Drunk House

Chapter 745: Think about it (1st update)

Since ancient times, emperors have had three palaces and six courtyards. How can they only marry one person? Duan Hua had never heard of it.

"Why can't it be done?" Yan Huihui looked at her, "The royal family has countless heirs. The Yan family has no shortage of blood. If you can give birth, I will give birth to heirs and inherit the family. If you can't give birth, just adopt from the clan. "

Duanhua's mouth twitched and he blurted out: "My health is still very good. My mother has taken good care of me since I was a child. She takes a safe pulse once a month. There is no way I can't give birth."

After saying that, she blushed and quickly made up for it, "No, no, didn't you have a lot of women in the East Palace? You only have so many women now, why don't you have three palaces and six courtyards in the future?"

Yan Huisheng rubbed his eyebrows and told the truth, "I have never touched those women."

Duan Hua opened his eyes wide and doubted life, "Really, really?"


“You, you don’t have any hidden illness, do you?”

Yan Hui’s veins jumped, but she gritted her teeth and replied, “No.”

Duan Hua shrank his neck and whispered: "I'm just curious. Um, when I suddenly heard you say that, I couldn't believe it. You, why?"

Church Chujun, why isn't it beautiful? He only fell in love with Su Rong last year, right?

Yan Huihui took a breath and explained, "I don't want my wife to be like my mother in the future, living in a deep palace with great difficulty."

Duan Hua suddenly realized, "Oh, it was quite difficult for my aunt in those years. She was almost killed several times."

Yan Huihui looked at her, "I've said everything I can say to you, Gu Yu. Can you think about it carefully?"

Duan Hua nodded, his head feeling dizzy, "Okay, okay, I, I'll think about it..."

Yan Huisheng looked at her confused look and wanted to laugh a little. Without saying anything more, he stood up and left.

Duan Hua was dizzy. This time she didn't hold his arm to stop him from leaving. Her head was about to explode. She thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out the reason. She screamed a few times in her heart, so she might as well I lay back on the bed and turned off the lights and went to sleep.

 Forget it, I’ll think about it tomorrow.

Yan Huisheng walked out of Duanhua's yard and felt that he was crazy. He had seen with his own eyes how Duanhua had entangled Zhou Gu in those years. He couldn't stand her when she broke into the East Palace. He had reprimanded her and punished her, but She refused to change despite repeated admonitions.

He remembered the most serious time, when she cried loudly in front of him, saying that she loved Zhou Gu and would love Zhou Gu all her life. If she couldn't marry her, she might as well die. He almost threw a sword to her. She might as well just deal with it herself.

But he only has this kind of cousin. Not to mention the love of his father, the mother is also tolerant, because when she is not clinging to Zhou Gu, she is still quite lovable and has a sweet mouth. She is either an aunt or a prince's cousin. Brother, acting coquettishly and acting shamelessly makes people have a headache and there is nothing they can do about it.

There was a time when he almost persuaded Zhou Gu to marry her, but Zhou Gu was so impatient that he wanted to hide out of the capital. He knew there was nothing he could do to persuade her, so he didn't mention it.

It's better now. He didn't expect that she hates marrying so much and her requirements are quite high. She wants to find a good-looking man. If he puts up a royal list to choose a beautiful husband for the princess, he will probably make people laugh and be criticized by the people all over the world for his connivance. Duanhua is fooling around.

Once the reputation of this conniving princess gets out, it will be difficult to recover.

He was also being worried about his marriage by his father, the emperor and his mother. He had been urged to do so by Qin Taifu for many years. He was secretly inquired about by the courtiers and wanted to send his daughter to him as the crown princess. Part of the reason why he came back so late today was because of Regarding his marriage, several important officials in the court blocked him and urged him to choose a concubine as soon as possible and have children as soon as possible. He couldn't have a seizure and returned to the East Palace, where he was pestered by Duan Hua again. Simply, she was worried about getting married, and he was worried about getting married. She didn't have high requirements except for her appearance. She didn't care that he liked Su Rong, and he didn't have any requirements for her. After all, he knew everything about her from childhood to adulthood, so it was better than messing with her. A princess who had no idea what she was like in private made him understand again the importance of adapting.

Thinking of this, Yan Huisheng breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to her residence, blown by the cold wind. After her mind became clear, she had no regrets and actually felt that if she agreed, it would still be feasible. Two major problems were solved in one fell swoop.

 The next day, Yan Huisheng woke up and went to the morning court, but still had no regrets.

Duan Hua thought she was finished and couldn't sleep, but she didn't expect that she might have waited too long for Yan Hui's response. She racked her brains and tried to persuade him to agree to post a royal list to choose her husband, which made her tired. I was sick, so I lay on the bed for a while, tilted my head and fell asleep.

 When I woke up again, it was already broad daylight.

Seeing that she was awake, the maid who was personally serving him hurriedly entered the room to serve her, and whispered: "Princess, the princess sent someone to ask this morning, did you successfully pester the prince yesterday to ask for help?"

Duan Hua felt like screaming again. After a while, he hurriedly said: "Quick, let's go back home quickly. I have something to tell my mother."

The maid nodded and hurriedly cleaned up for Duanhua. She didn't even eat, so Duanhua hurried back to his house.

Little Chengzi chased after him, trying to politely send him to the palace gate, but he couldn't catch him. He muttered in a low voice, "Hey, why is the princess so anxious? She's too fussy."

Qin Luan wanted to inquire with Xiao Chengzi, "Why did the princess live in the East Palace yesterday?"

 She was waiting in the study, so naturally she didn't meet Duanhua.

Little Chengzi said: "The princess came to see His Highness the Prince. He didn't come back after waiting for a long time. It was night, so he simply rested in the East Palace."

Qin Luan asked in a low voice: "Is it something very important?"

Little Chengzi shook his head, "I don't know what's going on."

He actually knew that yesterday the princess pestered the prince in the courtyard where she lived to ask for a royal list to choose a beautiful husband. Although their servants hid away, they still listened with their ears pricked up. Although they didn't understand what they heard, they still listened. I was so shocked. Who would have thought that Princess Duanhua, who has been arrogant since she was a child, and was criticized by people in the capital for being unable to marry, might be the princess and mistress of the East Palace? .

Your Highness the Crown Prince may not have thought of it before.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince issued an order to keep everyone silent and not to reveal even a single word about this matter. Even if he had a hundred courages, he would not dare to tell anyone about it.

Qin Luan did not doubt that Xiao Chengzi didn't know, and said with a smile: "The princess' temperament is the same as before. It seems that she has changed a little, but in fact it has not changed much."

“Yes.” Xiao Chengzi thought to himself. In order to achieve his goal, the princess was the only one who had been stubborn. She had been very stubborn since she was a child. His Highness the Crown Prince was also aware of her temperament, and knew that he would not give up if he did not agree to her, for fear of being entangled to the end. God knows, no one except the princess would dare to hold His Highness the Crown Prince's arm and not let go. At that time, they, the Crown Prince, were waiting for her People feel sweaty.

As for His Royal Highness, there was nothing he could do to her. After rubbing his eyebrows three times, he simply swallowed the tiger himself.

Thinking about this, Xiao Chengzi thought to himself, it’s really not easy for His Royal Highness.

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