Drunk House

Chapter 709: Ridicule (1st update)

Su Rong and the King of Nan Chu waited until it was completely dark. Su Rong was hungry after waiting, and then they returned to Zhou Gu.

After Zhou Gu returned to the palace, he didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he came to the Qinzheng Hall. Seeing that Su Rong and King Nanchu had been waiting for him for a long time, he apologized quickly, "Father-in-law, Xiaoqi, I'm sorry. You’ve been waiting for a long time.”

"What delayed you?" King Nan Chu looked at him, "When I left, I asked you to come back on time."

Zhou Gu nodded, "I went to the office on time, but I was stopped by some adults and chatted for a while." He explained, "About Xiao Qi's treatment of Liu'an King and his lineage today, many people were very upset. He was calmed down, probably because he saw that I am easy to talk to, so he took the opportunity to test my tone, after all, it is better to be mentally prepared for the big court meeting tomorrow."

The King of Nanchu was not surprised, "Well, then wash your hands and eat quickly!"

 Zhou Gu nodded and immediately went to wash his hands. After a while, he sat next to Su Rong.

Su Rong took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from Zhou Gu's forehead, "You came back in a hurry? Why are you in a hurry? At worst, my father and I can eat some pastries to make up for our hunger."

Zhou Gu enjoyed Su Rong's act of wiping his sweat, "I went to the Ministry of Rites today and found out that the Ministry of Rites was really busy with the wedding. When I left, even the old minister couldn't go to the Yamen on time. Leave, if I don't come back by dinner time, you and your father-in-law won't wait for me."

The King of Nanchu was dissatisfied, "Didn't you agree to eat with me every day? You haven't lasted even one day."

Zhou Gu sighed, "Father-in-law, I am so young that I can't go to the Yamen before the old minister every day, right? I can't just sit down and have a meal, and seek a position in the government, right? You made me the fourth-rank minister, and followed Brother Gui Xue I already have a position, so I can’t rely on my status to leave early every day.”

 “If you go to office on time, what does it mean to leave early?” The King of Nan Chu disagreed.

"But if everyone in the etiquette department is asked to spend half a year doing work that should only be completed in one or two years, I, the official leader, will not be able to convince everyone if I leave early." Zhou Gu tugged at Su Rong's sleeves.

Su Rong immediately said: "Well, yes, if you can come back on time, then come back on time. If you can't come back on time, let someone send you meals to the etiquette department. It doesn't matter if you come back later."

After she finished speaking, she looked at King Nan Chu and said, "Father, if you are free and would like him to dine with you, you can go to the Ministry of Rites to dine with him."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

He said this as if he could not live without his son-in-law.

Zhou Guxiao said, "Father, it's better not to go. After you left today, the old minister whispered that you were gone, saying that you stayed in the Ministry of Rites for half a day, and he had to accompany you, which really affected the work."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

No wonder the old man rushed him back to the palace.

Su Rong laughed, "No wonder my father didn't let go of the old minister of the Ministry of Rites. He is obviously a practical person." Seeing that the King of Southern Chu was silenced, she seemed very speechless, so she said, "I thought wrongly earlier. Once this gets busy, it's really hard to say, but I'm here. Father, don't worry. If I get too busy and don't come to the Qinzheng Hall, you can go find me. In the future, there will be an imperial study room and a meeting hall. , as long as we are in the palace, we father and daughter can still have meals together. As for Zhou Gu, don’t force him to go to the Ministry of Etiquette outside the palace."

What else could King Nanchu say, "Okay, I can't beat you."

Li He and others arranged dinner, and the three of them had a dinner chatting and laughing. Mainly because Zhou Gu was talking about what he was doing at the Ministry of Etiquette today, and asked Su Rong what she had done today. , hearing that she said she slept for half the afternoon, he looked at Su Rong several times.

Su Rong looked at him and said, "Are you jealous that I can sleep in, or do you think that I am not as diligent as you in sleeping and not working?"

Zhou Gu had finished eating. He put down his chopsticks and touched her head, "I'm just complimenting you. You've been able to steal a half-day of leisure time. You're so good at it."

"Yes, otherwise I will be busy tomorrow." Su Rong accepted the compliment as a matter of course.

 After dinner, it was already getting late, and they had to go to court tomorrow, so they left Qinzheng Hall and returned to their residence. After the two people left, the King of Nanchu muttered, "I know that the Huang Palace that was originally built was for my grandson."

 We were all men, so he never thought that Zhou Gu would be able to abide by the rules after returning to the palace. When I first heard that he had to abide by the rules, I felt that he was worthy of being a descendant of the Protectorate. Unexpectedly, I didn't even go through the night and overestimated him. Even though he is a descendant of the Protectorate, he cannot resist the fact that he is a man.

Li He whispered: "I didn't hear yesterday that the princess and Mr. Zhou asked for water at night."

The King of Nanchu stared, "You actually inquired about Fengdian? Who allowed you to inquire in private?"

Li He said that he was wronged, "Your Majesty, it's not the old slave who wants to pry. It's the princess and Mr. Zhou who have returned to the palace for the first time. Many things need to be handled by the old slave. It's okay for the old slave not to know."

King Nan Chu thought about it, "You are not allowed to let people inquire about things in Feng Palace and Huang Palace from now on."

"Yes, I have a sense of propriety, so I must remember it." Li He nodded quickly, "From now on, all affairs in the palace will still be taken care of by the queen. I can only serve the king wholeheartedly."

"That won't work. You still have to keep an eye on Nangong Xin." King Nan Chu said, "Except for the Phoenix Palace and the Huang Palace, keep an eye on the rest."

Li He understood, "Yes, I will obey the king's instructions."

The King of Nan Chu sighed, "Hey, maybe he is old and lonely, or maybe he is lonely and narrow-minded. He is not as generous and kind as Xiao Qi."

Although he knew in his heart that Nangong Xin would not cause trouble, he could not help but be wary of her, for fear of suffering future disadvantages because of his daughter's soft heart.

 Li He has understood clearly over the years, "Your Majesty, you may be too worried. Although the Queen dislikes you, she has indeed not done anything to harm you in these years."

King Nan Chu waved his hand, "Okay, I don't want her to be confused, so I won't talk about her anymore. Just pay more attention to me. I need to rest."

 Li He nodded and quickly waited for the King of Nanchu to rest.

On the way back to the Phoenix Palace, Su Rong and Zhou Gu briefly recounted their meeting with Nangong Xin this morning in a low voice, and mentioned that the Phoenix Seal should be returned to her, and that she would also have the jurisdiction over the Sixth Palace in the future. Keep taking care of it.

After she finished speaking, she said to Zhou Gu: "Originally, before I met her, I had no intention of letting her continue to be in charge of palace affairs, but after meeting her, I changed my mind temporarily."

She didn't really dislike Feng Yin, so she temporarily recommended it to Nangong Xin. She boasted that she had a good eye for people. Nangong Xin gave her the feeling that she didn't hate her, nor did she hate her father. She felt that the Nangong family was now I don’t care much about his fate. There was a strange calmness about her, the calmness of waiting for death, which made her talk to her a lot after meeting her, and make the decision not to deal with her like this.

Zhou Gu nodded, "You are very good at judging people. Since you do this, it is necessary for her to let you do this."

Su Ronxiao took his arm and said, "Well, I'm not a good person, but if I can live my life, I can lessen the burden on the underworld!"

Zhou Gu couldn't help but smile, "Then Prince Yama probably has to thank you."

"Isn't that right? Even if I'm not accepted by the **** gate several times, I should accumulate virtue and do good deeds." Su Rongqian said a few words and asked in a low voice: "Will you still sleep with me today?"

Zhou Gu paused, gritted his teeth, and said, "Follow."

Su Rong laughed out loud, tapped his heart, and teased, "Young Master Zhou, you don't have enough perseverance."

Zhou Gu grabbed her hand and breathed in, "I can bear it."

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