Drunk House

Chapter 737: Worry (1st update)

The queen was naturally concerned about choosing a concubine for her son, and she also listened to the emperor's words. On this day, the prince came to her palace to greet him. She dismissed the people who were waiting on her, closed the door, and said to the prince. This happened.

She wanted to test her son's voice first. If his son bit him to death and refused to choose, she thought about how to persuade him to choose.

Fortunately, the prince had no intention of not marrying the princess. When the queen asked him, he sighed, "Mother, are you and your father in such a hurry?"

The queen said: "Yes, you should have married a few years ago, but you have been delaying it until now. What will it look like if you continue to delay it? The court officials are not doing it."

She advised: "Have you not noticed that your father's jade case has led to many attempts to persuade you to marry the Crown Princess in recent days? Even I know about it, so you shouldn't be unaware."

Yan nodded in response, "I know."

"Then do you have anyone in mind? Tell your mother that no matter who it is, regardless of the height of the lintel, as long as you think of it, your mother will agree." The queen does not ask for anything else, but only asks him to marry him.

Yan Hui shook his head and said, "There is no one to choose for me now."

 The queen looked at him, feeling distressed, "You haven't let go of Su Rong yet?"

Yan Huihui sighed, "Mother, my son knows his identity and his responsibilities. It's enough if she can do nothing when she was in Daliang Jingcheng. You can't ask for control of that part of your son's heart."

The queen was speechless for a moment, helpless, "But you can't help but marry the crown prince and have children."

"I will marry." Yan Hui said: "But my son is busy with court affairs now and has little thoughts. If the mother is anxious, she can hold a flower viewing banquet according to her father's wishes. Please help me find someone first! My son, I will marry you." I have no other requirements, just be sensible and generous.”

The queen breathed a sigh of relief. Just marry her. She nodded, "Okay, my mother will carefully choose someone who is sensible and generous for you, and you will be pleased with her."

When Duan Hua heard that Su Rong and Zhou Gu were going to get married, she went to Dongsi Hutong and listened to what the eldest lady said. She suddenly fell down and said, "After Su Rong left, he didn't even write a letter to me. Even she is getting married and she didn’t invite me to attend the ceremony.”

"Nanchu is thousands of miles away, and your mother is negotiating a marriage for you. You can't afford to delay her for a year and a half." The eldest lady smiled and asked: "Princess, has the princess found a good candidate for you? Which young master is expected to do it?" County horse?"

Duan Hua shook his head and sighed, "Not yet. There's nothing good-looking. It makes my eyes wet and I can't like it."

In fact, it's not that there are no good-looking ones, it's that the good-looking ones are gone. She has liked Zhou Gu for many years, so naturally she is not willing to marry a husband who is not as good-looking as him. Besides, she can't lose to her mother, because her mother can find her. Why can't she find someone as handsome and talented as her father?

The eldest lady was funny, "Why are you the same as my Xiaoqi? You deserve to be able to play together. She has liked good-looking people since she was a child. Her eldest brother scolded her. Part of the reason why she can be obedient is because of her eldest brother. Looks good.”

Duanhua said "Huh" and suddenly asked: "Aunt Su, how about I become your daughter-in-law? In this case, you can take me with you when you go to Nanchu."

 Madam: “…”

Although she thinks Princess Duanhua is cute, she never dared to think about this princess. After all, she is Princess Qingping’s baby. Although the lintel of the Su family is not low now, it is not high enough to match the princess. .

Duanhua saw her stunned and smiled, "Can't you?"

The eldest lady also laughed, "Of course it's possible in my place, but princess, can you bear the wind and sand in northern Hebei? I'm afraid I'll have to stay in northern Hebei for the past few years. It's desolate and there are The wind has distinct seasons all year round, especially in spring when there is strong wind, which makes people unable to open their eyes. If you don't wear a veil, sand will hit your face. Furthermore, if you choose him, you have to leave the capital and go to Northern Hebei with him. , do the princess and the consort agree?"

Hearing this, Duanhua was discouraged and said, "Hey." She didn't know if she could do it. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do it. She hated the wind the most.

  She felt that her life was miserable, and no one with good looks belonged to her. Zhou Gu is good-looking, but he doesn't like her. Ye Guixue is good-looking. Nanchu is too far away. She doesn't want to go there, and she doesn't expect that Su Rong will be the princess of Nanchu. When she thinks she can do it with Su Rong, When her lifelong friend went to Nanchu, Ye Guixue left early. When she tried it, her parents' expressions changed. After all, she was the only daughter. If she married so far away, what would they do? Could it be that the princess of a country also moved to Nanchu? impossible.

Now I think that Su Xingze is quite good-looking, but he will stay in Northern Hebei for a few years to accumulate political achievements and then be transferred back to Beijing. That would be great. But I don’t know how many years it will take for her mother to negotiate for her marriage because of this. At that time, I didn't think too much about Su Xingze.

Her little worried face wrinkled up, and she complained to the eldest lady, "Auntie, do you think I can't get married?"

The eldest lady was funny, thinking that this was still a house for a little girl, so she was picky and shook her head, "No, you are not very old, and you are the princess. There are many people who want to marry you, you can choose another year." It won’t matter for half a year.”

"No matter how I choose, there is no good-looking one for me to choose." Duanhua felt depressed, "Unless there is another scientific examination, I will choose from the students who came to Beijing."

 This is what her mother said.

The lady smiled and said: "It's still two years until the next scientific examination, so it's actually not a problem."

Duan Hua nodded, thinking somewhat sadly that in two years, she would be half an old girl.

 After staying in Dongsi Hutong for a day, Duanhua took the car back after dinner. Halfway through the journey, the car broke down. After the coachman got out of the car to check, he apologized to Duanhua, "Princess, the wheel of the car has broken teeth. It was probably because it was dark and the little one accidentally pressed on a stone. The stone was sharp and cracked."

"What should we do?" Duan Hua also encountered this situation for the first time. It was getting dark and there was still half the way.

"It won't be repaired for a while, unless you, the princess, ride back to the house, or send someone to ride back to the house to catch a carriage." The coachman said.

Now that spring has just arrived, the weather is still cold at night. Duanhua loves beauty and wears thin clothes. She doesn't want to ride a horse. After all, she doesn't have riding clothes in the car. She is squeamish and would rather stay warm in the car and wait for the carriage from the house to arrive. catch.

So she waved her hand and said to the guards who gathered around her: "Which of you is riding back to the house? Ask the house to send a car to pick me up. I don't want to ride back on my own."

She didn’t want her **** and thighs to be bruised and sore for several days.

 One of the guards should be on horseback immediately.

Duanhua thought to himself that Aunt Su's aunt was right, she was just too squeamish to even ride a horse like this. No matter how good Su Xingze was, she didn't want to go to Mobei and suffer.

 Thinking about it, she felt even more depressed.

At this time, a luxurious carriage was approaching from afar at the end of the street. Duanhua's sharp eyes saw it at a glance. His eyes lit up immediately and he called the guard, "Wait a minute, don't go yet."

 The guard immediately reined in the horse.

Duan Hua pointed to the distance, "This is the driver of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He will definitely not leave me alone." (End of Chapter)

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