Drunk House

Chapter 443: Darkness (one more)

  Chapter 443 Darkness (one more)

  So, that day and night, Feng Chang and Yan Huisheng took people to the treasury quietly, and secretly carried out boxes of silver and jewelry, etc., and handed them over to Yan Huisheng.

  Yan Huisheng led the people to move enough to pay enough for the government of the Protectorate's 100,000 soldiers and horses for a month, and then ordered the people to go secretly to buy food and grass.

  Feng Chang hurried back to Feng Mansion before dawn, took a bath and changed clothes, washed off his sweat, and hurriedly pinched some points, and went to the morning court.

  It's early morning, and the day is calm.

  After leaving court, the emperor summoned Yan to answer questions in the Imperial Study Room.

  The emperor asked Yan Huisheng: "Is there any news from Zhou Gu and Su Rong? Regarding the northern Hebei matter, have you found any specific news?"

  Yan echoed and shook his head, "Return to Father, there is no news from Zhou Gu and Su Rong." After a pause, he said: "But there is one thing, which is a bit tricky. My son only got the news last night. I need to inform Father in advance. Please make preparations, and I have a decision in my heart."

   "What's the matter?" asked the emperor.

  Yan echoed: "It is also related to Su Rong. My son got the news that Su Rong was intercepted and killed on the way to **** the Ning family siblings to the Marquis of Nanping. Although there were several groups of killers, Zhang Yun, the deputy envoy of Heyun County, led 2,500 soldiers and horses to ambush at the crossing of the gorge. After being discovered by Su Rong, he crossed the border to Linyang County and was captured by Linyang County Governor Sun Chun. Now Sun Chun's book should be on the way to the capital."

  The emperor was shocked, "There is such a thing?"

  Yan nodded in echo.

  The emperor frowned, "Who is the Governor of Heyun?"

   "Lin Sheng."

  The emperor thought for a long time, and said: "I have some impressions of him. He seems to be an honest and responsible person, but I sent someone to investigate. Who is that deputy envoy Zhang Yun? Was he ordered? Or was he audacious and self-propelled?"

  "We are investigating. How could the guard of a county not know how to send troops to the deputy? Especially when the total of Heyun County is added up, there are only those soldiers and horses. If the county guard doesn't know what kind of waste it is? Since the father accepts him as the guard of Heyun County, he is not an incompetent person." Yan Hui said: "Zhang Yun's surname is Zhang, and he is Zhang Ping's distant relative and nephew.

  When the emperor heard that Zhang Yun was Zhang Ping's nephew, he also felt that what Yan Huisheng said to Zhang Ping was true to him. Ever since he knew his ambition and treason, he felt very evil in his heart. He wanted to tear him apart, but he still had to endure it. He echoed to Yan: "They intercepted and killed Su Rong, were they ordered by Zhang Ping?"

  If Zhang Ping ordered him, why did Zhang Ping kill Su Rong? Is it because of the precious concubine case? Or is it because of Su Rong's heart towards the East Palace? in his way?

   "My son guessed that it should be ordered by the second brother." Yan Hui said in a low voice: "The eldest brother was taken to the second prince's mansion by the second brother. Father, do you know where the evidence that convicted the eldest brother came from? It came from Ning Yao's confession. Su Rong sent Ning's siblings to Nanping. Of course not, so they not only sent killers, but also bribed Zhang Yun to intercept and kill Su Rong."

  The emperor took a breath, "This is just your guess."

  Yan echoed indifferently: "Yes, it's my minister's guess, so I just informed my father in advance to let my father prepare mentally. Anyway, after Sun Chun took him down, he had finished interrogating him. After handing over his son, he will **** him to Beijing in a few days, and my father can send someone for retrial at that time. I believe there will be a result soon."

  The emperor became angry when he heard the words. He actually knew in his heart that Zhang Ping had the intention of treason. The second prince Yan Lin was actually abolished, but the two sons supported by him were about to be abolished one after another.

   Who is Zhang Ping? He raised his appetite and didn't realize that he has always had Liangzi ambitions!

  Who are the eldest prince Yan Li and the second prince Yan Lin? They are also the ones who have indulged and supported Yan Huisheng for so many years and deliberately opposed Yan Huisheng.

  Now that he is still in office, he is in such a mess, all the troubles are found on him, and he has no confidence to get angry with the son in front of him.

  He could only be silent for a moment, waved his hands, "Okay, I understand, you protect Zhang Yun, don't let him die."

  Yan echoed satisfaction, "Father, don't worry."

   At least not to this point, his father is still protecting Yan Lin.

  Yan Lin watched Yan Huisheng being called to the imperial study by the emperor. This was the treatment he and Yan Li had before. Now, he has to stand aside everywhere. Not only that, he obviously felt that the emperor was more indifferent to him.

   Just like Yan Huisheng before, he deliberately treated him coldly.

  Even if he managed the Qionglin Banquet very well, it didn't change the emperor's attitude towards him.

  He couldn't sit still, especially since Zhang Yun hadn't heard the news yet, he didn't know whether Zhang Yun had succeeded or missed, so he was anxiously waiting.

  He got off the morning court, returned to the mansion, and asked the housekeeper in a bad mood, "Where's elder brother?"

  The housekeeper whispered: "The eldest son is not up yet."

  Yan Lin's face was ugly, "It's already this hour, why hasn't big brother woke up yet?"

  The housekeeper replied, "The eldest son praised a maidservant in the mansion, and he loves him very much. He had a drink yesterday and messed around in the room for half the night. Naturally, he won't be able to get up today."

  Yan Lin sneered, "He has reached this point, yet he still has time to play with women. I really don't know what it means."

  The housekeeper couldn't answer this question, and thought, maybe it's because the first prince has reached this point and there is nothing to hope for, so he broke the jar, right? After all, before, it was never heard that the eldest prince liked to play tricks on Xi women.

  Yan Lin was too lazy to care about Yan Li, and asked again: "Where is Zhang Wan?"

  Since she also knew about Zhang Ping's ambitions, in private, Yan Li didn't respect Zhang Wan as much and was even very defensive.

  The steward whispered, "The princess is going to the banquet."

   "A banquet? Whose banquet?"

   "The banquet at the princess mansion, the princess is born today."

  Yan Lin rubbed his brows. In previous years, he would go to Princess Qingping's birthday, but this year he was really not in the mood to celebrate Princess Qingping's birthday. He remembered that Zhang Wan seemed to mention something the day before yesterday, and he waved his hand and told her to go by herself.

  He ordered, "Go and fetch some gentlemen."

  He had to discuss with his staff again to see what to do next. He keenly felt that this was not going to work. He was not Yan Huisheng, who could endure it for a few years.

   The butler should be, and went immediately.

  (end of this chapter)

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