Drunk House

Chapter 403: take down (one more)

  Chapter 403 won (one more)

  Ning Yao and Ning Ze heard Su Rong and Feng Ling say such a secret thing in front of them without any shyness, and the voices of swallowing their chopsticks became quieter for a while. Especially Ning Ze, who was almost holding back and didn't even dare to breathe.

   What did they hear?

   He heard that she was planning to go to Hebei to deal with Zhang Ping?

   General Pingxi Zhang Ping?

  The second prince's Yue family.

  Ning Ze thinks about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with punishing him, because they are with the prince, and now that the first prince has been brought down, it seems natural to deal with the second prince.

  Feng Ling let out a hey, and said to Su Rong: "You really guessed right, there are 2,000 county guards and 200 government soldiers in Heyun County, all of whom were mobilized by Jiang Wei, the governor of Heyun County, with the idea of ​​putting us to death. Unexpectedly, the power of the second prince has spread to Heyun County."

  Su Rongdao: "It is precisely because of this that the situation in Nanping is not optimistic. Maybe not only Nanping, but also other places, there are people who are not able to deal with the East Palace. Let's go to Nanping first to help Zhou Gu and Ningchi. Then go to Northern Hebei."

   "Success, I'll listen to you." Feng Ling giggled, "Sister, are you sure you're not doing it for Young Master Zhou?"

  Su Rong glared at him, "I'm for the overall situation."

  Feng Ling nodded, "Well, you are for the overall situation."

  He clicked his tongue, "Even if you didn't do it for him, but his front foot just arrived in Nanping, and your back foot has also arrived. He might be so happy."

  He could imagine how happy Zhou Gu was.

  Su Rong stopped talking to him and concentrated on eating.

  Ning Ze looked at Feng Ling in shock, "You, you just said, go to Nanping and help Zhou Guyu, and Ningchi? My elder brother?"

   "You heard that Nanping Hou Shizi correctly, he has already taken refuge with the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace." Feng Ling looked at him like a fool, "Otherwise, do you think that we would kindly rescue you? Of course we sent you to Ning Chi to clean up by himself."

  Ning Ze put on a pale face, "I, I have already said, these years, he has not suffered from my hands, and I am the one who suffers from boredom."

   "What does this have to do with me? I don't care about the affairs between you brothers." Feng Ling shrugged, "You'd better be prepared, I beg your big brother, let him be noble and let you go!"

  Ning Ze was about to cry, "Will he let me go?"

  Feng Ling took a sip of wine, looked at Ning Ze's pale face, and said speechlessly: "With your appearance, he probably doesn't bother to do anything to you. If you kneel down and beg him, he might be too lazy to do it, so he will let you go."

  Ning Ze felt reasonable, nodded, "Well, I beg him."

   Begging on his knees, begging in tears, whatever, he can do it now.

  Feng Ling: "..."

   It was the first time he saw bones so soft.

   After dinner, several people were tired and took a rest early.

  The soldiers guarding the crossing of the gorge didn't know that Su Rong had detoured, climbing rocks and cliffs, crossing mountains and ridges, and taking the ice road through the outer river, bypassing Heyun County.

   2,500 soldiers have been guarding for three days, but there is no sign of Su Rong and others. It's freezing cold, people are almost frozen, cold and hungry, I can't bear it.

  The deputy envoy of Heyun County couldn't hold it any longer, so he called in a soldier and ordered, "Go out and find out what's going on, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

  The recruits should be, took a few people, left the gorge crossing, and went to the direction where Su Rong and others came to inquire.

   A group of five people had just walked more than ten miles away when they were killed by Feng Ling's hidden guards staying behind to inquire, and then simply disposed of the corpses.

  The deputy envoy waited for more than an hour, but the person sent out did not come back, so he called another person and ordered to go on.

   After waiting for more than an hour, there were two groups of people, but none of them came back.

  The deputy envoy frowned, and sent out a third wave of people to investigate. This time there were more than a hundred people.

   Until most of the day passed, the three waves of people did not come back.

  The face of the deputy envoy changed, and more than 120 soldiers were folded back and forth, but they were sent out, but they didn't come back, and they didn't hear any movement. He couldn't stay any longer. With a wave of his hand, he led all the soldiers out of the gorge.

  Outside the gorge crossing, there were traces of soldiers walking, and after ten miles away, there were obvious traces of fighting.

  The deputy envoy turned black and ordered, "Search!"

  The soldiers did not dare to act alone. They formed a long line of 300 people and searched the entire area of ​​ten li, but found nothing.

  The Deputy Envoy's face was extremely ugly, "Second Highness is indeed right to say that Su Rong is very cunning, I don't know where he is hiding."

  A close friend said: "My lord, what should we do? Should we continue to search? Or go back to the crossing of the gorge and continue guarding?"

  The deputy envoy gritted his teeth, "Search!"

  The Second Highness confessed that Su Rong must be killed, and now one hundred and twenty one soldiers folded in silently, and he couldn't swallow this breath without searching him. Besides, they have been guarding for three and a half days.

  The cronies nodded.

  So, 2,500 soldiers spread out along the gorge crossing.

   Searched for 30 miles, but there was no sign of Su Rong, but saw the Linyang County Guard leading a group of soldiers and horses coming from the front. When he saw the deputy envoy of Heyun County with soldiers and horses, he immediately raised his voice and said: "I heard that the deputy envoy of Heyun County Zhang Yun privately dispatched troops and horses to cross the border of Linyang County. I don't know why.

  Zhang Yun's face suddenly turned pale, thinking badly, his brain was really confused by the cold wind, he forgot that when the sheriff sent him out, he must not go out of the gorge crossing and cross the boundary to Linyang's boundary, which is a violation of the law. It is a felony to transfer soldiers and horses without the imperial order to transfer troops across the border without permission.

   Without saying a word, he immediately turned his horse's head and waved: "Quick retreat!"

   More than two thousand soldiers immediately followed him back.

  The governor of Linyang sneered, showed a token, and raised his voice: "Here is the crown prince's token, Zhang Yun, hurry up and get off the horse, wait for me to submit the paper, and plead guilty to His Majesty."

  Zhang Yun rode on his horse as if he had never heard of it.

   Linyang County Sheriff said: "Zhang Yun, if you don't obey the law, don't blame me for being rude." After he finished speaking, he raised his voice and shouted: "Come on, take Zhang Yun down!"

  Zhang Yun thought to himself, he must not be taken down today, as long as he leaves him today, he can refuse to admit it.

  But as soon as he galloped his horse for a mile, he saw dozens of men in black in front of him blocking his way. One of them was very skilled in martial arts. Seeing him coming first, he flew head-on to intercept Zhang Yun. Before Zhang Yun could react, he jumped on his horse and put his sword on his neck.

  Zhang Yun shook his body and almost fell off his horse.

  The man held him tightly, and said in a dull voice: "Zhang Yun, privately transfer troops and horses, **** them back to Beijing, please make a decision, Your Majesty!"

  Zhang Yun's face turned gray, thinking that it was all over.

  The so-called capture of the thief first captures the king, Zhang Yun was taken down, and more than 2,000 soldiers and horses were leaderless for a while, standing in place and never daring to move again.

  Linyang County Magistrate Sun Chun sneered, "Zhang Yun, are you tired of living a crooked life? Privately dispatching troops and horses to come to this official's territory?"

   Zhang Yun was speechless, since he had the token of the prince, he was really finished today.

  (end of this chapter)

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