Drunk House

Chapter 441: Troop deployment (one more)

  Chapter 441 Deploying troops (one more)

  The old Huguogong and the eldest princess of Sheng'an were having dinner, and the wife of the Duke was also kept by the eldest princess. The three of them had eaten halfway, and when they heard that the crown prince was coming, they all hurriedly put down their chopsticks and greeted him.

  You know, Crown Prince Yan Huisheng, in order to avoid suspicion for many years, unless it is the New Year's Day or the birthday of the old Huguo Gong and Princess Sheng'an, the rest of the time, it is easy not to go to the mansion.

   Last time Zhou Gu was seriously injured and was in danger, so he went to the door once.

   Now, come again, this is only the second time this year.

  It is said that if there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, Yan Huisheng came to the Huguogong's mansion so late, there must be something wrong.

  The three of them first thought of Zhou Gu, fearing that Zhou Gu had some bad news, and passed it to Yan Huisheng, so Yan Huisheng hurried to the door at this time.

  The old Hu Guogong still cared about his grandson very much, but he was steady anyway, and although his steps were big, they were still steady. Princess Sheng'an was most worried about Zhou Gu. Fortunately, she was supported by the Duke's wife, and she was a few steps behind the old Duke Hu, but her anxiety was obvious on the surface.

  Yan Huisheng was led by someone, and went directly to the old Huguogong's courtyard. When he saw the three people who hurriedly came out to meet him, he paused, walked quickly a few steps, came to the three of them, and cupped his hands.

   "What did His Royal Highness say that you can't bother me? But what happened to Brother Gu?" Princess Sheng'an asked anxiously.

  Yan echoed hastily: "Grandmother, not cousin, he is all well, Gu came here today to discuss with the old Duke. Auntie, don't worry."

  Princess Sheng An immediately felt relieved when she heard the words, "That's good, as long as Brother Gu is fine."

  After she finished speaking, she wanted to say a few words apologetically that she was getting older and had lost her composure. When she heard that he was coming, she thought of something bad first, which was really wrong. But seeing that Yan Huisheng's face was not very good, he immediately understood that even if Zhou Gu was fine, for Yan Huisheng, finding him at this time should be a very important matter.

  She quickly waved her hand, "In that case, you guys go to the study and talk!"

  Yan nodded in echo.

  The old Hu Guogong hurriedly took Yan Huisheng to the study.

  After the two left in a hurry, Princess Sheng'an was a little worried, "I don't know what happened? His Royal Highness is always stable and rarely sees him like this."

   Mrs. Guogong comforted: "Mother, let's go back to the house and wait. After the discussion between father and His Royal Highness, we will ask in private and we will know."

  Princess Sheng'an nodded, and the two returned to the house.

  Old Huguogong and Yan Huisheng came to the study and closed the door. Yan Huisheng didn't delay, and directly handed Su Rong's letter to the old Huguogong, "Old Duke, please read."

   "This is?" the old Duke Hu Guo took it.

   "Su Rong's personal letter is also signed by Zhou Gu." Yan echoed.

  The old protector of the country hurriedly opened the letter, and after reading it, his face suddenly became ugly, "It's unreasonable, Zhang Ping is really ambitious, and wants to bring disaster to the country."

  Yan echoed clearly how much Zhou Gu had, and the old Hu Guogong also knew that his deduction was well-founded, so naturally it was not aimless. Especially with Su Rong in Nanping, that little girl is very shrewd, if she also gets her approval, then this matter is almost inseparable.

  Yan echoed: "It's better to believe it than to be wrong."

  Old Huguogong nodded, "That's the reason. Soldiers are cunning, and it is most taboo to underestimate the enemy." He looked at Yan Huisheng, "How does Your Highness think we should deal with it?"

  Yan echoed: "Gu got the letter, so he came directly to the Duke Huguo's mansion. Since the father has given the full power of Ji Bei to Gu, Gu feels that there is no need to go to the palace to report to the father, so as not to leak the news. Although Yan Lin and Yan Li have not made any big moves recently, they have a lot of eyeliner, and there are many small tricks behind the scenes. If he gets the news and secretly reports to Zhang Ping, even if he dies, the loss will still be alone."

  The old Huguogong nodded, "So, what does His Highness mean, to secretly mobilize troops?"

  "Yes." Yan echoed, "Although Su Rong said in the letter that he had sent a flying eagle to send a message to order Zhou Che to divert the 100,000 soldiers and horses, but if there were too many soldiers and horses secretly raised in northern Hebei, the number of 100,000 soldiers and horses would not be enough to save Nanping and clear up the military chaos in northern Hebei.

   "The 300,000 soldiers and horses have been transferred away by Zhou Che quietly, and 100,000 soldiers and horses have been transferred away. So far, no one has been found out and leaked the news. It is extremely tight, but if another 100,000 soldiers and horses are transferred, the news may not last long." The old protector was fair.

   After all, the difference between 300,000 soldiers and 100,000 soldiers is not a single star.

   "If you can't hide it, there's nothing you can do. How long you can hide it. If Zhang Ping really rebelled, I will take Yan Lin immediately." Yan echoed.

  If it is possible, Yan Huisheng wants to transfer all the 300,000 soldiers and horses from the Huguo Gongfu, but it can't, the capital is important, and there are some ambitious Yan Lin, just in case. In his hands, he still had to keep some soldiers and horses.

  The old Duke Huguo nodded, "The top priority now is to solve Nanping's crisis. I hope it's just that Gu Geer's deduction is wrong and it was a false alarm. But if there is no wrong deduction, then the 200,000 soldiers and horses, plus the soldiers and horses of the Marquis of Nanping, no matter how many soldiers and horses Zhang Ping has in hand, these soldiers and horses are enough to resist. At least, they will not let Zhang Ping succeed in taking Nanping."

  Yan echoed and nodded, "Exactly."

  The old Hu Guogong asked: "Who does your Highness think should lead the troops this time? Is it Zhou Wei? Or the second brother Zhou Shen?"

   "Zhou Shen, Zhou Wei stays in Beijing." Yan echoed: "After all, he is the son of the eldest son, and he should be more concerned."

  The old Hu Guogong nodded, "The old minister will send someone to send a transfer order to Zhou Shen, asking him to lead the troops to Nanping immediately."

  Yan echoed and nodded, "Order him to act more secretly, but to speed up the march, he must arrive at Nanping as soon as possible. When he arrives at the Marquis of Nanping, he will have full authority to obey Zhou Gu and Su Rong's orders."

  Old Duke Huguo nodded, "Don't worry, Your Highness, the old minister will send someone close to him to deliver a letter to him, and let him leave tonight."

  Yan echoed and nodded.

   After explaining the matter, Yan Huisheng left a transfer order, not to stay any longer, and left the Duke Huguo's mansion.

  After he left, the old Huguogong quickly called someone and ordered him to go to the barracks quickly, and sent a secret letter to Zhou Wei and Zhou Shen. At the same time, he also took half of the old Huguogong's tiger charm and Yan Huisheng's handwritten order with the secret letter.

  So, in the middle of the night, Zhou Wei and Zhou Shen received the secret letter, tiger talisman, and transfer order from the old protector.

   Zhou Che and Zhou Shen took 200,000 soldiers and horses to solve Nanping's urgent need, but they also made Zhou Wei in Beijing face a problem, because as soon as the 200,000 soldiers and horses left, they took away all the food and military pay in the barracks.

  (end of this chapter)

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