Drunk House

Chapter 423: worth it (one more)

  Chapter 423 Worthy (one more)

   "Compared to me, you come from a famous family. You have read tens of thousands of volumes since you were a child. You were planted in the East Palace with your companions. You learned with the prince the ways of monarchs and ministers, the way of the country, the way of governing the country, the rule of literature and martial arts, and the great achievements of the country. In the end, you want to take the road of being a famous official that will go down in history, right? It is not for the love of your children.

  Jiang Zhu didn't believe it, no one said that to Zhou Gu.

  Zhou Gu choked, and was speechless after being blocked. After a while, he was speechless: "What about me, I'm asking you? If you don't agree, I won't introduce you."

  Jiang Zhu was speechless.

   Zhou Gu warned him, "Don't make Ning Chi's idea, if I don't agree, he won't recommend it for you. Back then he was able to seek refuge in the Eastern Palace, but I recommended him, and he owes me a favor."

  Jiang Zhu had no choice but to ask Zhou Gu, "Brother Zhou, can I ask? It is said that Young Master Ye Er and Miss Su Qi have engaged in a marriage contract? Then you are like this...do you want to **** him back? If so, why did you want to divorce in the first place?"

  Zhou Gu twisted his fingers and remained silent.

  Can he say that the divorce was not his wish, but was forced by her? He can say that he wants to take it, but how? How to win? What to take? That person was Ye Guixue, Ye Guixue who helped her the most.

  He is just thinking now.

  Jiang Zhu saw that his expression had changed and stopped asking again, and solemnly bowed his hands to Zhou Gu, "But I would like Brother Zhou to recommend you, and I will accept it."

  Zhou Gu nodded, "Okay."

  Jiang Zhu stood up straight, looked at Zhou Gu's face, and after a while, suddenly asked: "Brother Zhou has this face, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will take away your style?"

  Zhou Gu let go of his hands, patted his sleeves, and muttered, "I didn't expect to kill Ye Guixue halfway before. How handsome is he? You know it too."

  Jiang Zhu suddenly realized, "That's right, the second son of Nanchu Yexiangfu, who is famous all over the world, has an outstanding demeanor, and is a very powerful person."

  Zhou Gu was noncommittal, naturally powerful, and was carefully cultivated by the King of Southern Chu and Ye Xiang, with one hundred thousand soldiers and horse tiger talismans and the entire Ye Xiang's mansion as the dowry gift, his talent moved the world, and he had both good looks and good looks. All the things he boasted about in the past were completely suppressed by him.

   "You know, I was able to go to Nanchu because I begged her hard. Naturally, I don't want to have another branch attract her attention and cause trouble besides Ye Guixue." Zhou Gu would never say this before, but now, he basically talks to Su Rong. She doesn't treat him so alienated, and he dares to say this.

  Jiang Zhu hasn't met Su Rong yet, so he doesn't understand the entanglement between Zhou Gu and Su Rong, but looking at Zhou Gu's appearance, it's hard to imagine that the once high-spirited Young Master Zhou is now trapped by love, and it's like this.

  He can keenly discover that Zhou Gu cares about Su Rong, and it is through the clues of his words in the past two days when he came to Shibazhai. After all, a person's eyes are the most deceiving, no matter how well he pretends, there are still flaws.

   Zhou Gu's weakness is not the Duke Huguo's Mansion, nor the East Palace, but Su Rong.

  So, he thought, a woman who can make Zhou Gu care about, stir up the situation in Beijing and China, break the situation for the prince, and make the first prince lose, and the second prince is forced to keep a low profile.

  Jiang Zhu patted Zhou Gu on the shoulder in turn, "Don't worry, brother Zhou, I have self-knowledge, I'm not as good as you, and won't be your hindrance."

  Zhou Gu glanced at him angrily, "Anyone who is too smart deserves to be guarded against."

  Jiang Zhu: "..."

  He touched his nose and was speechless for a while.

  Feng Ling took Zhang Mao back to Nanping Hou Mansion.

  After entering the door, he found the butler and asked him: "Is there a dark prison in the mansion?"

  The butler was taken aback, "Yes, yes."

  He looked at the person Feng Ling had kidnapped, "Feng, Mr. Feng, who is this person?"

   "Zhang Mao, Pingxi General's Mansion."

  The housekeeper was surprised.

  Feng Ling ordered, "Take me to the dark prison."

  The housekeeper quickly responded, and hurriedly led the way. He was extremely shocked. He never thought that Zhang Mao, the son of General Pingxi's mansion, the famous Mr. Zhang, was kidnapped by Feng Ling and wanted to be locked up in the dark prison in the mansion?

  This is a big deal!

  The dungeons in Nanpinghou's Mansion are not too different from those in Huguogong Mansion and Rui'an Prince's Mansion. Feng Ling pushed Zhang Mao in, tied him to a pillar, and locked it with an iron chain. Then he sent his own people to guard the dark cell, and went to the kitchen.

  The butler hurried to report to Nanping Hou.

  Nanping Hou was also extremely shocked when he heard this, "You mean Mr. Feng has arrested... Zhang Mao? Zhang Ping's son?"

  The housekeeper nodded.

  The Marquis of Nanping asked, "Are you sure it's Zhang Mao?"

   Zhang Mao has met him before, and he has outstanding abilities. He is better than his father Zhang Ping.

  The housekeeper said: "Master Feng said it himself, he, he probably didn't lie to this old slave."

   It's useless to lie to him.

  Nanping Hou nodded, thinking that Su Rong and Feng Ling personally escorted their children back to Nanping. This matter itself has a purpose, otherwise why would they waste their hard work? And after they came to Nanping, in just two days, they eradicated many hidden piles buried in Nanping. Now these hidden piles are all left to him to deal with the aftermath. He just checked one by one. It is true that he has not found hidden nails hidden in Nanping. It also occurred to him that Ning Chi and Zhou Gu took 30,000 soldiers and horses to Shibazhai. Could it be that Zhang Mao stayed in secret in Shibazhai?

  If this is the case, being **** now makes sense.

  He waved his hand to the steward, "Let the people in the mansion not get close to the dark prison, and the people inside will be handed over to Mr. Feng to take care of himself. In addition, beat the servants in the mansion who know about this matter, so that they are not allowed to gossip and leak the news."

  If Zhang Ping learned that Zhang Mao was imprisoned in the dark prison of Nanping Hou Mansion, he would definitely not be able to sit still.

   "Yes." The butler nodded repeatedly.

  Ning Ze heard that Feng Ling was back, and after asking the servants in the mansion, he immediately went to the kitchen.

  When he went to the kitchen, he saw Feng Ling sitting in the kitchen, guarding the stove, eating the big goose stewed in the pot. He was already familiar with his behavior, it was something he could do.

   Feng Ling devoured the food, making Ning Ze hungry, so he simply took a pair of bowls and chopsticks, squatted down with him, and ate next to him.

  Feng Ling turned her head and glanced at Ning Ze, "What's wrong with you?"

  Ning Ze said: "Look at how delicious your food is."

   "I'm tired and hungry."

  Ning Ze was confident, "I'm hungry."

  Feng Ling: "..."

   Very good, this reason made him unable to refute.

  Seeing that he was speechless, Ning Ze smiled and approached him, "Where did you and Miss Seven go yesterday? I heard that you arrested someone and sent him to a dark prison?"

   "Well, Zhang Mao was arrested." Feng Ling glanced at him, "Will you be interrogated? You go to interrogate Zhang Mao. If he doesn't confess, you can stamp his finger."

  Ning Ze: "..."

  He wants to learn from himself and apply what he has learned?

  (end of this chapter)

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