Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 461 Two Worlds, One Home (The Finale)

Chapter 461 Two Worlds, One Home (The Finale)

Gale hated the gods.

The Black Death Sword used the Temple of Eternity as a bait to lure Geer to become the sword master of this generation, and crazily expanded his hatred.

After Geer killed the gods he once worshiped with the black death sword in his hand, he swore an oath to slaughter all the gods in the universe.

At first, it seemed that he did it himself, slaughtering the past civilization by civilization, and exterminating the local gods.

But I don't know if he thinks this progress is too slow, or the life span of the body eroded by the black death sword is not long, or the black death sword is eroding his will gradually deepening...

In short, Geer decided to follow the guidance of the Black Death Sword, find the Temple of Eternity, and seize the artifact that can summon the Rainbow Bridge, open the altar, and see eternity.

He would use eternity's promise of life to the universe—

"The first person to meet him can grant a wish" to directly obliterate the gods.

But Oakes' cold shout made him suddenly stunned.

He does not believe in the gods and hates the gods, because the gods will not fulfill the wishes of even the most devout believers, but only treat them as servants and tools——

This is the cornerstone of Geer's hatred and the root of his desire to kill God.

But who is eternity?

Geer didn't know the name of Eternity at first, but through the Black Death Sword and the massacre of the major gods, he already knew the origin of this person very well.

Although he can be regarded as the incarnation of the rules of the universe, he can also be said to be the top god in the universe.

Then the self who prays to eternity to realize his wish is praying to the gods.

Sworn to kill all the gods, but still have to pray to the gods to realize his wish?

This makes his cornerstone of revenge seem like a joke.

It's a sad paradox.

Under the influence of the Black Death Sword, Geer completely ignored this matter subconsciously.

But he couldn't pretend that he didn't hear Oakes' words.

So, he hesitated, confused, and hesitated.

Therefore, his indestructible will, which was rare in this world, was shaken.

Therefore, with the Black Death Sword in his hands, he can no longer exert the terrifying power beyond the top magic weapon!


Oakes' left fist of nature also lit up.

A strong orange light enveloped the glove, and the back of the left glove is the only surviving soul gem in this universe!

The soul in the left hand, the life in the right hand, the combination of this pair of infinite stones, without any obstacles, exerted their respective powers to the extreme.

Oakes held the blade of the Black Death Sword with both hands, and snapped it hard!


Geer was awakened by the distant cracking sound.

Without the blessing of his will, the Black Death Sword is no longer indestructible.

Just like its previous owner was defeated by an ordinary god because he lost the will to control the Black Death Sword.

Geer is now unable to strengthen his will.


Geer staggered back a few steps, only the hilt and half of the black death sword remained in his hand.

"give me back!"

He desperately stimulated the power of the Black Death Sword, trying to recall the half of the sword broken by Oakes——

The Black Death Sword is not undamaged, but it can be restored, because it itself is made of shadows.

As soon as Kegel's complexion changed, he saw Oaks' hands burst into orange and white light, and he was holding the half of the black death sword and rubbed it hard!


Endless light erupted in the Eternal Temple, and the deep darkness was dispelled.

Under the powerful power of the two infinite gems, the blade of the Black Death Sword was directly annihilated!

The hilt and half of the sword in Geer's hand also turned into fly ash.


Geer stared blankly at the Black Death Sword disappearing into his hands, and knelt down powerlessly on the ground.

With the fading of the dark realm, he finally regained his own color.

But the breath of life on his body was running out.

"...you won, Druid..."

After losing the Black Death Sword, Geer's mind suddenly cleared up, but he still did not reject the destruction of the gods:

"But the gods are the cancer of the universe, you will understand one day..."

"In this case, how about you come to supervise the gods?"

A brilliant beam of pure white light blasted down, and infinite power of life was poured into Geer's body, making his dying flame of life rekindle instantly.


Geer looked at Oakes in surprise. Without the Black Death Sword, he was just an ordinary person.

But now, the vitality that Oakes instilled in him is obviously far beyond the standard of treating ordinary people.

"I created the law of life as a mortal, are you interested in serving as the high priest of the law of life as a mortal?"

Oaks stretched out his hand and pulled Geer up from the ground. The latter's eyes widened:

"What did you say?"

"The law of life treats all life equally. As the high priest of the law, you can use it to maintain the balance of the universe and contribute to the development of life."

Oakes raised his right hand, condensed a mass of life force, and pressed it into Geer's chest:

"How the gods are doing, how mortals are doing, use your own eyes to see, experience it for yourself, and then make the right decision... This is not an easy job."


Ger was silent.

"I don't hate the gods anymore."

He shook his head slowly:

"But my daughter is dead, and I'm not in the mood to care about the affairs of the gods. Let me die quietly. My daughter is still waiting for me."


Oakes looked at the depressed Geer, turned around and walked towards the Altar of Eternity:

"The rules of life are in charge of life in the universe, and the gem of life can revive all abnormally dead lives.

And to become a high priest, you have the power to use the gem of life. "

"Life Gem?!"

Geer raised his head abruptly, and just as he opened his mouth to say something, he saw Oakes take out a spear with sparkling gems inlaid on the tip!

"That is……"

Geer has naturally investigated the four great soldiers who can summon the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

But the eternal gun Gungnir is said to have disappeared with the passing of Odin, why is it here!

And those gems...

"Infinity Gems?!"

The Soul Gem and Life Gem on Oakes' gloves were suspended and inserted into the Gun of Eternity.

"Seven Infinity Stones!"

Geer came to his senses, his eyes burst into bright light——

It was only now that he realized what the "life gem" that Oakes used and mentioned just now was!

"Yonghen, one of the five great gods, I have something to do with him, so I'm sorry for taking your spot."


A shot blasted out, and the Seven Gems Eternal Spear slammed hard on the Altar of Eternity, opening a white portal!


Taking off the life gem daughter body at the end of the gun, Oakes threw it to Geer who was shocked and inexplicable:

"Take it, and send me the Storm Ax back to Asgard, and then go to the Emerald Dreamland, someone will teach you how to use the gem of life correctly...

Your Excellency the High Priest! "


Geer took the gem of life, remained silent, and then slowly covered his face with his right hand:



Oakes nodded to him, holding the Eternal Gun, turned around and disappeared into the portal.


"You came……"

A piece of pure white space, with the shallow water under your feet, reflecting your own image.

Oakes raised his head, and saw a human figure in front of him like a starry sky background, which seemed to contain the entire universe.

Well, this guy is kind of good at performance art - the figure is sitting on the water in a strange pose.

"So you can communicate... Eternal God, I thought you were just responding passively."


Although Eternity didn't make it clear, Oakes understood what he meant.

Every universe has eternal clones, and although they are usually in passive mode, he can naturally descend into consciousness from each clone.

Now, the real eternal ray of consciousness is in the avatar in front of Oakes.

It appears this is more than just a wishing machine, though.

Also, the dragon summoned by Dragon Ball can still chat.

The weird thoughts in his mind made Oakes cough lightly:

"You've always known me? Then do you know how I got here?"


Eternity did not hide from Oakes.

According to his meaning, Oakes can see his clone, and his strength has met the requirements, so he can know the truth.

Even, is this something ordered by the Eternal immediate boss, the Big Brother Life Tribunal? !

Sure enough, in the Almighty Universe, nothing can escape the eyes of these giants, the difference is whether they want to take care of it or not.

In the endless multiverse, there is never a shortage of wonders of all kinds.

In countless timelines, there are countless traversers like Oaks.

With all kinds of weird abilities traded from the heavens and worlds by the Life Tribunal, they performed countless wonderful stories——

Among them, Oaks is just the unremarkable kind.

Some guys stay on the earth to make wind and rain, some fight in the universe, some dominate the gods, and some even punch the eternal infinite and step on the planet devourer...

But there are not many like Oaks who started with greening and finally created a cosmic rule, far less than those with a lot of power.

Oh, and there are a lot of timelines that were frozen due to various unimaginable reasons, and finally had to stagnate at a certain moment, and there was no ending...

"Isn't this the dead eunuch..."

Oakes couldn't help but feel ashamed, how busy the life court is!

Does his boss know?

"Uh... My timeline won't be frozen, right? There is no force majeure, right?"


Oakes breathed a sigh of relief, and responded eternally, his goal has been achieved, and the unknown being he traded with the Life Tribunal seems to be more reliable.

"Does the world need me more..."

Oakes recalled the scenes shown to him by eternity, and chuckled lightly:

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye, um, I have to return these infinite gems before I leave."


Earth calendar, in 2026 AD, the president of the Earth Benevolence Association, the first generation of Avengers, the founder of the Pioneer Alliance, the master of the Emerald Dream, the creator of the law of life, Archdruid Oakes Lin, held a world conference.

Appoint the Emerald Dream "God of Nature" Malorne as the second lord of the Emerald Dream, and the "High Priest" Geer and Rende will jointly maintain the balance of life in the universe.

Archdruid Oakes Lin went to the multiverse alone to spread the glory of life.

When the Archdruid left, many beings from the multiverse, including Supreme Strange, the Observer, and even the Great God Eternal, showed up to see him off. It was the first time that the earth knew about the brilliant civilizations outside the multiverse.

The name of the Archdruid resounds throughout the universe.

Although Oakes left by himself, it is not that he left nothing for the 2022 universe.

At the same time as he left, "Multiverse Online", a super VRMMORPG that used the Emerald Dream as a super server and served the entire universe, was launched.

All intelligent life in the universe can access the Emerald Dream while sleeping. In the dream, the earth in this universe is used as the starting point, starting with the big events that Oaks has experienced in this universe, but was listed as top secret before.

Earth culture and human civilization, and more importantly, Oakes' concept of natural balance, spread to the entire universe in an instant.

And when Oakes left a year later, when the first "Multiverse Online" expansion came online, the whole universe went crazy again.

Because of its content, it is a great adventure that Oakes experienced in the multiverse with the theme of spreading the concept of natural balance!

The first stop will be the "Collision" event, which will open a new map "838 Universe"!

What shocked the universe even more is that, except for a few key NPCs in the new map, most of them are players from the real 838 universe!

The server is connected to the multiverse through the power of the gem of life...

Oaks deserves the title of "pioneer"!


In the world of Azeroth, with the help of the newly promoted Lord of Light and Lord of Arcane, the Eternals of the Shadow Realm were able to defeat the Warden with the help of them and mortals.

But they are about to face a new crisis——

The threat of the seventh force.

The cycle of life and death is one of the most important creations of the Firstborn, but now that the life force is withered and the death force is too strong, they need more time to balance the two.

However, it seems that there is no extra time for them to balance the force of life and death.

Just when everyone was at a loss for what to do about the riot of the seventh force, the Queen of Winter suddenly felt something.

The force of life became full in an instant, as if there was a master corresponding to her, the master of the force of life appeared!

"Everyone, reinforcements have arrived..."

She glanced at the two figures shrouded in rich holy light and arcane brilliance, and said with a smile:

"Our master of life has appeared!"

At the same time, at the ruins of the World Tree Teldrassil on the Black Coast, Tyrande, the Moonlit God of War, and Malfurion, the Archdruid, are carefully planting a tree.

"The new Teldrassil needs time to grow..."

"But our time is running out, maybe the Dragon Islands can find a way to make Teldrassil grow quickly..."

"Hi, need help?"

A sudden sound sent Tyrande, Malfurion, and the night elves into battle.

"Who are you?"

Although the other party looked like a human being, it seemed to be somewhat different from the humans Tyrande had seen.

But Malfurion was shocked——

The life and natural aura on the opponent's body, his teacher "King of the Forest" Cenarius in front of him, is simply not enough to see!

"Planting trees, I'm good at..."

Oaks opened his hands, and the pure white light of life enveloped the entire Teldrassil ruins!

Tyrande and Malfurion simultaneously thought of the Lord of Light and Lord of Arcane they had seen before, their eyes widened, and they didn't stop them.


The white light dissipated, and the world tree Teldrassil, which covered the sky and the sun, appeared again in front of the tearful night elves!

"Two worlds, one home, here I come!"


The book is over.

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