Drunk House

Chapter 480: Bathing (2 more)

  Chapter 480 Bathing (two more)

  Su Rong sat in the distance, and after a long while, he managed to relax a little bit, and rubbed his wrists.

  She glanced at Zhang Mao, who had passed out, and said to Jiang Zhu: "I really don't have the energy to pick up a pen anymore. I'm talking about prescriptions, and you write with a pen. Then let the kitchen decoct the medicine and feed him."

  Jiang Zhu nodded, quickly asked someone to fetch a pen and paper, walked to the table, and wrote the prescription according to Su Rong's instructions.

  The prescription was written quickly, and someone told someone to take it down and decoct it.

  Ning Chi looked at Zhang Mao and sighed, "This man is really lucky."

  Jiang Zhu said with a smile: "It's not just luck, it's also his own choice."

  The Zhang family had 450,000 soldiers and horses in their hands. When Zhang Mao was captured, he didn't know if he could make the right bet, but he made the bet. Now, obviously, it was the right bet.

  Sometimes, people rely not only on good fate and luck, but also on the ability to choose. To put it bluntly, it means walking on the right path.

  Ning Chi nodded, "It makes sense."

  The two said a few more words. Ning Chi asked Su Rong, "Miss Seven, you go to rest first?"

  Su Rong was indeed tired and wanted to lie down on the bed, but she looked at Ning Chi and Jiang Zhu, both covered in blood, "Shall I bandage you?"

  The two shook their heads quickly, "We are all minor injuries, and there is no fear of our lives. Just let the doctor come."

  Su Rong nodded, "Alright."

  She stood up, "Then I'm leaving."

  Ning Chi added, "It's still that courtyard, I'll have someone take you there? It's a bit far, take a sedan chair!"

  Su Rong waved his hands and smiled, "I'm not that delicate, I'll walk slowly by myself."

  After she finished speaking, she went out the door and walked slowly by herself.

  Ning Chi's injury was not serious, and he was left to be bandaged by the doctor, but he was repeatedly instructed by the doctor to stay in bed and not to touch the wound anymore, otherwise the wound would worsen, scarring would be a trivial matter, and if he was infected with other diseases, the consequences would be disastrous. So is Jiang Zhu. The two of them had numerous injuries, large and small, all over their bodies these days, but luckily none of them were fatal.

  Ning Chi could only lie down on the bed, thinking that luckily Zhou Gu was there, so he could only leave everything to him.

  Jiang Zhu's injury was not serious, and he didn't want to go back to the yard to recuperate by himself, so he was still lying in and out of the room with Ning Chi as in the previous two days.

  After the doctor went down with the medicine box, there was no one in the room. Ning Chi sighed to Jiang Zhu, "If I didn't have the title of Marquis of Nanping on me, I would also like to go to Nanchu."

  The unknown future, although unpredictable and dangerous, but following such a master, it is worthwhile for ambitious people to venture into it.

  Jiang Zhu sincerely suggested, "How about giving up the title to your brother?"

  Ning Chi laughed, "If I really gave it to him, he would definitely not want it now."

  In the past, Ning Ze naturally wanted the title, but after he fell into the dust, he naturally didn’t dare to think about it anymore. Now that he has taken refuge in Su Rong, he has found the backbone and future, and has gone through several life-and-death experiences.

  Jiang chases great joy.

  After Su Rong returned to the courtyard where she stayed in the Nanping Hou Mansion earlier, a waiter brought water, she let Lanzhi scrub her body, lay back on the bed softly, tilted her head, and soon fell asleep.

  After Lanzhi lowered the veil for her, she secretly thought that her medical skills were still far behind the master's, and she had to work hard to learn more, so that if such a thing happened in the future, the master wouldn't need to bandage the subordinates himself to save people.

  But thinking about the master since he was a child, he has been smart since he was a child. He spent all day in the Huichun Hall to learn how to identify herbs. In the end, he not only learned **** people with golden needles, but also learned medical skills vividly. He has truly become his successor.

  But thinking about it again, she never said that she has medical skills, but she is too lazy, and every time she gets injured in a fight, she always invites the doctor from Huichuntang. If the eldest lady knew that she could actually cure herself, she would definitely beat her to death without spending a lot of money.

  But who knows, she and Huichuntang actually conspired to defraud her of her own dowry money in order to support her subordinates.

  Ning Ze followed Zhou Gu to help. At first Zhou Gu didn’t pay attention, but later he found that he was still bleeding, so he chased him away, “You don’t need it here, you go and bandage it.”

  Ning Ze blinked, "I can still hold on."

  His elder brother fell, Jiang Zhu fell, he has to hold on, he can't throw all these things to Zhou Gu.

  Zhou Guzheng'er took a long look at him and waved his hand, "Hurry up, your arm is crippled, and you won't even be able to write paperwork in the future, so how can you do things for your master?"

  Ning Ze was right when he heard it, and nodded quickly, "I'll go right away."

  He is going to do big things in the future, and he really can't lose his arm, so he slipped away.

  Clean up after the war, inform the people to comfort the people, boil medicine in pots, feed the soldiers to drink, then incorporate the Northern Hebei Army, break up and reorganize 150,000 soldiers and horses, appoint centurions, thousand commanders, deputy generals, etc., all taken over by Zhou Gu's people.

  Zhou Gu was busy all night and day after day, until the evening of the second day, he finished his work and returned to Nanping Marquis Mansion exhausted.

  Su Rong had already fallen asleep and was full of energy. Seeing him coming back, she tilted her head and smiled at him, "Thanks for your hard work."

  Seeing her smiling like a flower, Zhou Gu wiped off his exhaustion all at once. He walked up to her, wanted to touch her head, and even wanted to kiss her, but the smell of blood and sweat made him feel uncomfortable, so he could only give up, and turned and went to the next door to take a shower.

  As soon as he entered the bathtub, Su Rong followed, pushed open the door next door, walked into the screen, and smiled as he walked, "Brother, do you want me to wipe your body for you?"

  Zhou Gu: "..."

  He suddenly became angry, "No need."

  Su Rong kept walking, "Is it really unnecessary? I don't believe it."

   Zhou Gu's blood rushed to his face, "Stop for me."

  Su Rong didn't stop, "I'm here to reward you for seeing your hard work."

   As she said, she had already reached the screen, and she would be able to enter with one more step.

  Zhou Gu finally became anxious, "If you dare to come in..."

   "Why didn't I dare?" Su Rong stopped his words and stepped in.

  Zhou Gu wished he could bury himself, but the flame suddenly disappeared, and he stammered and said angrily, "Su Rong, I beg you."

  Su Rong paused, and faintly smiled, "Brother, are you begging me?"

  Zhou Gu stretched out his hand to rest his forehead, his tone was barely calm, "Please."

  Su Rong snorted softly, "I was lying on the bed, and I begged you when I was seriously injured and was about to recuperate."

  Zhou Gu immediately said: "You didn't ask me, you just hummed dissatisfied with me."

  Su Rong thought about it, but she didn't take back her foot, "You always bully me, so don't allow me to bully you once. What do you ask? Why is your dignity so worthless."

   Zhou Gu thought to himself, at this time, what dignity does he need? Besides, the word dignity can be asked for by anyone, can I ask for it from her? He blushed and begged for mercy, "I was wrong, there is no such thing as dignity in front of you, please forgive me!"

  Su Rong snorted softly, "You hum dissatisfiedly too, I'll let you go this time."

  Zhou Gu: "..."

  He was red through the ears, but seeing her unretracted feet, he held back his energy for a while, and hummed twice in dissatisfaction.

   This voice made Su Rong suddenly feel that he really wanted to rush in, anyway, his skin had already been peeled off by himself. She wanted to see what Pi Ne looked like. These days, although he bullied her, he was still guarding something. He didn't touch her into her clothes, and when she was dissatisfied, he tried to put her hands into his clothes, but he stopped her.

   "Okay? Don't mess with me." Zhou Gu's voice of begging helplessly became hoarse.

  Su Rong heard his pitiful voice, stepped back her feet, and pretended to sigh, "Well, I see that brother is tired, since you don't need me to help you, then forget it."

  After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

  Zhou Gu: "..."

   Monthly pass, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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