Drunk House

Chapter 470: soft heart (second watch)

  Chapter 470 Softhearted (Second update)

  Su Rong was in a fit of anger, Zhou Gu saw her sullen expression of anger, he scratched his head, a little at a loss.

   But he is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart, he apologized immediately, pitifully, "Su Rong, I was wrong."

  Su Rong sullenly said, "Don't be pitiful to me."

  When he forced her to drink **** soup, she also spoke to him in the same tone, but what about him? He wasn't listening at all. So, she didn't listen either.

  Zhou Gu reached out and tugged on her sleeve, "I was wrong."

  Su Rong patted his hand off, very cold-blooded, "You go out now, I'm going to sleep."

   Zhou Gu never dreamed that a bowl of **** soup would cause such a disaster. If he had known earlier, he would not have forced her to drink it, at least he would have coaxed her to drink it if he had not forced her to drink it in such a domineering manner.

  He looked at his red hand with remorse, and said in a very sullen tone, "Su Rong, I was wrong. I won't dare again."

  Su Rong glanced at him, this appearance almost made her unable to hold back.

  Zhou Gu tugged at her sleeve again, gently, "If you don't want to drink in the future, I will never force you again. I was really wrong."

  Su Rong saw that he was a smart person, but sometimes he was stupid. She said that it was because of Jiangtang that he believed it. She really wanted to poke his forehead and tell him something, is it about Jiang Tang? It was him who kissed her all day long, and kissing her was easier than drinking water. Now, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. This is not a good sign.

  Although she has never eaten pork, she has also seen pigs running. The picture book of men and women is full of love, such as how to talk about love, what is indifferent, what is bumping, what is shy and timid, what is the heartbeat, etc. She sees that Zhou Gu is gone now!

there is none left!

this is too scary!

  They are still young boys and girls who have just got a marriage certificate, and they just live the life of an old husband and wife. Is it plausible?

  This trend must be stopped.

  So, Su Rong thought, her heart hardened again, "From now on, don't kiss me without my permission."

   After finishing speaking, she hurried away, "You hurry up, I don't want to see you now."

  If he is like this, if she continues to look at him, he should soften his heart again. If he continues to indulge him and let him go, what should he do?

  Definitely not.

  Zhou Gu choked, "Su Rong."

  Su Rong ignored her, and walked slowly to the bed by herself, took off her coat, climbed onto the bed, pulled down the curtain, and pulled the quilt to cover her body, "You have also seen that, I don't need you to take care of me at night."

  Zhou Gu: "..."

  He stood in front of the table like a poor little abandoned man, "I was so wrong."

  Su Rong put his hand on his forehead, covered his face with his arms, and the curtain was so thick that he couldn't see him, so he said hard-heartedly, "If you keep talking nonsense, it will only be two months."

   Zhou Gu opened his eyes wide.

  Su Rong covered her face with her hands, "Can you get out?"

  Zhou Gu resigned to his fate and had no choice but to walk out, like a puppy that fell into the water, dripping wet and miserable, even looking at it from the back made people feel distressed.

  The door opened and closed, Zhou Gu went out reluctantly, and was kicked out, as if the sky had collapsed.

  Su Rong: "..."

  She wanted to be angry and laugh again, and after a while, savoring the lingering spiciness in her mouth, she reached out and groped for a piece of sugar cube from the pillow, unwrapped the sugar wrapper, and stuffed the sugar into her mouth, feeling better immediately.

   This candy was specially bought by Zhou Gu because of her discomfort from drinking the bitter medicine soup every day, and it was specially used for her to relieve the bitter medicine soup.

  She melted the sugar in her mouth, and when she felt the sweetness in her heart, she suddenly looked at the large bed that was more than half vacant, with two pillows and two quilts, sighed deeply, and shouted helplessly to the door, "Come back."

   After shouting, she felt that she owed it.

  Why are you so soft-hearted?

   Soft-hearted thing, really terrible.

  Zhou Gu stood at the door and did not leave, with a bitter expression on his face, regret almost overwhelmed him, and he didn't know how to coax people sweetly, and he only said "I was wrong."

  Midnight was startled when he saw Zhou Gu's appearance in his busy schedule, and was about to come over to ask him what's wrong, when he heard Su Rong shouting inside, Zhou Gu's ears immediately perked up, he pushed open the door, and walked in.

  Midnight: "..."

  He shouldn't be worrying about it, Miss Seven and his son are as close as glue, how could something happen? Even if he fights with Feng Ling, Miss Seven won't fight with her son.

  So, he continued to turn his head and was busy with his own affairs.

  Zhou Gu returned to the room, walked quickly to Su Rong, and said to her in a low and pitiful voice: "I was really wrong, please forgive me?"

  Su Rong sat up, opened the curtain, and saw Zhou Gu standing in front of the bed, still looking pitiful, the one she hated the most, she was silent for a moment, squatted up, knelt on the bedside, stretched out her hands to hook his neck, and kissed him with the taste of sugar in her mouth.

  Zhou Gu opened his eyes wide, but within a moment, he immediately put his arms around her slender waist, turning his back on her.

   "You are not allowed to take the initiative." Su Rong said domineeringly and vaguely.

  Zhou Gu didn't dare to move immediately.

  So, for the first time, Su Rong took the dominant position to stain Zhou Gu's mouth with the sweet taste of her mouth, and then, when his hand on her waist restrainedly tightened again and again, almost hurting her, he let him go, and softly snorted, "Zhou Gu, don't think that you are the only one who will bully me."

   At this moment, Zhou Gu seemed to have opened his eyes. He seemed to understand something. He put his arms around her waist and did not let go, and said in a hoarse voice against her ear, "Miss Seven is right. I was wrong. I will let you bully me in the future."

  Su Rong gave a "hmm" and patted his handsome face, "Sleep, I'm sleepy."

  Zhou Gu will respond to any request, as long as he doesn't drive him out again, he nodded repeatedly and agreed, "Okay, sleep when you're sleepy, we sleep together."

  He loosened her waist and let her lie on the inside, and he also hurriedly got on the bed, pulled down the curtain, lay next to her on the outside, stretched out his hand to hug her, and patted her, "Go to sleep!"

  It's like coaxing a child.

  Su Rong turned over with difficulty, plunged into his arms, hugged his waist, rested his head in the crook of his arms, found a familiar and comfortable position, closed his eyes, and muttered angrily, "I'll forgive you this time, it's not you, it's my soft heart that makes me talk."

  Zhou Gu frowned, nodded slightly, hugged her delicate body, and affirmed her words, "Well, yes, I was wrong, and you are soft-hearted. Thank you Miss Qi Haihan."

  He knew she was soft-hearted towards him, but he didn't experience it personally when she said she was soft-hearted towards him when she and Ye Guixue divorced. Until this time, she was obviously about to explode with anger, but she ate a piece of candy and turned her head away, which showed that she was really soft towards him.

  He put his arms around her waist tightly, his little girl, so likable to the bone.

   Babies, monthly pass, what?



  (end of this chapter)

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