Drunk House

Chapter 450: Siege (two more)

  Chapter 450 Siege (second update)

  In the middle of the night, just as Zhou Gu expected, 200,000 northern Hebei troops marched at night, bypassing this mountain, and headed for Nanping City.

  Feng Ling and Zi Ye sat on the top of the hill together, looking at the Jibei Army that was densely integrated into the night, he secretly inhaled, and at the same time admired Zhou Gu's intelligence very much, his guess was accurate.

  Zi Ye whispered: "How? My son is right?"

   "Well, my brother-in-law is really good." Feng Ling felt that he really underestimated Zhou Gu before, but his elder sister was more discerning. When she was in Jiangning County, she immediately fell in love with Young Master Zhou and fell in love with him so early.

   "Let me tell you, my son has read all the books in the East Palace since he was a child. Such as astronomy and geography, a collection of classics and history, military strategy, the way of emperors and ministers, and the six arts of a gentleman. Taifu Qin finally had nothing to teach, so he let my son be a teacher." Zi Ye was very proud.

  Feng Ling tilted his head to look at Zi Ye, "It seems that the pressure caused by Young Master Ye is really oppressive."

   Not only Zhou Gu, but even Zi Ye who was beside him seemed to have a sense of urgency.

  Zi Ye scratched his head, and whispered: "Isn't this obvious? Seventh Miss chose my son, and my son has to be more up-to-date. You can't let people say that Seventh Miss is stupid in the future, and she doesn't choose jewels and jade, and her brain is cramped, right? Even for Seventh Miss, my son has to be more motivated."

   "That's right." Feng Ling understood, "I should also work harder. Thanks to my brother-in-law this time, otherwise I would have no face to live, and I would have drawn my sword and killed myself to apologize."

  He patted Zi Ye on the shoulder, stood up, "Let's go, let's go back."

  Ziye looked at him, then stood up, "Are you going back now? Why don't we follow up and take a look?"

   "It's not necessary." Feng Ling shook his head, "It's useless to look at it. If the young master's soldiers don't come on Wednesday, we can't do anything about the 200,000 soldiers."

  Zi Ye nodded after thinking about it, and went back to the other courtyard with Feng Ling.

  Su Rong had already fallen asleep, but Zhou Gu did not sleep. Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the door, he got up and got out of bed, walked to the door, opened the door, saw Feng Ling and Zi Ye who had just returned, and asked them, "How is it?"

  Feng Ling immediately lowered his voice and said, "Brother-in-law, you are amazing. Your guess is correct. Those 200,000 soldiers walked around this mountain."

  Zhou Gu nodded, "It's not my god, it's the 200,000 soldiers who want to attack Nanping City by surprise, so they won't disturb the people and make noise so that Nanping Houfu can notice it, so as not to cause trouble."

   "That's also a god, I don't have the ability, I should have worried earlier." Feng Ling said.

  Zhou Gu smiled, "You don't read as many military books as I do." He waved his hand, "Go back to sleep."

   After finishing speaking, he closed the door, yawned himself, returned to the bed, lay down next to Su Rong, and closed his eyes.

  Feng Ling and Zi Ye went back to their own doors.

  Zi Ye passed by Feng Ling's door, grabbed him who was about to enter the house, and whispered: "When my son was young, even the eldest princess was not very clingy. This is the first time I've seen him be so clingy to Miss Seven."

  Hey, he almost doesn't know the young master anymore.

  If it had been in the past, and the two hadn't gotten married, the son would definitely not enter the daughter's boudoir, let alone share the same bed with someone, even the fiancee.

   You know, when he was in Jiangning County, he followed the rules everywhere, and he didn't even touch Miss Qi's hand.

   Now, it is impossible to think that he has already slept in the same room with someone.

  Feng Ling looked at him, "You don't understand this, do you? Only the lost person will hold on to him once he regains his possession. My brother-in-law is a smart man, and now that he has got a marriage certificate, it's justified. Why don't you just hold on to him and hold him in your arms? What's the same room? When my sister recovers from her injury, you can see if he can bear it?"

   "What can't help it?" Ziye asked innocently.

  Feng Ling patted him on the shoulder, "Go figure it out yourself."

   After he finished speaking, he closed the door, turned around and went back to the house.

  Ziye stood at his door in a daze for a long time before realizing it. She felt stupid for a while, but then she thought, if the eldest princess and his wife got the news, they would be very happy, right? After all, in the hearts of the two of them, as long as the son is good, everything will be fine, but the old man is hard to say, after all, he took great pains to train the son, not for the king of Southern Chu, and Taifu Qin, who is afraid that he will jump his feet in anger.

  Before dawn, at the darkest hour, the sound of drumming and attacking the city suddenly came from outside Nanping City.

  Although Ning Chi and the others had already made preparations, they still didn't expect that the Northern Hebei Army would come so fast that they couldn't wait until daytime.

  He ordered people to light the torches on the city wall, and then ordered Ning Ze to lead people to tie up Zhang Mao, put him on the city wall, and looked at the dark army below the city and said, "Open your eyes and see who this is? If you dare to attack the city, I will kill him."

  Ji Beijun immediately opened his eyes wide to see that the torches on the tower lit up the entire city gate, and the one who was **** was surrounded by especially many torches, so he could see very clearly.

   Someone exclaimed, "It's the first son."

   "It's the eldest son."

   "It's the son."

  The North Hebei Army immediately exploded and stopped attacking the city for a while, not knowing what to do.

  The leader was Zhang Mao's second uncle, Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng's face changed when he saw Zhang Mao clearly. He didn't expect that Zhang Mao would be captured.

  At this moment, someone surrounded Zhang Cheng and asked, "General, what should we do?"

   Zhang Cheng had a pale face, and he didn't know what to do!

   Someone said: "Don't be fake?"

   Hope rose in Zhang Cheng's heart, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Don't fool me with fake ones."

   "Fake?" Ning Chi sneered, reached out and pulled off the jade pendant from Zhang Mao's waist, raised his hand, and said to Zhang Cheng who was under the city gate: "Catch it, and see if it's true or not."

   After finishing speaking, he raised the jade tablet and threw it at Zhang Cheng.

  Zhang Cheng had some kung fu after all. He took the jade pendant on his horseback, lowered his head and took a torch to light it up, and suddenly changed his face again.

   There was an autographer who came forward to confirm with him, also changed his face, and said in a low voice: "This, this is really the eldest son."

  Zhang Mao, in the Pingxi General's Mansion, occupied both the throne and the head. The plan for the siege was formulated by Zhang Ping, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Mao and others. He first came to Nanping Eighteen Villages to instigate rebellion, then Zhang Cheng came later, but Zhang Ping had other arrangements.

  But now that Zhang Mao has been captured, what should I do?

  Zhang Cheng's face changed for a while, but he still did not give up and said: "I will listen to him."

  Ning Chi patted Zhang Mao on the shoulder, "Say it!"

  Then lowered his voice and said, "It's up to you whether you can let your second uncle retreat."

   After finishing speaking, he added in a low voice, "Whether you are dead or alive, it depends on today."

  Zhang Mao took a breath, and said calmly, "Second Uncle, it's me."

  Just these four words made Zhang Cheng nearly fall off his horse. This is really his great nephew.

   Monthly pass, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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