variety since the advent of semi-dwarf wheat!"

Academician Yuan did not hesitate to praise Oakes for his evaluation.

Oakes has always used standard Mandarin to communicate with everyone, which made everyone have a rare intimacy with him.

"Father of the Green Revolution" - Norman Borlaug, who founded the "shuttle breeding method", is a famous American agricultural scientist, plant pathologist, and genetic breeding expert.

In the 1950s, he bred high-yielding, rust-resistant wheat varieties, and successfully bred semi-dwarf wheat with disease resistance, fertilizer tolerance, high yield, and wide adaptability, which greatly increased wheat production.

Its achievements are estimated to have fed a billion people and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970.

Even at the age of 71, he was working on increasing food production in African countries.

At the same time, Mr. Borlaug is also a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

"It's a pity that Mr. Borlaug passed away in 2009, but the success of the 'Plenty' series is indeed standing on his shoulders."

Oakes nodded with emotion. The official has done a rigorous test and passed all aspects of the Fengrao series. The efficiency is very high.

"As for the whimsical ideas of the 'Foundations' series, it is a feat that we never thought of."

Director Xu is full of smiles. This wonderful planting method is equivalent to expanding the limited high-quality cultivated land several times out of thin air!

What is this concept?

Even with the existing domestic grain varieties, the output can be increased several times!

And the burden on infrastructure construction such as irrigation is infinitely close to zero!

Excellent domestic scientists can even fine-tune it according to local conditions to adapt to a more subdivided landform environment!

Oakes raised his eyebrows, then patted the tree man on the shoulder:

"To tell you the truth, I first paid attention to the moss of the environmental treatment type, which is the 'ablation' series of organic matter degradation moss.

But Zhang discovered the new possibility of this "lowest higher plant", and proposed to use it to transform the environment——

That's why the "Foundation" series came into being, and this name was also named by Zhang himself. "

"Oh? Hahaha! Good!"

Everyone obviously just heard the news, and Academician Yuan even laughed out loud:

"Secretary-General Zhang, I'll ask you to call you Xiao Zhang... Well done!"

"Yuan Lao beat me!"

Zhang Shuren hurriedly stood up, there are big bosses here, he has the lowest status, although he has the position of secretary-general of the Rendehui, he is still a graduate student no matter what.

"Hehe... sit, sit... Xiao Zhang, your achievements are enough to become a role model for countless young people to learn from."

Academician Yuan, like many people, heard about Zhang Shuren for the first time after he learned about the astounding feat done by the "Benevolence Society" in the Battle of New York.

When he learned that the hometown of this foreign student was actually the location of his experimental field, he found that the authorities were already paying attention to this foreign student.

How rare it is for a native to be favored by a powerful avenger, the official is very clear.

"In fact, because of Zhang's outstanding performance in Rendehui and his academic excellence, Columbia University has allowed him to conduct research work in our own laboratory."

Oakes' words made everyone look at each other in blank dismay. Before they could react, Oakes said seriously:

"Everyone, especially Director Zheng, should be very clear that our Rende Society has established branches on four continents——

The American Branch in New York, USA, which is our original headquarters;

The European branch in London, UK, was completed half a year ago;

The African branch in Wakanda officially started construction a month ago;

The Oceania Chapter in Melbourne, Australia officially confirmed the location of the venue a week ago. "

Director Zheng's face also became serious. He hadn't expressed much opinion, but actually the most important thing for him was what Oakes would say next.

"Then in my plan, the Asian branch, which is even more important than the American branch, is the top priority of my visit this time."

He glanced at Old Academician Yuan and Director Xu, and whispered a number that made everyone look pale:

"526 million people, two-thirds of the world's hungry, live in Asia.

The environmental and vegetation problems in Asia are far more serious than those in other continents.

Our eyes are all over the world from the beginning, so I want to make sure that the countries where I set up the Asian chapter can support my ideas.

Chapters on five continents focus on corresponding continents, not a certain country. I need to clarify this in the country where the chapter is established. "

"...Let's take our leave."

Academician Yuan sighed softly, and the 85-year-old old man slowly stood up and greeted his assistant:

"Xiao Xu, let's go out first... This number is really too big, it makes our achievements look worthless..."

"Old Yuan, without you, this number would be even more terrifying."

Director Xu signaled slightly to Director Zheng, Oakes, and Zhang Shuren with a solemn face, and went out with Yuan Lao.

For the next thing, they need to negotiate a result on the sensitive part here before they can continue.

"Let me ask."

Director Zheng nodded slightly, and after the two of them went out, he pondered for a moment and asked for the first time:

"In other continents, President Oaks, have you received the promises from the corresponding countries?"

"In Africa, Wakanda has promised.

In Europe, the British royal family also promised and awarded me an honorary knighthood... probably they are afraid that I will go to Ireland next door. "

Director Zheng smiled comprehensibly, and Oakes pointed at the table with one finger:

"In Australia, I sent a branch president with a lot of background to negotiate with them——

Our security director, Captain America, and Ms. Carter personally 'escorted' the niece, so they also agreed--

After all, they follow the American spirit. "


Director Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly, Oakes spread his hands:

"As for the United States, unfortunately, I am also a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, given the prestige of the Rendehui in the United States...

If they want to limit Rendehui to the country, I think free Americans will drive their president out of office. "

"...Good method!"

Director Zheng sighed:

"So what are your plans for the Asian branch?"

"If there is no accident, Secretary-General Zhang Shuren will be the branch president of the Asian branch.

As for the location, I tend to lean towards this country, this city. "

Director Zheng was a little surprised by what Oakes said:

"I thought you would choose the capital city, after all, it has the greatest influence there."

"There's a lot of trouble."

Oakes shook his finger:

"I'm not ignorant of the situation in this country... In fact, I'm probably more familiar with it than the United States——

Our headquarters, Nature's Guardian, is located in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, not the Atlantic Ocean, which is closer to the American Division. "

"...I thought you were going to Hawaii for a more convenient vacation."

Director Zheng made a joke with a serious face, which stunned Oakes and Zhang Shuren for a moment.

No, it's actually to prevent the guys from Atlantis from jumping out one day because the things on their heads are too in the way—

Oakes can't say that!

"We actually have this welfare program."

He could only cough lightly, and continued to take out the "Earth Biological Genome Project" with a strange expression of "I don't know":

"This is the determination of our Rendehui, and it is also my determination.

So Director Zheng, can you make a promise? "

"...I admire your enlightenment very much."

Director Zheng was stunned for a moment, quickly browsed through the paper materials handed over by Zhang Shuren, and even used honorifics while expressing emotion.

After thinking for a moment, Director Zheng took a deep breath and nodded heavily:

"In that case, I promise on behalf of the government that as long as it does not involve state secrets and does not harm national security and interests, we promise that we will not interfere with the overall arrangements of Rendehui for other Asian countries and regions."

"Then, happy cooperation."

With a smile on Oakes' face, he stood up and shook hands with Chief Zheng who also smiled:

"In addition, when I am in China in the future, you are welcome to call me by my Chinese name 'Lin Xingye'... Officials are also welcome."

Director Zheng's eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded solemnly:

"President Lin, after all, you are of Chinese descent. The country welcomes people of insight like you to come back and develop."

The change of title reflects the change of official attitude towards Oaks.

This is a good thing.

"There are still many things waiting for me to do... but my best assistant is now in your hands."

Oakes patted Shuren Zhang who was blushing a little, then thought for a while, and rubbed his fingers at Director Zheng with a smile on his face:

"Then, is it convenient to choose the location of the Asian branch of the Rendehui?

I'll be in charge of building the venue myself - you've heard of Little Rainforest in New York? "


Director Zheng is interested. You know, the small rainforest is now almost a New York landmark, and it is even an indispensable stop for Chinese people to travel to New York.

If Oakes, um, Mr. Lin Xingye is willing to do it himself...

"Yes, in the middle of the Xiangjiang River, Fujiazhou, an independent island of 0.25 square kilometers, there is no development plan yet!"

Chief Zheng has obviously done a lot of homework and knows the details of the city like the back of his hand:

"Adjacent to Juzizhou, the golden terrain—Secretary Zhang, um, President Zhang should know about that place!"

"Uh... When I was studying at Hunan University, I slipped up to play, but haven't developed it yet?"

Zhang Shuren's eyes widened:

"President, the Neolithic human ruins have been found on it!"

"Oh? Sounds like a good place, but in terms of development..."

"I can represent the opinions of the central government, and you can even buy it."

Director Zheng waved his hand domineeringly:

"I only ask that at least the small rainforest be equal!"

"Don't worry... From all aspects, it will definitely exceed."

Oakes smiled again and shook hands with Director Zheng:

"After all, the times are different... I am not the same as before!"

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